Pirate titles

  • Hey pirates, I believe we have all sorts of Captains here, from new fresh ones to old salts.

    So just wanted to ask everyone, what title are you using, what title is your favourite and which one would you like to have?

    I'm currently using Supreme fated Slayer from haloween event couple years back and I am working towards The legend of Sea of Thieves.

    What are yours :)?

  • 16
  • hunter of the shrouded ghost

    because to me it represents commitment, belief, discipline, consistency, hope, knowledge of the environment, the hunt.

    4,110 confirmed meg spawns as recorded by Rare's stats
    1 shrouded ghost

    If it stays one that's more than enough, I'd have done it even if I had zero and no title.

  • @wolfmanbush I'm totally not jelous :D Did it take you 4000 spawns to get it, or you came accross the legendary beast long time ago

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Pirate titles:

    @wolfmanbush I'm totally not jelous :D Did it take you 4000 spawns to get it, or you came accross the legendary beast long time ago


  • @wolfmanbush Well, from the bright side, I still have time until 2028 ^^

    P.S. I am aware that meg hunting involves sailing around open waters, especially on the edges of the map. Just wanted to ask what activies do you do to pass the time until you finally meet one?

  • @zig-zag-ltu said in Pirate titles:

    @wolfmanbush Well, from the bright side, I still have time until 2028 ^^

    P.S. I am aware that meg hunting involves sailing around open waters, especially on the edges of the map. Just wanted to ask what activies do you do to pass the time until you finally meet one?

    Up until season 7 I did pretty much everything other than stack fotd's. Farmed gold and commendations. Fought ships that attacked me. I strictly do everything organically so I had plenty to do. I like to encounter random pvers and see how they are doing and what they are up to.

    I largely stopped selling treasure starting in season 7, don't chase unlocking stuff beyond what I specifically enjoy doing.

    Solo fleets, every skelly ship I see, and fighting off hostile pvp are my sessions now. I hunt krakens as well because I like them.

    I love taking screenshots

    I think people would be surprised at how much planning, adapting, and strategizing goes into high result meg hunting.

    It's a few minute window and often I am in a pvp battle when they spawn so it's getting the kill while fighting players at the same time which can be quite intense. If I sink or the meg despawns that's an hour 2 or even 3 of time gone for 1 meg kill.

    Sailing around sinking people was never my thing. I don't get enjoyment outta that, it's not rewarding to me. I like to observe and find patterns and put pieces together and use that to find what I am looking for.

  • Drunken Sailor.

  • Curse Breaker

    It fits my pirate’s storyline and I’ve used it pretty much since I got it. Occasionally I’ll put a different one on if it fits her storyline that day, but swap it back once that session is over.

    There’s a lot of great titles in the game! If I wasn’t attached to Curse Breaker I’d probably change the title as often as I change clothes(which is every play session, sometimes multiple times a session)

  • I wear the Brave Vangard and I doubt I'll ever change it.

  • Currently running Dark Stargazer, I like to seem mysterious and accomplished while not particularly dangerous.

  • @pithyrumble said in Pirate titles:

    Currently running Dark Stargazer, I like to seem mysterious and accomplished while not particularly dangerous.

    such a good title

    I still think the 11 titles from the summer event 3 years ago or whenever it was were the best batch they added.

  • I normally randomize my title among other things but lately I've just been using Boatswain title.

  • I don't have a title equiped
    Yeah i know, boring!

  • I m using legendary feared of capitan y and I trying to have legendary stealer of athena fortune

  • Master Skeleton Exploder

    I just like blowing things up!

  • @healingobrr said in Pirate titles:

    Master Skeleton Exploder

    I just like blowing things up!

    The one that requires killing 5 skellies with a keg blast while another crew on a fort was such a nightmare for me years ago when I did it

    I didn't do alliances and I had no pvp skill so I would have to swim in while someone was doing a fort and then I'd have to hope that there were keg skellies and I'd hide in towers and try to snipe them for the commendation

    Took me a long time and many attempts

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