Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.

  • Dear Rare development team,
    Dear Sea of Thieves community,

    Forgive me, English is not my native language and I tried to put it in the best form I could. This threat is both constructive criticism about the current state of the game, but also a cry for help, because current events are now affecting my experience with the game I love and the fun, I'm in danger of losing.

    Why do I think I'm able to give an overview of the problems that have been occurring for some time? The seriousness of the situation is the reason why I take the time to write these lines. My name is Tygrah. I've been playing and streaming the game for quite some time now, and at the current state I've put in almost 3000 hours of play. I support the team as part of the Insider Crew, as someone who supports the team with reports when players really misbehave, but also by buying all the items in the Pirate Emporium. Why do I do this? My passion is to help people create memories, build friendships, and make a positive difference in the world of online gaming and I love the Sea of Thieves because it has a unique approach to that.

    So, how do I start? Let me assure you that the content I describe reflects not only my perspective, but that of many I have played with or met on my adventures over the years. This has been noted in the numerous streams as well as during private sessions. At this point, there is a lot of discussion about whether Season 6's content will help keep the game active and attractive in the long run. I think Sea of Thieves has a very different problem.
    Over the past week, I've been intensely researching the issue of cheats in Sea of Thieves and I'm not only shocked, but downright paralysed by how brazenly and openly this fringe group deals with it. There are probably a lot more cheaters than I first thought, and for good reason: there is no punishment.

    In order to have fun, enjoyment and to be able to witness the moments that make Sea of Thieves so unique in the long run, it is indispensable, necessary, it is OBLIGATORY to implement an anti-cheat system.

    I'm not talking about a casual "I'll do a gold hoarder quest" scenario, but about a "I invest more than 40 hours in a game, whether I might even earn money as a streamer, as a normal content creator or generally as someone who spends a lot of time in it because it's fun." I don't want to go into the lingering problems of server hoppers, and this isn't meant to be a post accusing anything - I just want to point out that after the arena closed and literally NOTHING else left in the game that incentivizes PvP, the PvP community just shrunk down to a “download any cheat software for whatever reason and endanger the core, indeed the long-term community” player base.

    If a player is reported for using cheat software, maybe their account will be banned, but this can be safely ignored, because by creating a new account with an alternative email address you can continue sailing within 10 minutes. There are now ways to remove these bans. There are instructions in publicly accessible forums, through which the punishment is simply removed.
    Rare, you need to address this. It is mandatory to keep a healthy community alive.

    Thank you for reading through this, it comes deeply from inside a wishful heart that just wants this game to thrive and stay healthy for a long time. Please, do something.


  • 19
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  • I have 10k hours of experience. Much of it is combat in adventure mode through organic fight situations.

    After all that experience I am just alright (sometimes) in pvp.

    Yet a couple times a week I will be called a cheater (it happened last night) after a performance that was more sloppy than anything else. I die once or twice during the exchange. I miss more than anyone with my experience really should be missing. Decent enough for an adventureman but nothing even close to impressive by any sort of competitive pvp standards

    Still called a cheater and told I am getting reported at least weekly.

    On the other side of it I lose for one of these reasons just about every time. They are more skilled and/or have more people. My performance isn't good. RNG bad luck. Servers are affecting me worse than my opponent. Is there cheating? of course someone is cheating out there. Have I ever experienced clear signs of it or seen evidence of it to anything close to a significant degree in adventure? no

    I see accusations a lot on streams too where I can see everything they are seeing and although they can at times be subjected to pirate hunting that random people like me are not it's still a lot of loose accusations against random crews that may have not even initiated the hostility.

    That doesn't mean I haven't had those moments of "how the heck did they find me here?" "why did they come straight at me here when I can't think of a way they could have seen me". That happens from time to time but it's always benefit of the doubt in a random encounter where there is no substantive evidence to suggest that what they are doing is not entirely based on their skill, experience, and luck. As far as shooting and naval goes it's easy benefit of the doubt for me. I've just flat out seen too many awesome and clean players of this game to ever doubt what someone is capable of. The skill gap between me (with my significant experience) and the highly skilled pvpers is massive. It's only wider and wider for those with less experience in combat and/or with less consistent performances.

    There isn't evidence of widespread cheating. Nobody knows who is actually cheating but what I do know is that accusations are made constantly where there is not only non-existent evidence but the performance that is called cheating is not even one that is impressive or anything above a performance that any skilled/experienced player can pull off. Add in all the constant server issues and it would seem to me there is more of a problem with people making loose accusations than there is fact based cheating in the game.

  • Thanks for your answer, WolfManbush.

    However, what I perceive is a very different reality. I'm not just talking about a window of a day, a week or a month. The phenomenon I describe above is now stretching over a really long period of time.

    Best example was within one of my last streams. After more than four months of not sinking, it came as it had to come. We made the one or other wrong decision, maybe had some bad luck in the process and we sunk. I'm happy if a crew sinks me - that means they usually deserve it. The crew that sank us deserved it. And we could understand what the problem was. Honest fight, we came back, same game in reverse. We also parted reasonably friendly and answered an honorable GG. Two hours later we engaged a brigantine, got boarded and died. After coming back from the Ferry of the Damned these guys knew where we spawn on ship, they killed us within a second before even able to react with any key press. After reviewing what happened, I saw two shots within one second from the same person hitting me. Watching the "Last players" section within the Xbox Console Companion, I noticed that these people hadn't more than 2 days of experience. Begs the question: smurf account? Second account? Who knows. But that is not the issue I have with it. The issue I have is that the possible things that cheats offer to these players are simply breaking the game down and is strictly against the pirate code article #7: "Those who cheat shall be punished".

    Knowledge is power. And what these cheats provide are more than an advantage over anyone who is an honest player. It is simply not how the game is meant to be played.

    • aim-lock/bot with weapons and/or cannons (even with "random holes" option)
    • chainshot aimbot
    • knowledge about barrels and their contents
    • visibility of health bars (players/ships)
    • visibility of spawn points (before players even spawn)
    • visibility of ships/active players on the map no matter where you are
    • instant shots with weapons
    • anti afk system
    • hide options like "hiding masts/sails" and such
    • and there is way more

    I am not talking about a person who accidentially found you hidden on an island. I'm talking about cheats being part of the game for a long time but now increasing in audacity and impact than ever before. I'm calling you, the honest community, to speak up for something that has a huge significance on the game and gets more and more every day.

  • @tygrahrrr said in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    Thanks for your answer, WolfManbush.

    However, what I perceive is a very different reality. I'm not just talking about a window of a day, a week or a month. The phenomenon I describe above is now stretching over a really long period of time.

    Best example was within one of my last streams. After more than four months of not sinking, it came as it had to come. We made the one or other wrong decision, maybe had some bad luck in the process and we sunk. I'm happy if a crew sinks me - that means they usually deserve it. The crew that sank us deserved it. And we could understand what the problem was. Honest fight, we came back, same game in reverse. We also parted reasonably friendly and answered an honorable GG. Two hours later we engaged a brigantine, got boarded and died. After coming back from the Ferry of the Damned these guys knew where we spawn on ship, they killed us within a second before even able to react with any key press. After reviewing what happened, I saw two shots within one second from the same person hitting me. Watching the "Last players" section within the Xbox Console Companion, I noticed that these people hadn't more than 2 days of experience. Begs the question: smurf account? Second account? Who knows. But that is not the issue I have with it. The issue I have is that the possible things that cheats offer to these players are simply breaking the game down and is strictly against the pirate code article #7: "Those who cheat shall be punished".

    Knowledge is power. And what these cheats provide are more than an advantage over anyone who is an honest player. It is simply not how the game is meant to be played.

    • aim-lock/bot with weapons and/or cannons (even with "random holes" option)
    • chainshot aimbot
    • knowledge about barrels and their contents
    • visibility of health bars (players/ships)
    • visibility of spawn points (before players even spawn)
    • visibility of ships/active players on the map no matter where you are
    • instant shots with weapons
    • anti afk system
    • hide options like "hiding masts/sails" and such
    • and there is way more

    I am not talking about a person who accidentially found you hidden on an island. I'm talking about cheats being part of the game for a long time but now increasing in audacity and impact than ever before. I'm calling you, the honest community, to speak up for something that has a huge significance on the game and gets more and more every day.

    We are approaching it from different angles.

    You may have encountered a cheater but what you listed is a typical list that people post that comes from youtube videos of cheats that people use as their source. It's not based on evidence/proof within the experience and it is far from evidence of wide spread cheating to where it suggests that we need more "anti-cheat" within the game.

    They could have been cheating but that is a situation to be handled through you and Rare based on the specific experience with the evidence you can provide.

    Most people on most servers are barely hostile, not hostile, pvers, or average skilled players that are not cheating. No reason to think they are cheating, no evidence to suggest they are cheating. There is a minority of players on any random server that are very very very good at the game and they are going run through that server however they wish.

    That doesn't leave a lot of room on the servers for cheaters. It'll happen, cheating happens. It can be handled on an individual basis where people can provide evidence and Rare can look into it.

    We don't specifically know what Rare does to combat cheating, we don't know how effective it is, we don't know how many get caught/banned.

    We have almost no data to go off of so it's mainly just a situation where people are upset about their experience but there are very few substantive facts to work with. You as an individual may have been subjected to cheating, perhaps based on your streaming status but in a typical session with random people and random encounters there isn't justification to remove benefit of the doubt. There are no pleasant or just environments where people are assumed guilty and extra restrictions or hassles/inconveniences are put in place based on that assumption. Cheats existing doesn't mean a exceptional performance is the result of them.

  • @tygrahrrr
    Dont you know that there are no cheaters in this game, only better players. At least in forums opinion.

  • @wolfmanbush This game does indeed have issues with cheaters lately, and its been a growing problem. A quick google and you will find several, viable and approved hacks for the game, and some of them even have counters as to how many people downloaded said cheat. And the ones you find there are the "open and free" options.

    I do think you have a point though that there needs to be an active 1 to 1 case study on it, but the game needs to have an anti cheat to remove the majority of the cheaters. A kill cam would help tremendously to "catch" cheaters getting you - and would also help the moderators a lot, though it can of course also give away vital information as to how much loot is on ship etc - so maybe one would have to press "save kill cam" and it would become available 10 minutes later for viewing.

    I used to work for a norwegian gaming community called FoCo, and we were part of a bigger community with Catch-Gamer and made our own anti-cheat unit called Radr, where we looked into cases 1 to 1. At that time there was no in game feature when looking at saved matches so we had to look into different forums to find cheats we could use while watching the demos to how it looked - and we were surprised by how obvious it became that people were cheating. This is of course a problem at the bigger stage aswell if you look up players like Emilio, Sf, Kqly etc who were on the professional scene but also cheated.

    Tl;dr - brushing off people cheating as "they are just better then you, there is few cheaters" is too easy. The game has issues with cheaters, and a quick google on a few of the pages we used to monitor, i came across 2 cheats with more then 4000 unique downloads. Helping your core catch cheaters should be in the interest of Rare, and I would love to see features that make that easier.

    I do love this game, and there is no other game that offers the same experience as this game - but there has definitly been a change to the seas after arena closed, and I have myself experienced being sniped from reapers hideout while our ship was firmly parked next to Sea dogs tavern. Impossible to "record" who did the shot of the 3 people on reapers though, so a kill cam would help me out there :)

    I hope the game developers would look into a case like this and figure out ways to assist their community to catch cheaters, i have of course also been falsely accused of cheating, almost on a daily basis, but there is definitly a few of them out there.


  • @sparreh said in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    @wolfmanbush This game does indeed have issues with cheaters lately, and its been a growing problem. A quick google and you will find several, viable and approved hacks for the game, and some of them even have counters as to how many people downloaded said cheat. And the ones you find there are the "open and free" options.

    I do think you have a point though that there needs to be an active 1 to 1 case study on it, but the game needs to have an anti cheat to remove the majority of the cheaters. A kill cam would help tremendously to "catch" cheaters getting you - and would also help the moderators a lot, though it can of course also give away vital information as to how much loot is on ship etc - so maybe one would have to press "save kill cam" and it would become available 10 minutes later for viewing.

    I used to work for a norwegian gaming community called FoCo, and we were part of a bigger community with Catch-Gamer and made our own anti-cheat unit called Radr, where we looked into cases 1 to 1. At that time there was no in game feature when looking at saved matches so we had to look into different forums to find cheats we could use while watching the demos to how it looked - and we were surprised by how obvious it became that people were cheating. This is of course a problem at the bigger stage aswell if you look up players like Emilio, Sf, Kqly etc who were on the professional scene but also cheated.

    Tl;dr - brushing off people cheating as "they are just better then you, there is few cheaters" is too easy. The game has issues with cheaters, and a quick google on a few of the pages we used to monitor, i came across 2 cheats with more then 4000 unique downloads. Helping your core catch cheaters should be in the interest of Rare, and I would love to see features that make that easier.

    I do love this game, and there is no other game that offers the same experience as this game - but there has definitly been a change to the seas after arena closed, and I have myself experienced being sniped from reapers hideout while our ship was firmly parked next to Sea dogs tavern. Impossible to "record" who did the shot of the 3 people on reapers though, so a kill cam would help me out there :)

    I hope the game developers would look into a case like this and figure out ways to assist their community to catch cheaters, i have of course also been falsely accused of cheating, almost on a daily basis, but there is definitly a few of them out there.


    If you are familiar with cheats and the environment around them then you know that public cheats have high odds of poor functionality and put the user's account and personal information at serious risk.

  • It's not as rampant as posts like this would suggest but, in fact, the game does have an anti-cheat system running server side.

    See the response HERE when I correctly guessed it uses the same AI and machine learning anti-cheat system that Halo Infinite uses.

    Musicmee wrote:

    Correct matey!

    The game uses a proprietary Xbox Live/Azure anti-cheat system... yes, it isn't the one you have seen in all the other games but it is the one used in all Xbox/MS games. It will as with all the other systems get better with community support in reporting any cheaters/bugs/glitches/exploits you may find out on the seas.

    Only together can we stamp out cheating for good...

    I also elaborated on this in another post, where I wrote:

    It has pros and cons. The pros being that it's harder for cheat makers to develop workarounds as nothing is running client side for them to examine. There's also less privacy concerns as nothing is running on the players' PCs. A lot of modern client side anti-cheat solutions require kernel access, which is dicey (COD does this).

    The cons being that it needs to learn player behaviour over time so, while it can detect some strange activity, it relies heavily on people reporting and support confirming, so Rare can train the AI to better detect future infringements.

    (I cannot stress enough just how invasive and risky kernel level anti-cheat is! Or anything been given kernel level access to your machine, for that matter).

    If you want to read up on Microsoft Azure's AI & Machine Learning you can do so here.

    It's early days for this kind of technology but, just like Nvidia's DLSS for rendering, I think AI and machine learning will only get better over time for anti-cheat and become far more effective than trying to fight a losing battle in the ever-changing battlefield that is client-side detection.

    In the meantime, have your system recording the last few minutes of gameplay (by Game Bar or similar), if you can, and report suspicious activity using the evidence. Even if it turns out to be a false [misinformed] report, the AI can be trained better to not throw up false positives as well.

    Posts like this raise the general misconception that the game has no measures in place to detect cheaters, which in-turn only emboldens more to give it a go - thinking they are not at risk of being banned.

    Just because you don't see the results of the detection immediately, you assume that no action is taken, when it might some time for confirmation to happen and acted on. Again, reporting them helps speed up the process and train the system to act faster in future.

    For me, in the OP, this is the main topic of concern that needs to be addressed - the enforcement side...

    Tygrahrrr wrote:

    If a player is reported for using cheat software, maybe their account will be banned, but this can be safely ignored, because by creating a new account with an alternative email address you can continue sailing within 10 minutes. There are now ways to remove these bans. There are instructions in publicly accessible forums, through which the punishment is simply removed.

    I don't know what the solution is (IP bans are not effective, for instance), but I do wish more could be done in this area.

  • I've been called a cheater before as well, simply because I can hit a still target from a stationary platform at mid range with a pistol, and because enemy players keep forgetting to shut off their proxy voice chat so I can hear their plans or listen to them mouthbreathing while trying to sneak up on me.

    I haven't seen anything I would call cheating, but I wouldn't rule it out.

    It's good to note what an anti-cheat does and doesn't do.
    Typically they protect from the most egregious cheats, like you would see in Dark Souls multiplayer (inventory manipulation, noclipping, remotely applying status effects to other players), but things like aimbot and ESP are very difficult for anti-cheat systems to stop.

  • I've noticed an uptick in aimbotters from personal experience and reports from other fellow crew.

    That AI they are using, needs to be banning these people.

  • @wolfmanbush sagte in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    @sparreh said in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    @wolfmanbush This game does indeed have issues with cheaters lately, and its been a growing problem. A quick google and you will find several, viable and approved hacks for the game, and some of them even have counters as to how many people downloaded said cheat. And the ones you find there are the "open and free" options.

    I do think you have a point though that there needs to be an active 1 to 1 case study on it, but the game needs to have an anti cheat to remove the majority of the cheaters. A kill cam would help tremendously to "catch" cheaters getting you - and would also help the moderators a lot, though it can of course also give away vital information as to how much loot is on ship etc - so maybe one would have to press "save kill cam" and it would become available 10 minutes later for viewing.

    I used to work for a norwegian gaming community called FoCo, and we were part of a bigger community with Catch-Gamer and made our own anti-cheat unit called Radr, where we looked into cases 1 to 1. At that time there was no in game feature when looking at saved matches so we had to look into different forums to find cheats we could use while watching the demos to how it looked - and we were surprised by how obvious it became that people were cheating. This is of course a problem at the bigger stage aswell if you look up players like Emilio, Sf, Kqly etc who were on the professional scene but also cheated.

    Tl;dr - brushing off people cheating as "they are just better then you, there is few cheaters" is too easy. The game has issues with cheaters, and a quick google on a few of the pages we used to monitor, i came across 2 cheats with more then 4000 unique downloads. Helping your core catch cheaters should be in the interest of Rare, and I would love to see features that make that easier.

    I do love this game, and there is no other game that offers the same experience as this game - but there has definitly been a change to the seas after arena closed, and I have myself experienced being sniped from reapers hideout while our ship was firmly parked next to Sea dogs tavern. Impossible to "record" who did the shot of the 3 people on reapers though, so a kill cam would help me out there :)

    I hope the game developers would look into a case like this and figure out ways to assist their community to catch cheaters, i have of course also been falsely accused of cheating, almost on a daily basis, but there is definitly a few of them out there.


    If you are familiar with cheats and the environment around them then you know that public cheats have high odds of poor functionality and put the user's account and personal information at serious risk.

    I strongly disagree with that and you are simply: WRONG! You say there are cheats in the game but they "probably" don't work like intended. Are you mad? I have probably 20 videos of people who are cheating. Do you think they care about ANY personal information? Sorry, are you playing the same game as we do?

    @personalc0ffee sagte in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    I've noticed an uptick in aimbotters from personal experience and reports from other fellow crew.

    That AI they are using, needs to be banning these people.

    There is a major, a big increase we noticed this A LOT over the last couple of weeks. It has just reached a point where I cannot stand it any longer. I get that people are emotionally invested in situations where let's say there is a fight at sea, I get that people feel frustrated when they get sunk but what I cannot accept is that people are abusing the system to compensate their lack of skill, attitude or judgement of what is right or wrong.

    There is no harm in putting in an anti-cheat system. It can only benefit everybody who has a serious interest in the health of the game.

  • Cheating is all over sot and has been since the start. To deny is to stick your head in the sand. They are easy to get and easy to spot. Amazing how some people go from unable to hit you with a sword to laser accuracy in a couple of seconds. can't hit and island with the ship then can hit you your mast and anchor with every shot. But you are shouting into the wind with this one. The thread will be shut shortly as they don't like it being called out.

  • @tygrahrrr
    You are in wrong place my friend. If you find cheaters just report to Rare. Here at forum there is no such thing as cheaters, only better players. You can tell how 12-man Galleon flew from sky breathing fire on your ship but it will always be regarded as "maybe it was NAL player" or "There are some very skilled players in this game". No matter how obvious the cheating is this forum will always defend the cheater. I started one topic about obvious cheating when Brig shot 2 cannons repeatedly at same time to pixel perfect at same spot. It was flooded with people angry at me for there is or cant be cheating in this game. Just better players.

  • @tygrahrrr said in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    There is a major, a big increase we noticed this A LOT over the last couple of weeks. It has just reached a point where I cannot stand it any longer. I get that people are emotionally invested in situations where let's say there is a fight at sea, I get that people feel frustrated when they get sunk but what I cannot accept is that people are abusing the system to compensate their lack of skill, attitude or judgement of what is right or wrong.

    There is no harm in putting in an anti-cheat system. It can only benefit everybody who has a serious interest in the health of the game.

    How do you know they were aim botting?

  • Most instances of perceived "cheating" or "hacking" can be boiled down to either the servers themselves having issues, or the player's connection not being stable enough. Certainly not to say that legit hacking/cheating doesn't happen, but it seems very few and far between. We need to be VERY careful when accusing other players of hacks and cheats.

  • @valor-omega sagte in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    Most instances of perceived "cheating" or "hacking" can be boiled down to either the servers themselves having issues, or the player's connection not being stable enough. Certainly not to say that legit hacking/cheating doesn't happen, but it seems very few and far between. We need to be VERY careful when accusing other players of hacks and cheats.

    I agree. But there are situations where players are simply not "there by accident" like in the example of spawn camping the ship. They cannot simply know in 100% of the time where you are going to respawn.

    @cinnumann sagte in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    You are in wrong place my friend. If you find cheaters just report to Rare. Here at forum there is no such thing as cheaters, only better players. You can tell how 12-man Galleon flew from sky breathing fire on your ship but it will always be regarded as "maybe it was NAL player" or "There are some very skilled players in this game". No matter how obvious the cheating is this forum will always defend the cheater. I started one topic about obvious cheating when Brig shot 2 cannons repeatedly at same time to pixel perfect at same spot. It was flooded with people angry at me for there is or cant be cheating in this game. Just better players.

    Well there is simply one solution, right: If you cannot love it, you need to change it. If you cannot change it, leave it. I guess Rare is not listening to the core community at all. They're doing their best to adress it but apparently there were no consequences or follow up changes implemented so far as I can see it.

    @wolfmanbush sagte in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    @tygrahrrr said in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    There is a major, a big increase we noticed this A LOT over the last couple of weeks. It has just reached a point where I cannot stand it any longer. I get that people are emotionally invested in situations where let's say there is a fight at sea, I get that people feel frustrated when they get sunk but what I cannot accept is that people are abusing the system to compensate their lack of skill, attitude or judgement of what is right or wrong.

    There is no harm in putting in an anti-cheat system. It can only benefit everybody who has a serious interest in the health of the game.

    How do you know they were aim botting?

    It doesn't always need to be an aim bot. It's actually enough to know whats inside barrels, what kind of ships and players are on a server and more. Like I said: Knowledge is power and this gives just an insane advantage over anybody else.

  • @tygrahrrr said in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    It doesn't always need to be an aim bot. It's actually enough to know whats inside barrels, what kind of ships and players are on a server and more. Like I said: Knowledge is power and this gives just an insane advantage over anybody else.

    That's not proof, it's not even evidence

    Whatever you or others think is your business but when you spread around opinion based accusations as if they were facts it harms the environment and makes it less pleasant to be around.

    People aren't cheaters just because you feel they are cheaters based on what you have read or researched.

    In my view it's not cheating that is a problem in this game but the willingness of people to try to label and mark others based on opinions.

    "knowledge is power" is saying "trust me about what I say about others"

    Why would I label 1 based on what another says? Why would I support a more invasive and/or inconvenient process based on someone saying something about someone else?

    Knowledge is power and power should be held accountable, checked, and balanced.

    There is no accountability in trusting what someone says about another. It's not just treatment for the other competitors and it's destructive to the environment of the game we all enjoy.

  • @tygrahrrr said in Current state of the game - Perspective from your core community. We need an Anti-Cheat system.:

    There is no harm in putting in an anti-cheat system. It can only benefit everybody who has a serious interest in the health of the game.

    There is already in place an anti-cheat system, as I detailed above. Please stop spreading false information that there is none, it only serves to encourage cheaters to think they get away with it.

    And again, just because you don't see immediate action taken, doesn't mean they completely avoid the ban hammer.

  • As already mentioned, Sea of Thieves does have a form of Anti-Cheat/Cheat detection.

    That being said, If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or you suspect foul play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

    Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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