Captains need more power!

  • I like the new ship customisation options and all the things added with the captaincy update, but there is some things I wish they would add as well. I always hated getting useless crew mates on open crew, captaincy opened up an opportunity for captains to get rid of these spongers. Captains should be able to make anyone on their crew walk the plank (kick them).This would make getting good a crew easier and make open crew less of a frustration. Players looking to join a crew may choose not to join a captained crew since some captains may abuse this and just kick anyone joining. Not only would this improve the game but it also makes sense that captains get more power over their crew.

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  • My money is more on the it's gonna be abuse + why not just find a crew you like and sail with them?

  • @riptide4970 I also though Captaincy would be a good time to bring this in, but only if there is an option to join a captained ship in the first place (unless that's already a thing?) as there is the possibility of it being abused.

  • Mmmm while I'm not against the idea of kicking players purposefully idling on the ship or trolling that's a road that would need to be taken carefully, as someone already said that's something that could be abused, maybe the captain could initiate a vote to kick similar to other games and if majority vote yes then they are kicked. Something like that is a little more complicated to add, great on paper but not so great in practice.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Captains need more power!:

    @riptide4970 I also though Captaincy would be a good time to bring this in, but only if there is an option to join a captained ship in the first place (unless that's already a thing?) as there is the possibility of it being abused.

    It would of been nice to have to be able to force slots back open when a player leaves the session but does not do it properly thus having to have someone wait 10min before they are able to join. As for the option to join a captained ship, it tied to the option already in the game since a captain can set the ship to open crew just the same as non captained ships.

    The only difference is the ship gets a log, you can save the skins/trinkets and apply a name to make it more personal.

  • Captain initiates vote to kick.
    Crew can vote to mutiny and kick/brig the Captain.

    What could possibly go wrong 🤣

  • @riptide4970

    So what happens to the crew mate whose not a sponge/grefer and just spent 2 hours with the captain grinding only to be kicked before turn in because the captain is going to invite his friend instead and screw you over?

    It's ripe for abuse says I.

  • @ronin20 I do agree with that, might be frustrating for open crews, do you think there is a way to work around this type of abuse?

  • @navillicious sagte in Captains need more power!:

    Mmmm while I'm not against the idea of kicking players purposefully idling on the ship or trolling that's a road that would need to be taken carefully, as someone already said that's something that could be abused, maybe the captain could initiate a vote to kick similar to other games and if majority vote yes then they are kicked. Something like that is a little more complicated to add, great on paper but not so great in practice.

    So how should that work on a 2-player sloop?
    Imo, too easy to need!
    Don’t play open crew if you want to get stuff done

  • @navillicious I’m fine with solo slooping, but sometimes i just want to go with a crew, which is very hard a the moment unless you know people who play the game.

  • @riptide4970 This is true, unless you lfg people who have mics or risk the open crew queue a solo player without a dedicated crew has a tougher time getting a decent crew going. Even lfg is a hit or miss with who you get.

  • There is a reason democratic vote kicking was never implemented because it had the potential to be abused with a single person able to kick it will almost definitely be abused.

  • @riptide4970 said:

    Players looking to join a crew may choose not to join a captained crew since some captains may abuse this and just kick anyone joining

    I don't understand why some captains would abuse their own crews in this manner - if they don't want anyone to join, wouldn't they just close their crew?

  • @riptide4970

    Article four of the Pirate Code- "All Crewmates Are Equal".

  • @riptide4970 that sounds good, but this is a double-edge sword. You may get a great crew but the captain can be an incompetent pirtae legend, with a Dunning Krueger effect. Such players wouldd give orders over mic, kick anyone who they dont like or do things differently, and then blame everyone else if the ship has sunk. I once encountered a guy like that who was afk while we did FOF, and then wanted me to leave without getting the money, cuz I went to clear skelly towers without his permission. So I'd go with hard no

  • @guyrza said in Captains need more power!:

    @riptide4970 that sounds good, but this is a double-edge sword. You may get a great crew but the captain can be an incompetent pirtae legend, with a Dunning Krueger effect. Such players wouldd give orders over mic, kick anyone who they dont like or do things differently, and then blame everyone else if the ship has sunk. I once encountered a guy like that who was afk while we did FOF, and then wanted me to leave without getting the money, cuz I went to clear skelly towers without his permission. So I'd go with hard no

    I agree with OP though. A way to fix this would be if everyone voted to throw someone in the brig, the captain could then make the choice to “throw overboard” aka kick

  • Agree 100%

    Captains should have the possibility to kick or brig whoever they want.
    Its his/her ship.
    Right now the captain cant even brig someone without the whole crew agreeing - this seems rather odd.
    He is the cap after all, isnt he?

    And to adress abuse: Give the opportunity to kick new crewmembers in the first 15-30 mins of play. After that, disable it. So trolls can be easy kicked, and loyal crewmates who stay for hours cant be kicked/system can not be abused so easy.
    The normal voting system remains.

  • @galactic-geek said in Captains need more power!:

    @riptide4970 said:

    Players looking to join a crew may choose not to join a captained crew since some captains may abuse this and just kick anyone joining

    I don't understand why some captains would abuse their own crews in this manner - if they don't want anyone to join, wouldn't they just close their crew?

    People may do this when their friends aren't ready to set sail yet. Do some things with an open crew and when their friends come online kick out the people who joined the open crew and have their friends enjoy the benefit of the loot &c that has been accumulated by the open crew.

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