Captaincy is coming!

  • Trailer:

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    • Become the captain of your own ship
    • Customise and decorate your captain's cabin
    • Name your vessel and present it on the ship's crest
    • Set sail on special Captain's Voyages
    • Save your customisations for future adventures
    • Play as captain or crew and earn rewards
    • Easily sell your loot to the Sovereigns
    • Chronicle your journey in the captain's log
    • Choose your path with different playstyles

    In case you are wondering, the last entry is a meme: "Definitely centered capstans" (or "Deliberately uncentered capstans"?)
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    Now, discuss and speculate...

  • 56
  • I hate the sovereigns concept for selling.

    Crybaby selling. And for full value too. Lame.

    Everything else seems okay.

  • Looks like it'll bring quite a bit of qol to the experience

    only thing I am concerned about and would like more details on is
    -Easily sell your loot to the Sovereigns-

  • Would also like to know what the
    "Easily sell your loot" is about.

    Loving the rest.

  • Eh, at this point I'd almost prefer that the Captaincy Update never came out. Like a myth or legend that everyone talks about but never find.

    But maybe that would only be funny to me. =P

  • @papatankers2041

    I'm going to assume since there's an announcement [mod edited]

    I'm also leaving insiders after this post.

  • Love the lyrics to the song. And they address a few problems they know players are gonna do.

    “Profanity” XD

  • @pithyrumble just as an fyi, even after a certain feature goes live you can never talk about anything that happened in insiders, be it from the forums or the game.

  • @callmebackdraft said in Captaincy is coming!:

    @pithyrumble just as an fyi, even after a certain feature goes live you can never talk about anything that happened in insiders, be it from the forums or the game.

    Part of why I'm leaving the programme. Lol. Plus I didn't play it enough to be useful.

  • Since the new building and the name plates leaked a while ago, the Captaincy Update surely doesn’t hit anyone by surprise. But I‘m hyped for it anyway. Would love to customise my ship.

    As always a great Trailer by the way. 🙂🏴‍☠️

  • Always designing their game for the lowest common denominations eh, here's your wheelbarrow you lollygaggers

  • Loved this trailer.

    I got excited about what I thought was their solution to balancing the Sovereigns, but as @MACKDI points out below, they probably mean "points" in the context of turn in "locations".

    My initial thought process was that they meant points as in a kind of captaincy "points" which would have been a good compromise to some of the issues people have with super convenient turn in locations that the Sovereigns offer. A limited pool of points would necessitate not using the sovereigns most of the time, until you really need it! I personally just think that is a poor word to use, considering these "points" are on the same outpost, but it would be a simpler explanation.

    Note how the below says, "Use New Cash-In Points ... To Sell Loot With Ease"

    Looking forward to hearing more about the specifics and how they will handle the Sovereigns. I too think that it is a bad decision to make loot more convenient to turn in without some balancing mechanic. Turning in quickly is a good way to try and discourage chasing, so there is that, but I don't like obsoleting content. I'd rather make it a fair alternative, with pros and cons.

    Ideas I've had in the past to balance this:

    1. Flat gold sink - like 250 gold per item to appraise the item at the Sovereigns
    2. Loot turned into the Sovereigns does not disappear right away but is instead placed on a rug or table while it is appraised for 3-5 minutes, but does not require the player or ship to be nearby.
    3. Loot stolen from the appraisal area cannot be sold to the trading companies at the same island who are weary of dealing with known stolen property. Additionally, the crew is notified their loot was stolen off the appraisal table.
  • Now I want to see the "customization" tabs. I've been sailing since release, yet have missed many events, have a nice eclectic collection of things, hope it translates well to things I've already done and can show off..
    We shall see if the ship presets allow for more than one saved preset, I have different skins I run for when I'm doing different things..

  • @calicorsaircat They don't mean points as in a currency. They mean points as in places.

  • @mackdi You are probably right. The issue with the Sovereigns is going to be contentious, so I thought maybe this was Rare's answer to that.

  • The whole selling loot with ease does concern me. Hopefully there are drawbacks or penalties for being able to sell loot (potentially) quicker and with ease. For a game built around risk/reward, it would seem an odd choice to lower (or potentially remove) this from loot turn ins.

    It looks like there is a harpoon to retrieve loot from your ship, then you can lower yourself using a pulley lift, to sell in the new structure. I'd guess that doing both actions would still be quicker than running each item individually, although would need to test this and see.

    I notice there's also a Chest of Legends there, does this mean the Sovereigns accept these? Surely not.

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    • Become the captain of your own ship - Could be cool, depending what priviliges you get.
    • Customise and decorate your captain's cabin - Not sure I'm a huge fan of the teased customisation so far, looks quite messy with all the different items placed around.
    • Name your vessel and present it on the ship's crest - Finally!
    • Set sail on special Captain's Voyages - Hopefully new and interesting.
    • Save your customisations for future adventures - Finally! Hopefully this applies to clothing cosmetics too.
    • Play as captain or crew and earn rewards - New and interesting rewards please!
    • Easily sell your loot to the Sovereigns - My biggest concern so far from the trailer.
    • Chronicle your journey in the captain's log - Hopefully this will be interesting, if it's just a book to read, I'm not sure I'd ever bother after the first time.
    • Choose your path with different playstyles - Guess we'll have to wait and see if these are new and interesting!
  • Easy sell? Only if you're a Captain! I mean come on! They're Sovereigns! They're not going to just do business with your average pirate Bilge Rat!

  • @galactic-geek said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Easy sell? Only if you're a Captain! I mean come on! They're Sovereigns! They're not going to just do business with your average pirate Bilge Rat!

    But who is the Captain? How is it voted on, we're a Democracy after all on the waves. If someone leaves the Crew, and they're replaced, does the new person joining make it a new vote? Many more questions than answers with this update

  • @calicorsaircat said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Loved this trailer.

    I got excited about what I thought was their solution to balancing the Sovereigns, but as @MACKDI points out below, they probably mean "points" in the context of turn in "locations".

    My initial thought process was that they meant points as in a kind of captaincy "points" which would have been a good compromise to some of the issues people have with super convenient turn in locations that the Sovereigns offer. A limited pool of points would necessitate not using the sovereigns most of the time, until you really need it! I personally just think that is a poor word to use, considering these "points" are on the same outpost, but it would be a simpler explanation.

    Note how the below says, "Use New Cash-In Points ... To Sell Loot With Ease"

    Looking forward to hearing more about the specifics and how they will handle the Sovereigns. I too think that it is a bad decision to make loot more convenient to turn in without some balancing mechanic. Turning in quickly is a good way to try and discourage chasing, so there is that, but I don't like obsoleting content. I'd rather make it a fair alternative, with pros and cons.

    Ideas I've had in the past to balance this:

    1. Flat gold sink - like 250 gold per item to appraise the item at the Sovereigns
    2. Loot turned into the Sovereigns does not disappear right away but is instead placed on a rug or table while it is appraised for 3-5 minutes, but does not require the player or ship to be nearby.
    3. Loot stolen from the appraisal area cannot be sold to the trading companies at the same island who are weary of dealing with known stolen property. Additionally, the crew is notified their loot was stolen off the appraisal table.

    Another thing to think about, sell all you want, get full Gold payout, but no Reputation with the Factions, I'd see this as a way of making it a fast sell off for those of us maxed out and not worried about Rep.
    Also, if you still need Grog or Sorrow cheste, they won't count towards the Commendations for Gold Hoarders unless you actually sell at the Green Tent.
    If they just make it a spammable one stop shop for selling I'm gonna call it what it is, laziness pure and simple...

  • Via Spammals...

    As hosted on the Xbox Media Asset Library for the showcase, here's one of the promo images for Season Seven.

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    That's an interesting looking pet sleeping under the table.... hmmm

  • @fishyjoesalt said in Captaincy is coming!:

    @galactic-geek said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Easy sell? Only if you're a Captain! I mean come on! They're Sovereigns! They're not going to just do business with your average pirate Bilge Rat!

    But who is the Captain? How is it voted on, we're a Democracy after all on the waves. If someone leaves the Crew, and they're replaced, does the new person joining make it a new vote? Many more questions than answers with this update

    Just wait and see, swabbie!

  • @realstyli said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Via Spammals...

    As hosted on the Xbox Media Asset Library for the showcase, here's one of the promo images for Season Seven.

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    That's an interesting looking pet sleeping under the table.... hmmm

    Forget that! Crabby to stern!

  • @realstyli said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Via Spammals...

    As hosted on the Xbox Media Asset Library for the showcase, here's one of the promo images for Season Seven.

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    That's an interesting looking pet sleeping under the table.... hmmm

    Big blue eyes, pointy nose
    Chasing mice and digging holes
    Tiny paws up the hill
    I wonder what it says?

  • @galactic-geek

    Yeah, I saw that. But it's hard to tell if that's anything more than an easter egg at this stage. I'm glad we got the pocket version but would love a proper crab pet, as well as a proper rat pet. Excited to see the fox, but it will probably be a special dog skin... still, I've already decided to call him Tunic.

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  • I'd want to see some spiffy new captain cosmetics, or new cosmetics to make you look more like the captain. Always wanted my pirate to have a jacket over her shoulders like a cape. Dunno why but I think it'd look pretty cool for some looks!
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  • @realstyli said in Captaincy is coming!:


    Yeah, I saw that. But it's hard to tell if that's anything more than an easter egg at this stage. I'm glad we got the pocket version but would love a proper crab pet, as well as a proper rat pet. Excited to see the fox, but it will probably be a special dog skin... still, I've already decided to call him Tunic.

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    Good choice! Fun game too! 👌

  • @capt-brookes said in Captaincy is coming!:

    I'd want to see some spiffy new captain cosmetics, or new cosmetics to make you look more like the captain. Always wanted my pirate to have a jacket over her shoulders like a cape. Dunno why but I think it'd look pretty cool for some looks!
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    I just saw a movie where a character was wearing their coat over their shoulders, but not with its sleeves - just like that. Why do people wear coats like that? I never understood it; seems very impractical.

  • Would love to hear what you guys have picked out as ship names.

    Claiming Queen’s Gambit now.

  • @hijack-hayes said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Would love to hear what you guys have picked out as ship names.

    Claiming Queen’s Gambit now.

    Should start a new Thread specifically for that matey

  • @fishyjoesalt I was going too but not sure what section to put it in!

  • @realstyli said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Via Spammals...

    As hosted on the Xbox Media Asset Library for the showcase, here's one of the promo images for Season Seven.

    alt text

    That's an interesting looking pet sleeping under the table.... hmmm

    I'm sorry but is that a fox!? Honest to god if we get a Fox themed ship set, weapons, clothing, etc. I would die and go to heaven because that would fit me so well, heck I even already got the perfect ship name already!

  • @vac-hombre said in Captaincy is coming!:

    Eh, at this point I'd almost prefer that the Captaincy Update never came out. Like a myth or legend that everyone talks about but never find.

    But maybe that would only be funny to me. =P

    I mean, 4 years is a LONG wait for it matey! We early sailors have paid our dues!

  • @realstyli This update could have me overjoyed with joy if it wasn't for 2 unanswered questions:

    1. In my book, a "Captain" SHOULD have true authority over his ship. So what it all comes down to: can we now somehow KICK ppl?
    2. So we can only edit Captains-Quarters ...? No Harpoon-Editing ... no Sail-Editor ... not even perhaps some other parts of the ship?
      If both of these questions are a flat out no ... then I am disappointed and I fear this will be kind of a fail.
      If NOT however ... ... ... Well I hope there will be more info given to us soon.
  • @sshteeve said in Captaincy is coming!:

    I mean, 4 years is a LONG wait for it matey! We early sailors have paid our dues!

    Oh yeah, I've been along for the whole ride. I think that's why Rare basically trolling us with Captaincy strikes me as amusing. =D

    But on the other hand, it DOES have more customization. And I'm a sucker for any customization.

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