Letters of Recommendation for new factions = 8 years to lvl

  • I know the hardcore pvpers will disagree because they have always complained about how they "earned" their levels and people shouldn't be able to just buy them. But pirate legends made the same complaint and Rare didn't care about that.

    Myself and many others only hit Seadogs level 50 because we were able to buy the levels, this was before the 1 level per month restriction was added so we were able to buy 30+ levels in a single month.

    With the new rule of 1 lvl per month it would take over 8 years to hit lvl 100 to unlock the curses. With the level cap being 1000 it would take us over 83 years to reach level cap buying 1 level a month. I don't think its unreasonable to say that buying levels sounds fair this time around. This game will be shut down by the time anyone could even buy their way to 100 so they would still have to play the system to get the curses but buying a level every month would at least give them a little push closer to being done with a mode they might dislike playing.

    I am sure unresonable and irrational people will argue against this point of view but my numbers aren't an exaggeration just math which I know gamers seem to hate. Enjoy the game, don't think about the math of it because they you might not like what you find.

    This would also give some purpose to the useless doubloons that you are stubbornly refuses to remove from the game despite having remove any purpose they once had.

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  • @magus104 you can’t buy allegiance levels, which is what you’re talking about the level 100.

    One level a month for the factions is fine IMO. You’re not ment to just use that to level up gold hoarder (for example) from level 1 to level 75. It’s ment to be used as an extra free level basically. Playing the game also levels you up funny enough.

  • @magus104 said in Letters of Recommendation for new factions = 8 years to lvl:

    I am sure unresonable and irrational people will argue against this point of view but my numbers aren't an exaggeration just math which I know gamers seem to hate.

    You mathed wrong - you can't buy allegiance levels.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Letters of Recommendation for new factions = 8 years to lvl:

    @magus104 said in Letters of Recommendation for new factions = 8 years to lvl:

    I am sure unresonable and irrational people will argue against this point of view but my numbers aren't an exaggeration just math which I know gamers seem to hate.

    You mathed wrong - you can't buy allegiance levels.

    And you can't read.

    This post is a recommendation to add those said letters.

  • @thorumsu Yep, I misread and just assumed it was another one of his complaint threads about FOMO or how stuff takes too long. My bad.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Letters of Recommendation for new factions = 8 years to lvl:

    @thorumsu Yep, I misread and just assumed it was another one of his complaint threads about FOMO or how stuff takes too long. My bad.

    Wait a second... Someone that actually accepts that they are wrong on the Sea Of Thieves forums instead of starting a fight just to have a chance be right at the end??


  • @magus104 honestly I could care less either way. the allegience grind is so long anyway

  • I would just skip it if I were a lot of people that are not cool with it.

    if someone doesn't like the content it's a pretty miserable way to play and is just gonna cause people to not like the game in other ways.

    The only real way people send a message on something like this for/against is with activity/no activity.

    Which quite a few more people have been doing the last couple of seasons.

    If they get to the point where they want activity they will try to draw y'all in.

    Not liking content and doing it anyway in one way or another doesn't send a message other than people will do it even if they don't like it.

    and if people do like they content they will get it eventually.

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