How Long Does My Ship Stay When I Log Out?

  • Hi

    Excuse my noob question. If I log out, how long does my ship stay in game? Does it sink or just vanish? One reason I ask is that yesterday I saw a galleon with very tatty sails. The sails appeared to be extended but the ship was hardly moving. I watched it for ten minutes and it did nothing. Then suddenly it disappeared. I was not sure what happened there.

    Thank you.

  • 5
  • If you "leave game" it effectively sinks where you are. But abracadabra it's gone.

    If you force quit it's about 10 minutes for it to do the same, but can be looted or damaged (Captained Ships have to pay repairs) before it goes.

  • @pithyrumble Many thanks. I looked for an upvote option for you reply, but didn't see one. Not sure if that's because I am new, or because there is no such service on this forum.

    Edit: I found the upvote button.

  • @pumpa-cat

    Welcome aboard. Upvotes are top right corner of the post 🧜🏽‍♀️

  • i've seen this happen before. but yeah it's usually about 10mins .
    sometimes also if ships are on the land a bit and stuck they'll despawn like you mentioned... just vanish.

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