How to show I am peacefull and willing to share loot

  • Hello again it's the simple fisherman with yet another PVP related dilemma
    Last night during my daily fishing trip I got scared half to death by an invisible player tucking and pretending to be a ghost
    Today I got sunk twice by players the first time was on my way to the Finest Trading Post from where I spawned in and the second time it was while I was at my usual fishing spot, both times I got to speak with the players who sunk me afterwards and the first crew wasn't sure of my intentions and assumed I was hostile and the second crew was simply enraged that all I had on my ship was fish and leeches and accused me of wasting their time. (Despite it being a good haul of around 30k gold if they just bothered to cook it) and I was wondering if there was any flag / sails / other ship customization that

    EDIT I did not realize that I could edit posts, see replies for rest of the question

  • 24
  • I was not finished typing this friggin misclick
    I was wondering if there was a ship cosmetic (s) that was understood to mean "Peaceful player feel free to approach we can share a mug of grog and trade goods and recount stories of our journeys" or some friendly yahoo like that. I am entirely willing to share my fishing haul with other players, heck I don't even fight back when I get attacked, I usually just submit simply prefering to get this over with as quickly as possible.

  • I don't think anything like that exists. The trust imo has been permanently ruined as a lot of people have no honor and they try to trick you via voice chat, for me this is so weird. They really use any means necessary to come out on top.

    The only thing I could say that would make you appear as harmless for veteran players - Crab people set and perhaps the ashen dragon one. Both ship and clothes. But this won't indicate anything to newer players who want to fight and protect their loot. But I have seen too many people going out of their way to trick you (once again) trying to appear as new players to let your guard down and then demolish you with x000s of hours of experience.

    So yeah, if you care about sinking, just don't approach other ships and don't let other ships approach you if you are not willing to fight. Or you are going to have a bad time :)

    Last session we had a sloop trying to chase us while we were doing OOS and the new adventure. They had alliance flag up and 'newish player cosmetics'. 5 Fire bombs and exploded keg, which they had in the back of their ship was the best explanation that we are not interested.

  • @zig-zag-ltu if you don't mind me asking, why would the crabfolk set or the ashen dragon set mean anything, just wondering and I was thinking of getting the crab set anyways to embrace my fisherman theme

  • @penguinman7707 For some weird reason the crab/kraken and I think one other are literally the first things people buy in this game once they gather a bit of gold from their first couple of sessions. It's psychology and I wonder if the availability/pricing and new player demand just happened or was intended by rare.

    But yeah everyone literally gets those cosmetics when they start playing not to look like they just logged in the first time as they look cool, just their reputation is tarnished

  • @zig-zag-ltu do enough people who play the game read these forums that announcing what my ship looks like and where I can usually be found would make a difference? Or would it just paint a big red target on my back

  • @penguinman7707 Judging by voice chat encounters, majority of players don't come out as literate in general ^^ Obviously just kidding, a lot of nice decent players in this game.

    But no, that certainly won't help.

    Imo, just don't put any emissary flags, if you have loot you don't want just unload it from your ship. Anyone who is experienced won't approach you to attack you if you are by the seapost unless they need it themselves.

    But yeah, you cant predict other people and there is nothing you can do to feel 100% safe in this game and that's the beauty of it.

    You must take something into consideration, if you fish within close proximity to seapost, but not at it exactly. I would think most players would not be sure of your intentions.

    Maybe they are doing a vault/veil/approaching sunken voyage or whatever and in their mind you are lurking to take their gold and not just fishing and minding your business.

    Also avoid kids, they shoot on sight usually.

  • @zig-zag-ltu thanks for the advice, my reasoning for not quite being exactly at the seaport is so that people can still visit the seaport without having to be worried about me and I also usually spend around 6+ hours per fishing trip and if I was just camped at the seaport for that long I would feel like I was encroaching on a communal space. Especially with how small the seaport is. But if staying camped at the dock would be safer I'll make sure to do that.

    And I understand that there is no 100% safety procedure. I just want to reduce the chances I get targeted praticularly by people who think I might be a threat and are attacking first in self defense

  • @penguinman7707 Please don't quote me if things go south. This is just my own perspective and judgment.

    If I have few mermaid Gems and some fish and I would see you at a seapost, I would personally find another one unless in a rush. But I would dare to believe that most people who see someone, solo on a seapost fishing do believe that they are just doing that and nothing else really. They would probably still be careful.

    Last week I was finishing my commendation for explosive loot of legends (sell 50 athena kegs) and I certainly did not want to loose them.

    My athena chest and keg were at Discovery ridge, on my way there I saw a ship parked at a seapost/nearby seapost. So I thought maybe they are fishing, or maybe they are not? ^^
    Finished my quest on another island nearby and I see that ship is still lurking around. I also wanted to visit the seapost to sell my mermaid gems and the fish I had. But being late in the evening and having to dig up two really valuable pieces of loot left me a tad paranoid of their intentions. In the end I decided that I don't care and what happens - happens.

    So as I was sailing to the seapost, I have realized that the ship was actually doing the shrine. Was thinking to leave a banana on their stove for the inconvenience caused but decided not to

  • When you become overly passive you subject yourself to becoming a content/entertainment pawn for someone.

    Maybe you're cool with that but even a passive player can dedicate to stealth and keeping distance from risk.

    I wouldn't live so that others have the power to decide how they interact with you based on how you decorate.

    I would either keep distance and pursue goals or if you are set on taking chances with interactions I would minimize risks to where hostility becomes irrelevant.

    Imo being peaceful and being passive doesn't require allowing pirates to walk all over you.

    Be you, use the cosmetics you want, just adapt for the goals through risk/reward not through sacrificing individuality in hopes someone is friendlier because of it. They are gonna do what they are gonna do, just communicate to support what you want and if it's not compatible maybe the next encounter will be.

  • @penguinman7707

    Cosmetics mean nothing and what one player considers peaceful, another wants to attack. I use an Arena reward hull and will run like panty hose...

    However, Alliance flag is probably your best bet, or no flag at all. Just avoid the Reaper's Mark (the skull on the red flag).

    There was a time we had "peaceful" cannons, meaning you point them as far up as you can. I still use that when I'm approaching ships with no shenanigans in mind, although I'm not sure anyone recognizes it anymore lol. .

    Fireworks and the White flare is sometimes considered friendly, but just like anything else in the game depends on who's seeing it.

    Wave emote 😋 ?

    Keep a Ruby Splashtail as food and use quick chat to say I have a Ruby Splashtail maybe...

  • @pithyrumble
    Thanks for the advice with the cannons as long as there is a chance it will keep someone from attacking me I am willing to try it.

  • Your best bets are to aim cannons to the sky and have the white flag up in terms of cosmetics, if some one is coming your way, try a white flare as well. But as it stands, even with all signs of peace, others may not trust you to be in the area, or could just want to sink you, so always be ready for an attack.

  • @goldsmen A lot of younger and less experienced players would see it as the perfect opportunity to sink their first or expand their small list of Naval victories. They could not care less about your intentions, in their mind they just grasped the way the game works and want to put those skills to good use, you are just unfortunate that they would not care about your intentions, best you can hope they wont be toxic about it.

    I feel like most advice given here could work for blood thirsty reapers who want to sink everything on site or players doing hourglass only. Perhaps some negotiations that they can just take your supplies would work?

  • @zig-zag-ltu I cant tell if you tagged me on accident, but if i was the intended tag, thats why i mentioned that even with all signs of peace, anyone can attack, so be ready.

  • @goldsmen Yes, sir. I think it was by accident and I meant to tag, OP.

  • You can:

    • Move your cannons to an upwards position (commonly seen as peaceful)
    • Fly a white flag
    • Fire off a white signal flare

    But honestly, even if you signal peacefulness with any of these, other players can and will ignore them lol

  • To be honest, I really don't think there's anything you can do to make much difference either way. Ultimately, if you're parked at a Seapost, pretty much no-one really needs to be going to a Seapost, its not like an actual outpost. Even if I'm turning in valuable fish, I'll just load it in my pockets and you can't take them off me even if you are aggressive. If I've really stacked gems to smash through hunter's levels, maybe, but really, how often are people really doing that? If you're parked there, I'm going to assume you've already turned in any valuable fish you have because its right there, so I don't even want to rob you. Long story short, I think the people sinking you are sinking you because they like sinking and killing people and once they've seen a ship they're going to do it pretty much no matter what.

  • Only way is to be willing to talk to people and able to give them a bloody nose if they don't get the memorandum. Yes the shortened version of memorandum is censored because why wouldn't it be.

  • Honestly no cosmetic, livery, sail or flag is going to convey that you have peaceful attempts as the ones mentioned and marking yourself as such mean nothing to many players. Some will see it as an easy target, others will see it as a ruse, most won't care one way or the other.

    Really the only way I've found to convey your intentions is through voice chat and responses in kind, not typed text messages (especially the "WE'RE FRIENDLY", "LET'S FORM AN ALLIANCE" responses as 9 times out of 10 those are a trap, more so if they spam it). I've found it is easier to judge someone's trustworthiness by engaging in voice communication as well as to convey my own intentions.

    One thing that doesn't hurt though is launching fireworks when another crew is nearby. It let's them know they've been seen and is generally not viewed a threatening gesture. Also an "Ahoy" via the Pirate Chat at passing ships can go a long way believe it or not.

    Even so, there is no full proof way to prevent another from attacking you, regardless of your own intentions and precautions. But communication is your best bet over any other suggestion given here, and voice being the best option overall since it is hard to convey tone through typing/text.

  • Tossing shinnies overboard would definitely get my attention :)

    Especially reapers chests, tossing one of those will make me stop for sure!

  • @foambreaker said in How to show I am peacefull and willing to share loot:

    Tossing shinnies overboard would definitely get my attention :)

    Especially reapers chests, tossing one of those will make me stop for sure!

    Generally speaking I don't recommend this, people are free to do what they want and play how they want but in the run/environment as it turned into tends to become more about ego and chest pounding

    I would just keep loot and attempt selling items as the chase goes on. Jumping off and hiding loot to pick up later, get creative with attempting to sell the higher priority items

    If a pvper doesn't insta-wreck someone then people have a chance to outplay them with their strategies.

    Quite a few ways to "win" in this game even with a "loss"

    Gold, commendations, progress, these are still possible sometimes even if the ship is gonna go down either way

    Might as well lose trying to succeed in something rather than sacrifice the loot imo. If they want loot they are gonna get it anyway, loot stays up in the water longer and people have ways of getting loot outta the red sea if they really want to.

  • You could shoot out of a cannon ahead of them and tell them you're fishing, friendly etc. That will give you maybe 10-20 seconds to consider whether you need to defend your ship, run, or what not. Also could raise friendly/alliance offer flag at top.

  • In the early days of sea of thieves, keeping lanterns on with cannons pointed strait up was a show of peace, but with the introduction of Reapers and inherent rewards for just sinking people, most of the honor and negotiation has just gone out the window lol.

    Fireworks are a decent way to show you’re friendly when passing by another ship, but it also doesn’t help with reapers 90% of the time lol

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