Pls bring keep the 6 pack and capstan rewards

  • The new sails are nothing special tbh, and are welcome as an addition to hte partner rewards, but should not replace them. Dont do this Rare

  • 8
  • While The Serpent's Lie Sails replace this opportunity to obtain the Obsidian Six Item Pack and Obsidian Capstan, we will endeavour to highlight and create more opportunities to acquire these sought-after items in the future.

  • It's ok for cosmetics to eventually run out....

  • @wolfmanbush oh ty mate, didnt see that one. Glad they arent removing them completely

  • @guyrza

    You can still earn them. Rare isn’t retiring the capture a code completion. In my honest opinion, Rare needs to give us 2 chances to win each competition

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Pls bring keep the 6 pack and capstan rewards:


    You can still earn them. Rare isn’t retiring the capture a code completion. In my honest opinion, Rare needs to give us 2 chances to win each competition

    I would far more support more codes through the capture a code competition than what exists.

    It's a clean competition with consistency and it's a fun and easy way to go about it for the community. No hoops is a healthier process. It's been consistently ran well the entire time it's been around.

    There is a lot of accountability and transparency within it which shows the public the consistency.

    I get why they do what they do with the partner program but personally I think there are negative effects within the community, it often creates a scenario where people are subjected to more hoops than they should be. On the streamer side it drives obvious activity but it can be quite tough on a partner to regularly be subjected to the reality of people not wanting to be there and are only there for a code.

    Drops I think are a healthier exchange between the general population and the partner. They know and we all know why people are there but people can do it quietly, people aren't filling chats as much with reminders of what is going on which can be negative over time for a partner and random people aren't subjected to tudey partners/chat mods that have all the power

    Drops are a less abrasive and damaging trade imo.

  • I think it is good to replace those cosmetics BUT the obsidian six pack and capstan should be in a drop campaign. It would be far more fair than getting them from a random streamer. Everyone would have the chance to get it and it wouldn't be based on luck.

  • @guyrza Yeah to be honest the obsidian whole set is really cool and wanted by most. The new sails look like something you would unlock after reaching level 10 in gold hoarders or something. At least if they had the DA cut or something, then that drop would kind of have an 8million in game gold value.
    I got the obsidian wheel, would be awesome to get the capstan to match it.

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