update on celestial steed sails?

  • Topic. I haven't seen an update, and I already have the full Lodestar ship... should I ticket or nah?

  • 9
  • I got mine yesterday

    I'd give it another 12 hours or so to show up but it's up to you

    it's mixed in the middle somewhere, just in case you were only looking at the bottom

  • @wolfmanbush

    Did you have Lodestar already?

  • @pithyrumble said in update on celestial steed sails?:


    Did you have Lodestar already?

    yeah (and I didn't lose either of the sails in case anyone was worried about that)

  • Don't they usually say to wait like 72 hours after they apply something to see if it shows up and then contact support?

  • @pithyrumble https://twitter.com/SoT_Support/status/1628809220152823808
    alt text

    If you don't have the sails from Drops, give it a day or two and then submit a ticket.

  • I received mine yesterday it seems.

  • Got mine too

  • Mine are here too now. Thanks!

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