Dont turn this into a story game...

  • This is 100% my opinion, but i feel like some people will agree that your driving your game into a place many people dont want it to go. Ive accepted the fact that arena is gone for good, but you didnt need to remove it to add more story content. Many people want a fun pirate game, not a magical story game. While i think stuff like a pirates life was a good update, but you removed an entire GAMEMODE just to add more story...

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  • @sir-trottsky This game has always been about the story. What is going on in the world? How you and your crew play into that each session.

    Drooping arena was a smart move. Sure it was fun, but it was under utilized and barely played. Developing the world around us and having changes occur is something we have asked for since before arena was even added to the game. Im hoping for more player choice events. More of the either/or.

  • alt text

    alt text

    Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, true love, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, miracles

  • Well if you dont like the story that is being told in the game... you can always continue playing/doing all the old/usual stuff (killing skeletons, digging up chests, transporting goods/...). The "new" story elements will not remove any of that, that has been part of the game for a long time. (Obviously the Arena got removed, but the rest is still very much in the game.)

    I dont really see the problem here. The story is not really killing anything, it just builds on the lore and world that we all love. The Arena was killed, not because of the new story elements, but of other reasons. There are threads about the said reasons on the forum if you want more information.

  • @sir-trottsky SOT is unique because of the combination between tactical combat and adventure sandbox style, fueled by the lore. It's the lore that gives a purpose to exploration and naval battles.

  • @sir-trottsky

    They didn't remove Arena to make Adventures.

    Simply put: the % of time spent by players on Arena was too small to justify working on it. In Rare's opinion, keeping Arena updated was taking too much resources for a too little sample of players. What do I mean by keeping it updated? adding stuff to the "main game", like Sirens or structures, had to be balanced in Arena too. Each update required fixes for Arena.
    You might say that Arena had too little players because of how they managed it, which is something I do agree with: Galleon and Sloop Arena had different METAs thus needed different balancing approaches and many glitches (like the chest's beacon not updating) had to be gone. This said, Rare thought investing resources AGAIN on Arena (as they already had done to make Arena 2.0) was too much of a risk so they decided to put those resources somewhere else.

    On this topic: I don't know if Rare overestimated the amount of resources needed to fix Arena and possibly making it more of a standalone game mode that wouldn't be affected by EACH update (like giving it its own map where entities do not spawn, so that changes to the "Sea of Thieves map" and the addition of new AIs wouldn't impact Arena), but I think it's fine that Arena is gone for now. This is because of servers instability, bad hitreg and the clunky state of PvP with weapons (not naval combat, that is on a good state if we don't take in the unbalance between crewsize and ships), all of these issues have an heavy impact on a PvP focused game mode so I really hope they'll fix them before deciding to make Arena 3.0.

  • Many people want a fun pirate game, not a magical story game

    Many more want both and those have been here before there was an arena. :)

    It’s always been about the story. Arena was part of that story and it serviced it purpose (short or long lived)

  • I don't agree, I for one have always wanted more story, more lore, and more ways to use the tools we were given. I don't want mediocre story telling, I want actual good adventures that challenges you a bit, makes you think, keeps you on your toes, and provides some shocking story telling moments. I for one think magical story is the way it should definitely go, albeit not in the way of adventures but more of the way of tall tales, non instance based, and with stashes of treasure at every milestone. It's a shame about arena, truly, it made for a good side thing if they had continued to update it, but regardless, I can understand why they decided to let it go. Arena was something divisive for the devs, they would need to focus a small team on arena to keep it updated and to make it run properly in case something in it stopped working right. The cost of server maintenance just isn't worth it in the long term.

  • Adventure stories... why not have both?

  • Again,i think that the number of players per server IS the main problem
    Only 6 ships in a big map (lets say 3 of them only pve) then u have only 3 who want to conquer and play fun pvp and chat with you
    Good luck to find them
    I deleted my game today because of that persisting felling of empty servers
    Sorry i cant play 5-6 hours per day just to found another player

  • @lunaticsnake770 so right now the limit is 5 ships not 6. As for finding other ships, is it the time or region you play in? For me there is never a shortage of boats to fight. They might not be good fights but they are there

  • @sir-trottsky said in Dont turn this into a story game...:

    This is 100% my opinion, but i feel like some people will agree that your driving your game into a place many people dont want it to go. Ive accepted the fact that arena is gone for good, but you didnt need to remove it to add more story content. Many people want a fun pirate game, not a magical story game. While i think stuff like a pirates life was a good update, but you removed an entire GAMEMODE just to add more story...

    My guess is the reason they are doing it is precisely because they have data that shows this IS what most players would like :)

    In addition it's quite clear the creative direction on the team wants to immerse people in a pirate world completely.

    They've built a world that feels much more alive and whole than the arena shooter it really is, so they do have to serve that to some extent.

  • The game was designed and intended to be a PvEvP with the threat of story mode in mind. This game was never intended to be constant PvP. If the PvE part of the game is too much for you maybe try a different game

  • @sir-trottsky

    Nothing is being changed into a story game, it has already been that since release

    There is a really deep lore on the sea of thieves and it has only gotten more delved into.

    The removal of arena was not done to put more lore/story into the game, it simply was a unsustainable gamemode, a year before the eventual removal they had already stopped any new development going into arena due to the lack of player interaction with the gamemode

    Then over that following year it became very clear for them that although no new development was being done the simple upkeep to keep the gamemode in a playable state took a significant amount of development time and thus money. Hence it was unsustainable.

    Anyway back to the point they are not changing the game to a story game, it has always been that they are however progressing the narrative in different ways.

    We have had tall tales, we have had story driven content updates (hungering deep, cursed sails, forsaken shores, the sunken curse etc etc etc etc)

  • i half agree to this
    The game has alot of players, few pvpers, all pveers, some lore interested players.
    They have removed arena, why @Pellahh will explain to you, but the game has a lore. There are comics and lore books for the game of how the factions started, and others. These adventures are only driven to lore, and it is no fun for me, because i am interested in what is challenging and offers pvp. There are new players who just bought the game to play pve or pvp, but after seeing what is this adventures, how will they understand what and where is the lore? I agree, its becoming into a story driven mode. Only players who pve and pvp will do it for cosmetics rewards and tasks. It should have been something challenging or new to explore.
    But, I love this game.

  • Tall tales aka 'adventures' player ships sink the same as any other ship sailing in SOT. Often with more salt upon sinking.

  • @sir-trottsky I don't mind the idea behind Adventures, but the first three have been boring. Lots of sailing, few and far between action. Most of the mechanics are recycled from other Quests and Tall Tales.

    I hope they dead time out of Adventures, and create some unique PvPvE scenarios. For instance, using Forts for king of the hill-style PvP could've been huge.

    With the loss of Arena, there's more appetite than ever for PvP play in Adventure mode.

  • Arena was regularly used by something like less than 2% of the entire player base.

    They didn't remove it because it needed to be dropped to make room for story, they dropped it because not enough players were playing it to make it worth paying someone on staff to maintain and update/regulate/whatever.

    That is the only factor for having it removed.

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