Pirate Emporium ruined Sea of Thieves

  • You do understand that this game is free to everyone who has Game pass right? Game pass sure as hell doesn't keep any lights on for this game. And by the way, how does game cosmetics change the way the game is played? You can play the game exactly the same with a default white sail sloop as you could with a $30 ship set.

  • @maximusarael020 If the entire driving force of the game is earning cosmetics and all of the good cosmetics are locked behind not playing the game, but a paywall, would you not say that the game is ruined? Yes without cosmetics period it would fundamentally be that exact same game, but who would play it? At that point it would be no different than just a pirate themed chat room between 12 to 32 players with pvp enabled. Why do the commendations if all you get is a pat on the back? Why play the game past the first few hours of every update if beyond that is just the same repetitive gameplay loop that we've been doing since day one? The only time people go out of their way to do something that tedious is for a reward. Take the reward away and the game is dead aka ruined.

  • @fxt-redwolf Gamepass isn't free, makes a lot of money, and Sea of Thieves is one of the figureheads of said gamepass. Do you really think microsoft just goes "welp, we'd lose money but yar har have the game?" Plus I can't stress enough how terrible of an argument the "its just cosmetics" argument is. Pretend there was no cosmetics, no companies, none of it. You turn in loot and the npc says thanks, that's it. The game would fundamentally be the exact same as it is now, but do you really think Sea of Thieves would've even made it past 2 years with no incentive to play the game?

  • @pixlisreal
    I guess I would disagree. I grew up playing the same levels of 007 Goldeneye over and over and over again, and there was nothing more to unlock. Plenty of games have repetition without unlocking cosmetics, like Left 4 Dead. I wonder if Sea of Thieves would fundamentally change that much if instead of cosmetics they just had earnable titles and commendations. How many people grind for cosmetics vs commendations? Or just, the fun of the game? At any rate, I don't think the current system has "ruined" the game and the Emporium isn't horrible or the cause of anything bad, there just needs to be better balance between in-game and Emporium cosmetics.

  • @maximusarael020 Then we'll just have to agree to disagree. I have never seen any appeal in just doing something over and over again for nothing other than the experience of the game itself. In L4D2 I have to change the mods around for it to be fun anymore. Games like base game Minecraft or any survival game for that matter become stale real quick because there is no reward in say killing the Ender Dragon for the 60th time. This game is no different. Nothing will ever beat the feeling of first starting out as a pirate and bringing plants to some rando on an island but you would literally never catch me ever touching the merchant commodity quest with a 20 ft. pole ever again unless I got a grass skirt or something for doing it

  • @pixlisreal
    Look, the game has plenty of things you can earn outside of the "purchased" items. No need to complain about it. If you aren't content with what you've been given, then just stop playing. No need to post about your discontent with a few items that cost real money. TBH if I were to purchase the full ship set they put out every 3 months, it's like what, $30 each time. Really isn't that bad.

  • @pixlisreal said in Pirate Emporium ruined Sea of Thieves:

    @burnbacon That's called complacency. There's literally no point in the game as a whole if the literal mounds of gold and thousands of hours spent on it mean absolutely nothing compared pulling out a credit card. Hunter's Call was an entire content update. You have to fish up hundreds of thousands of fish to even come close to 100% completing it and some people who have played the game since it's launch still haven't even seen a Shrouded Ghost in their own game. You can't tell me with a straight face it is even remotely fair that you only get a single HEAVILY outdated shipset from it and a handful of titles while the microtransaction whales get costumes, shipsets, weapons, emotes, pets, and more having never even touched the content to begin with. Microtransactions in any form are inherently predatory especially in games like this where the ONLY progression besides a meaningless number ticking up is making your pirate and their belongings look good.

    Honestly I'm not too fussed about it. They can pull out their mom's credit card and pay for those skins, while having no tangible experience in the game, so what's the worth of said skin, if they have no talent to show for it.

    I bought the Night Wulf set cause I liked it, 70hrs into the game and I got absolutely dunked on by a duo sloop crew. I haven't touched the skin since, because I know people will see me as an easy target unless I earn my place in the decent PvP-er category and give the opponents at least a challenging fight. Until then I tend to not fly any obvious colours that tell other people, I'm a baby seal.

    My advice is if you ever see a ship sporting an emporium set, chances are these players are completely new and haven't played more than 10 hours. Go to them and sink them in 30 seconds, teach them a lesson about earning colours before flying them. :P

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