Adventure 1 Shrouded Island Missing Compass

  • On Adventure 1 Shrouded Islands I joined a crew on 2nd Deed and finished the adventure, but I am missing the 1st Deed Recover Compass. And when I go to GSO tavern the compass is missing and I can't complete the deed any advice?

  • 12
  • You need to redo the mission.

  • @targasbr I have tried that many times on multiple servers over multiple days. Also tried both the complete option and continue option with Bell multiple times. Yet still no compass

  • @coyoteops said in Adventure 1 Shrouded Island Missing Compass:

    @targasbr I have tried that many times on multiple servers over multiple days. Also tried both the complete option and continue option with Bell multiple times. Yet still no compass

    It's better to send a ticket to support then, it seems to be a one-time bug.

  • @coyoteops

    Talk to Larinna and choose Begin?

  • @coyoteops what @PithyRumble said...did you first talk to Larinna to start the adventure?

  • I'll try talking to Larinna tonight, thanks.

  • Same for me, no compass or totale at thé end, played it 3 Times. 😭

  • @mike-sunburn sagte in Adventure 1 Shrouded Island Missing Compass:

    Same for me, no compass or totale at thé end, played it 3 Times. 😭

    Adventure 1 is over now...raise a support ticket, they might help

  • @schwammlgott thanks, i will find how to do that. Never had a problem before with that game 😉

  • @mike-sunburn sagte in Adventure 1 Shrouded Island Missing Compass:

    @schwammlgott thanks, i will find how to do that. Never had a problem before with that game 😉

    On mobile:
    -top menu (3 lines)
    -ask contact support

    Now it asks you to login again, do that and repeat the 4 steps again (sounds more complicated, than it really is)

  • Thanks, man. Just sent my requrst. Hope it's a bug and not me being a dumb pirate (toi much grog before thé adventure perhaps).
    Thanks again for thé answers

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