Punishments for toxic players

  • @ska9735 said in Punishments for toxic players:

    @wolfmanbush those punishments only work through being anonymous. if you tried to play like that with your friends and family they simply wouldnt play with you.... you'd be banned effectively. only thought match making did that force that engagement with players with bad reputations. Also your solutions all revolve around "you need to change so they dont grief you anymore" it doesn't work. it never works.... the problem continues. and is rampant. i play just about every day and it is how i end my games 4/7 days of the week... maybe your area has popular servers and so you rarely are put out side of those servers and have decent players in them. so you just dont see it. i don't know but i do know this is my experience with the game. I almost feel like making a second account for the sole purpose to act as toxic and cancerous and break as many rules as possible and document every second of it just to show you. those players dont get banned. nothing happens to them. their inexcusable behavior is excused. so few are even skimmed off the top you dont even notice.... unless people start to notice a trend of actually banning hackers and griefers it will not effect the influx of these kinds of people.

    I hope your sessions improve. I know it's frustrating to be in a situation where you feel it is overwhelming and unfair. Thanks for the conversation.

  • playing from australia, i have ended up on heaps of asian servers. and yes, the chinese indeed do play by a completely different set of rules. they take collectivism to the extreme, with servers becoming de facto alliance servers, even without the flags.

    its completely a cultural issue, and i dont think it can be replicated by force.

  • @tehstepford i'm not saying to copy it. but they obviously have a gentlemen's agreement honored my VAST majority.... Something we could use. i'll admit we're a lot more aggressive and i dont even want to get rid of that. the risk of losing your treasure is the thrill that makes this game fun to the vast majority of north americans i believe. Their should be some kind of rules of war. even if they're simply agree'd upon at the start of encounters before hand. Are you 4 guys against a sloop? you can easily kill him and he can run forever. MAYBE ask them if they wanna just stop at the closest island and you pick you best fighter out of the 4 and face off in hand to hand combat... what ever you come up with it makes it more fun for everyone. and if you can't come to an agreement theirs always the old fashion way.... but their SHOULD be some form of parley rules.maybe rare could put more fireworks that would allow for some long distance communication between players. even if you have to find them its SOMETHING. it would make spending 20k on fireworks not completely ridiculous.... Or just letting me know if my bullhorn is actually in range and they can hear me would be nice.... highlighting ships that are in range of the bullhorn or something.

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