Season 8 AC payout.

  • Are we getting more than previous? I'm sitting on 977 and still have 3 more AC payouts (plunder Pass bought) I did buy 1000 AC to go ahead and get the pass, but I feel like I have more leftover at the end of the season than previously.

    I usually buy the pass.
    I have bought the pass with AC earned after 100.

    Not complaining, but could someone who likes math do the math?

  • 4
  • I think this month is 1000 AC, because it's a giving time of year.

  • yeah I picked up on that when they were advertising for the season

    between that and the community day not only having better ancient skelly odds but clearly delivering on that it's been a good year for ancient coins

    season 7 was rough (but still had good additions) but all in all it was a good year for sot players imo, season 6 was solid and 8 is solid

    All the seasonal stuff including the plunderpasses have been a great deal imo.

  • They did say they are giving out about 1000 this time if i recall.

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