Keep the Legendary Weapons Available to unlock and just have new rewards for Legendary Sea Dog

  • So with Arena ending so is the commendation needed to unlock the Legendary Weapons. Right now the plan by Rare is to no longer make these weapons available and instead replace them with new variants. I've never been a huge fan of getting rid of items part of a set you can buy most parts off and the variants just aren't the same as the original. With the Legendary Weapons the requirement to unlock them was pretty ridiculous. You had to complete the Legendary Sea Dog commendation which required 240 wins in Arena. This task was more than daunting. It wasn't simply the fact you need 240 wins which was already a slog, but Arena got to a point where getting a match in general became difficult and most of your time in Arena was just waiting to get a match.

    My suggestion is to create an alternate way of getting the Legendary Weapons and instead of creating replacement weapons for the Legendary set, create replacement rewards for completing the Legendary Sea Dog commendation and it's quite obvious what it should be. Just create a Victorious Sea Dog Cutlass, Flintlock and Eye of Reach to go with the existing Blunderbuss. Then there will still be a set of rewards for those of us who unlocked the Legendary Sea Dog commendation to show off, but people will still be able to get the Legendary Weapons and complete the Legendary set.

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  • As someone who never got the LSD weapons, I’m very excited to see what the new weapons will look like. Hopefully they’ll be cool enough that I’ll actually grind for them.

  • I agree I think they should add the legendary sea dog pirate legend weapons to adventure but make it hard to get like say you need to get 500 player kills with each weapon or like 1000 kills on enemies they can make it you’re choice and by adding new weapons it’s not going to be as cool because they will probably reskin the weapons but it just won’t look as cool as the legendary weapons I mean look what they did the the wailing barnacle set they got rid of all the weapons and ship cosmetics but put in it’s placed is the silence barnacle a less and dreary skin that’s all brown and icky

  • @biggreendayfan Exactly, variants just aren't the same as the original. For example the Bonecrusher set is red and while there is the fearless version, it is green. What if someone really likes the set, but Red is their favorite color, and/or they don't like the color green. This wouldn't be so bad if 90% of the red Bonecrusher set wasn't teasing you in the store. This isn't a problem for me personally since I have the complete Bonecrusher set and green is my favorite color, but I know if I didn't have the complete set and/or red was my preferred color it would be a real stick in my craw. I'm not against limited timed exclusives, but I'm not a huge fan of leaving players with incomplete sets like this. This seems especially egregious for the Legendary set. This is why I think instead of replacing Legendary Weapons they should instead replace the Legendary Sea Dog rewards with a Victorious Sea Dog Weapon set. This gives an exclusive item for those who grinded to get the Legendary Sea Dog commendation, but also allows players to complete the Legendary Set in its entirety.

  • Ahoy maties!

    Please make sure you are keeping your Arena based questions and feedback in the dedicated thread below. We will be locking all other threads relating to Arena.

    Happy sailing!

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