Toxic Player

  • I’ve been finding toxic players in droves for a long time. There’s no way the pirates in your crew are going to kill you. They start dropping explosive bombs, setting your ship on fire and making fun of you. I’m getting really fed up. If you don’t use a permanent ban on these junkies, they’ll never leave. to these people, the yellow card serves no purpose. this game is becoming impossible. I reported toxic and cheater.I’m really very tired. I’m sorry I wrote such a comment, but it’s very true.

  • 7
    xbox one
  • @odino91 My advice would be not to play open crew. It can, not always, but can attract those less than savoury characters. The only people I team up with are friends I know in real life. Other than that 99% of my play time is as a single-slooper. It can make life as a SoT player more difficult, but on the other hand it can make life as a SoT player easier.

  • @odino91 yooo that’s sucks have checked out the SoT discord to find a crew maybe you’ll find more like minded pirates there than what I can only assume is open crew

  • junkie is a harsh thing to refer to people as

    leads me to thinkin' that you fight fire with fire in the situations are you talking about

  • Just make a post on forums in the look for a crew section.

  • @crowedhunter said in Toxic Player:

    why wait for rain when people have the choice to become it in the scenario?

    if people are both treating each other poorly it combines, spreads, it's all unnecessary, even when one sees themself in the right and the other in the wrong.

    the only way to truly combat it is to not contribute to it, to move on from it productively

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