Some honest feedback about the event. Please learn for next time.

  • I am making this in hopes rare will actually see this and change events like the golden sands one in the future. This was a fantastic idea but horribly executed. I as it stands am NOT excited or want another event like this future.

    The misinformation was abhorrent. I wasted a week of my time getting supply crates for Reaper. A whole week of doing nothing but getting supplies for reaper. I only found out this was a lie by chance.
    I wasted a WEEK doing this. I could have actually been helping the war effort but instead wasted my time and effort due to bad communication. I am still beyond livid i wasted so much of my time as a direct result of rare lying. Especially with the end points being so close. Had i spammed the adventure and not pushed so hard for people to do supply runs what would have changed? I personally told so many people to do supply runs.

    • Be more clear on what does and does not count. Be clear from the start and be honest. Don’t waste your players time. You wasted a week of my time.

    Both sides were not equal. One side had a way to farm an unworldly number of points through group play. I understand both sides couldn’t and shouldnt have been exactly the same. But the fact remains it was incredibly simple for one side to get a lot of points in a very short amount of time. It was obvious from the start this event heavily favored one side time wise and point wise.

    • Please make things more balanced time and point wise in the future. One side should not have such a glaring advantage.

    Everything was vague. From the tracker to the information surrounding the event it was all vague and frustrating. The event should have been clear and honest from the start. The tracker was incredibly flawed, or maybe it was just how often it was updated. I wish i could give more feedback but because we don’t truly know how it works i cant properly give feedback. As it stands the execution of it frustrated most people and many people say this was rigged because of this now.

    • When tf2 had VS events we could clearly see the numbers and how things were being effected by what we did. This was back in 2009. We need that kind of transparency here.

    The entire event was according to rare very close. All these missteps could have easily made the difference. How many people wasted time doing the wrong due to misinformation? How many people called “rigged” due to the lack of transparency?

    This event has left me burnt out and not excited. I could make peace with my “team” losing. But it makes me wonder “what if this was handled right?” It was anyones game, and had we had fair methods of getting points and no misinformation it could have ended completely different. We always will need to wonder this now rather than be sure of it.

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  • It the players own fault for going a whole week and idk…confirm itself if what your doing is right.

    Sure they could of have gave a list of things each side requires. Still to go a whole week “thinking” without evidence is the player.

    In the end, the outcome was truly “planned” from the start. Data showed people loved the old Golden Sands, so the illusion of reaper vs hunter was just a small time game with one side being the victory before it begun.

  • I dont know. It was hard to have much care for a glorified merchant quest. Maybe next time the VS event will actually incentivize actual confrontation and not some "Oooh, were totally fighting guys"

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