• Looking for a crew to play with longterm 15+ GUYS ONLY

  • 9
    communitywindows 10
  • Hey I’m in a crew of 3 and we are looking for 1 more.

    The guys are 14/15 I think? I’m 30, all from UK

    All pirate legends, just want a full gally crew.

    Let me know if you are interested

  • 20yo Finnish guy here, I've always soloed and am now looking for a crew and wanna make money by whatever means, also im pretty good at hitting my shots

  • @drtohtoridoc Im the exact same lol. Wanna play?

  • @chazzzmann666 Im from uk. PL. Would love to play

  • @woody6039 Sure, DrTohtoriDOC#1675

  • @woody6039

    What’s your discord or Xbox or steam?

  • @chazzzmann666 Hey I'm 17 years old from Portugal can speak perfect english, practically pirate legend just need 5 merchant allaince rep, I haven't focused on getting PL , good at PVP, not toxic, would love to join a crew my discord : CDM#3297

  • Hey, added you on DC. Thanks

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