
  • could I have answers in relation to megalodon? megalodons respawn after the events? only a certain number in relation to the boats on the server? the megalodon have become as rare as the box of wonders...

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  • @funky-dv Ahoy matey!

    the megs are just a complete RNG spawn... there are no real factors powering thm.

  • 2 main ways to get meg results

    Organically and in a server alliance

    Server alliances manipulate spawns and control the environment, they aren't really hunting anything they are sticking together and just ensuring they all benefit from all spawns.

    An organic hunt is not pure rng because there is a timer tied to individual ships. NO hunter will have any noteworthy results as a meg hunter if they are only on a server for 20 minutes or 30 minutes or even 45 minutes these days. The amount of megs people will kill under 45 minutes will be nearly non existent if they entered the game on a new ship.

    The only way that is possible to change is if someone joined someone else's ship that had already been on the server a while

    an hour to an hour and a half+ sessions are ideal for 1 meg, do whatever for a while and just make sure to hit enough open water consistently for the chance to spawn

    personally I like to complete things not only to be productive but imo it leads to better chances, sinking skelly ships, finishing something on an island, doing a sea fort, whatever you enjoy, just be efficient at it and get back to some open water.

    if you sink or are server merged you VERY likely will be in a situation where that timer is reset, meaning you are going to be sitting around for quite a while again without a meg

    I am completely transparent in my meg hunting and with my results so you can take it or leave it. You can find my results in my tavern thread where I have consistently been transparent about kraken and meg hunt results.

    There is such a thing as dead pve servers meaning spawns aren't really going on much at all

    and there are lucky pve servers where you might get a second meg 30 minutes after the first or a bunch of skelly ship spawns,

    if a server is delivering stick with it until it goes dry

  • @wolfmanbush thank you for those advices ! Have a great one !

  • They have gotten rarer since the shrouded deep concluded. Wish rare would notice that.

    I use to get 1-3 per session and now I’m lucky if I get one. If anything nowadays I’m sailing more on the open sea than I used to.

  • @ninja-naranja I Know.. I finished everything in the game but it’s missing some megs … so I try to figure out the best way to get some. Tweet on rare for infos, write on forums but nobody really know !

  • Megs are common enough I see a few each time I'm on a server, you just have to go out and about. It's not hard to find then, just don't expect to find one when you are near the "calm" seas... rougher the seas, the more chance you'll see one.

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