• My friends and I do enjoy playing this game but there have been few times that have been frustrating for us deaf pirates because we will not able to hear the enemies climbing up the ship and we will be basically blind sided by that cuz we simply can not hear them.
    The best option to help us should be adding vibrations for climbing and waking around so we know if the enemy is on our ship.
    Like perfect example we do have vibrations for the ship is getting hit by cannons and also vibrations for crashing into a island or rocks.
    With that simple update with the vibrations would be a HUGE help with the deaf community when it comes with PVP.

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  • @grimreaper-k14 I hear your problem as it does make PvP much more difficult but im against your suggested idea.

    It would annihilate stealth, there must be a way while keeping the game the same.

  • Take it in reality,
    If you are playing and a spider is on your hand, will your body start to vibrate to know there is a roach or a spider on your hand? LOL
    It will kill the stealth

  • It's a huge issue for the deaf community, but there are definitely better alternatives that do not absolutely destroy stealthy plays.

  • @faceyourdemon said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    It would annihilate stealth, there must be a way while keeping the game the same.

    How stealth is it when you (normally) can hear the splash sound?
    It would make sence to have a likewise sort of tiny clue for people with hearing disabilities. Either a tiny vibration or a tiny visible clue in screen. But ofcourse only if the sound is turned off (it should not be both sound + the new clue). Some sort of settings for people with hearing disabilities where the sound is turned off and the soundclues are replaced with other clues would make sence.

  • @super87ghost You dont always hear the splash, proper boarders knows when to climb.

    Your proposal is better but it still needs some more thought imo.
    Im not saying that people with hearing disabilities dont deserve a fighting chance, but it needs to be something that someone like me wont just use.

  • Adding a vibration is a good idea, as there are already other features that add vibrations you wouldn't be able to tell exactly whats happening but you'd know something is, all the people using "stealth" as an excuse are probably the type of players who board a ship they greatly outnumber and drop their anchor.

    Maybe like the reply above mine suggest, there should be a deaf feature which disables all audio and adds vibrations

  • Maybe a subtle change on the side of the screen would help? I'm thinking something like the bleed effect we see around the screen when we are hit but perhaps a different colour.

    If it reacted to the levels of sounds, frequencies, shapes, and direction based on intensity and position, then it wouldn't break stealth or be used by those who don't need it as a PVP tool to get the upper hand.

    Something like the audio analysers you see in media players (e.g. old school WinAmp or Windows Media Player) but on the sides. It could be on the left and right of the screen and give an indication of the audio on both channels.

    Is that something that could work?

  • @sailorkek
    so you are telling me that i get outnumbered daily

  • @timedsatyr79799 no? I'm just saying the people who don't like this idea because it "spoils stealth play" are probably the type of player who has a fully manned galleon but still decided to board and spawn kill instead of just using their cannons to sink the ship.

  • [Mod Edit]

  • @sailorkek
    so again you are telling me that i am toxic

  • @sailorkek all the people using "stealth" as an excuse are probably the type of players who board a ship they greatly outnumber and drop their anchor.

    To correct your comment most tuckers use the sloop because of the size of the ship because eaiser to hide

  • @timedsatyr79799 your words, not mine but can you really call it anything else besides unfair when you have multiple cannons shooting you whilst trying to repel boarders? Now imagine someone who literally cannot hear, how else are they supposed to know when someone is boarding them when they can't rely on audio?

    @icecube1940 tbh I never actually encounter tuckers, maybe I'm just too aware of my ships and where everything is.

  • I'm so bad at catching that sound i've learned not to rely on it. I watch for mermaids and generally have an idea when someone is in a position to board and watch the ladders like a hawk.

  • @scurvywoof said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    It's a huge issue for the deaf community, but there are definitely better alternatives that do not absolutely destroy stealthy plays.

    Such as?

  • @barmaley7580 said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    [mod edit]

    And the award for Biggest "Pirate" goes to you, @barmaley7580 .

    Maybe you have the inattention problem, or maybe you're just such an eDgE lOrD?

  • @grimreaper-k14
    I wonder if Rare could add a few visual effects here. Maybe they could 'loosen' the ladders on our ships and add a small hook that attaches to the ladder next to where you can board? My thinking is that if there's no one on the ladder, the rope on the hook will hang loosely. If there is someone on your ladder, then the rope will tighten. It still provides ample opportunity for people to sneak aboard but also helps level the playing field at the same time?

    Edit: I wasn't sure if I did a good enough job explaining my proposal, so I tried to find a picture of something that looked like what I was describing.


    Rare could make a 1700s/1800s version of this reel and attach it to the ladder. The rope will loosen when there is no one on the ladder and tighten when there is a player climbing on it. I hope this is helpful!

  • @barmaley7580 said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    [mod edit]

    I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that this game has deaf players who are disadvantaged by lack of sound.

  • @vin-the-rat and they're a "Legend" ... Let's just hope @rare-community-managers, @deckhands, and the rest of the company don't also hold such disdain for the deaf community.

  • @thagoochiestman said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    and they're a "Legend" and the rest of the company don't also hold such disdain for the deaf community.

    One person said something insensitive. Using it unjustly to poke at the community doesn't help anything.

    All it needs to be is a person to person polite communication so people can be on the same page. "we consider ourselves a welcoming community so with that in mind please attempt to be more considerate while posting about accessibility"

    People aren't bad for making mistakes and the community isn't bad because someone said something that hopefully is less insensitive next time around.

    We all benefit by trying to build each other up and encouraging each other to be more considerate. Piling on mistakes is more self serving than it is something that helps to improve the community.

    To op. It's an interesting topic and one that fascinates me from the perspective of wanting to see creative ways to help with accessibility without taking away from stealth.

  • As someone already suggested here, vibrations would be completely fine as long as that option completely removes game sound, so that people who don't actualy have that problem could not use it as an advantage. Otherwise I am completely for a slight vibration!

  • We very much see these conversations, even if we don't always wade in. One of the key parts of my role at Rare is to feedback on the conversations that are happening in our spaces, such as this one.

    @grimreaper-k14 If you haven't already I would advise that you contact our Support team here and raise a support request under Accessibility. Mention that you have already posted it on the Forums as well but wanted to get an official request put in. This will get it in the hands of the right people.

    Also realise that this is something the team is aware of but with a game like Sea of Thieves there are challenges to consider such as the above mentioned stealth aspect and how that can be fairly translated to our hard of hearing or deaf players, but that does not mean it is not a valid thing to raise.

    Conversations around accessibility are constantly ongoing in the team though and we appreciate every suggestion we get so that we can take a closer look.

  • @barmaley7580 said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    [mod edit]

    Wow. Way to completely invalidate the disability of another human. This is kind of disgusting. They literally added rats in the ships for those who are hard of hearing or deaf...a visual cue so they know when there is water in the hull. A video game is literally more tolerant and accommodating than this response.

  • I see some interesting ideas here - slight vibrations only with sound turned off, subtle visual-sound queues when nearby, and the visual of a weighted versus unweighted rope ladder are all decent suggestions, IMO.,

    And for the record, although I am not completely deaf, I personally do suffer from severe hearing loss, and wear hearing aids in both ears. Without them, if you were to talk to me, you would sound like this.

  • @almtychcknpoo said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    They literally added rats in the ships for those who are hard of hearing or deaf...a visual cue so they know when there is water in the hull.

    Wait, wut? Is that why the rats are there? But I only ever see rats below deck, where I would see the water anyways... or am I missing something?

    Keep in mind, I'm an almost 100% slooper.

  • @vin-the-rat said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    @almtychcknpoo said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    They literally added rats in the ships for those who are hard of hearing or deaf...a visual cue so they know when there is water in the hull.

    Wait, wut? Is that why the rats are there? But I only ever see rats below deck, where I would see the water anyways... or am I missing something?

    Keep in mind, I'm an almost 100% slooper.

    The rats below deck scurry up to other parts of the ship if there is water in the hull. You might not notice it if you aren't deaf but that is something the definitely incorporated for the hard of hearing/deaf community.

  • @sailorkek
    But if this will be added everyone will use it so it will be a exploit
    although it will be unfair for the unfortunate, i think the deaf ones (no offence) should be alert see the boarder jumping off the ship and should keep and eye on the ladders.
    or maybe there should be an option to track enemies like in far cry and cod. We can just mark them and keep an eye on them, if they jump, you can see.
    Though, we should brainstorm more ideas to help.

  • @almtychcknpoo said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    @vin-the-rat said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    @almtychcknpoo said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    They literally added rats in the ships for those who are hard of hearing or deaf...a visual cue so they know when there is water in the hull.

    Wait, wut? Is that why the rats are there? But I only ever see rats below deck, where I would see the water anyways... or am I missing something?

    Keep in mind, I'm an almost 100% slooper.

    The rats below deck scurry up to other parts of the ship if there is water in the hull. You might not notice it if you aren't deaf but that is something the definitely incorporated for the hard of hearing/deaf community.

    Wow! I had no idea.

  • @realstyli said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    Maybe a subtle change on the side of the screen would help? I'm thinking something like the bleed effect we see around the screen when we are hit but perhaps a different colour.

    If it reacted to the levels of sounds, frequencies, shapes, and direction based on intensity and position, then it wouldn't break stealth or be used by those who don't need it as a PVP tool to get the upper hand.

    Something like the audio analysers you see in media players (e.g. old school WinAmp or Windows Media Player) but on the sides. It could be on the left and right of the screen and give an indication of the audio on both channels.

    Is that something that could work?

    I think this is a great suggestion. People can tell when they hear a sound that it is a liquid. So, why not color this sound blue and show the audio level on the left and right side of the screen? Every type of sound would show as a different color, so the user could distinguish the sounds apart.

    This wouldn't kill stealth. On the ship, you would have a lot of water noise around you constantly going up and down, and then all the sudden you would see a flash of volume on one side and you would have to determine if it was a boarder or a wave.
    A suggestion of sound colors:
    Water/grog - Blue
    Cannons/explosions - Orange
    Swords/Guns/Enemy PvE - Red
    Loot/Voyage Progress - Yellow
    Ambience/Animals - Green

    So, the user would have to distinguish in what is shown onscreen (volume, durations) to figure out what is happening, just like how I can distinguish between waves and a boarder splash.

    Would probably have lengthy dev time, but I think that this is the best way to preserve stealth and make the game more accessible to the hearing-impaired.

  • I have no problem with adding visual cues or vibrations but it needs to be added to more than just player activities so that it can be lost in 'noise' in the same way that the audio cues can be, otherwise it just becomes an automatic player detection setting.

  • @d3adst1ck said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    I have no problem with adding visual cues or vibrations but it needs to be added to more than just player activities so that it can be lost in 'noise' in the same way that the audio cues can be, otherwise it just becomes an automatic player detection setting.

    yeah unless someone comes up with something super unique and creative this is probably the most realistic way to serve people without significant interference in stealth.

  • Being a hard of hearing player myself even with hearing aids I don’t always hear other players. But thank God I’m not blind. It takes a while to drive across the sea and every minute im doing a 360 quick glance to see if I see any player ships. If I do…I always assume there iw a chance I will get boarded. That being said, I do a ladder check on both sides especially if I recently come across a player ship. Being hearing disabled I use my eyes more so and always on alert and looking around. I have won several pvp fights. I have also loss several fights.

    Yeah I get it…it’s fustrating. Problem with your suggestion is players who aren’t hearing disadvantaged will abuse that feature…Believe me if something can be abused they will do so. The game is called sea of thieves and some people assume it gives them a license to be jerks.

  • @vin-the-rat There was a post a while back that talked about adding subtitles to sounds above a certain audio threshold. That could definitely work better with some tweaking.

  • @scurvywoof said in DEAF PIRATES VS PVP:

    @vin-the-rat There was a post a while back that talked about adding subtitles to sounds above a certain audio threshold. That could definitely work better with some tweaking.

    Along with that, I have seen some other good suggestions above.

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