Ideas/Suggestions/Requests by Jez Corden from 2019

  • Me and my crew recently found an article by Jez Corden from 2019 outlining 50 things that he wished were in Sea of Thieves at that time, and we thought some of them were really cool (and many of them coincide with popular ideas that have been suggested before here on these forums). Here's the link:

    Yes, most of these ideas are either already implemented, are no longer relevant, are just plain bad, or go against the core of the game. But there are some really good ones in there and he does make some good points.

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  • @hotklou9848 said in Ideas/Suggestions/Requests by Jez Corden from 2019:

    Me and my crew recently found an article by Jez Corden from 2019 outlining 50 things that he wished were in Sea of Thieves at that time, and we thought some of them were really cool (and many of them coincide with popular ideas that have been suggested before here on these forums). Here's the link:

    Yes, most of these ideas are either already implemented, are no longer relevant, are just plain bad, or go against the core of the game. But there are some really good ones in there and he does make some good points. Not many, but some.

    Hey matey, thank you for this feedback!

    I went through all of the 50 suggestions but quite honestly, I didn't really manage to grip onto any of them. Half of them are already implemented, and the other don't really fit in SoT like you mentioned yourself.

    Maybe with 2 exceptions only: the idea with different bioms and Moby Duck.

  • Gonna go through and list all the one's I'd like to see:

    1. Crossbows/Arrow based weapons.

    I personally could see it working, but some people might argue it doesn't fit with pirates.

    2. More Ambient Life.

    Definitely. Gimme dolphins, turtles, whales, mantaray, jelly fish, monkeys and parrots on islands, seagulls that land on the shore. Would really bring some life to the world.

    8. Throwable Weapons

    I'm personally down for throwable knives and axes. They're classic pirate tropes but are no where to be found in game. Models for both of these things already exist.

    11. Spears, Axes, Maces and Beyond

    Would love some more melee weapon options. We have 3 guns, but only 1 melee weapon of choice. Not fair I say!

    12. Ship Quarters Customisation

    Yes please. Would love custom captain's chairs, voyage tables, model figurines, paintings, carpets, drapes, that sorta stuff.

    13. Eyeglasses

    Always down for more cosmetics!

    15. More Ship Types

    I can see this taking two paths. Adding a smaller (1 man) or bigger (6+ man) ship, but Rare seems to have given their stance on this already. While I'm personally all for bigger ship types, Rare doesn't seem to be. The other path is adding new ship types, but for the same number of crew. So there would be 2-3 2 person ships, 2-3 3 person ships, and 2-3 4 person ships.

    16. Central Social Hub

    Thieves Haven was indended to be this in early development. While I don't think a large hub island would work in the main game world, as a staging ground before actually entering the main world, a place where say 50 pirates are all on one island, no PvP (maybe certain dueling areas?), can just hang out and form crews could be neat.

    17. NPCs that do ... something. Anything.

    Yes please. Outposts feel so dead, would be nice to see some NPC's talking, walking around, fishing from docks, stuff like that.

    18. Fish as WEAPONS

    Already made a post on this.

    20. Potions and herbalism

    I could honestly see this working. Maybe have it be a shop that you must pay with gold and ingredients. Could find ingredients out in the world, bring them back and pay for a cool potion. Would be a balancing act between making the potions worth the effort and not making them OP.

    25. Mops

    Swab those decks!

    28. More Reasons to Dive Underwater

    We kinda got this with Siren Treasuries and Shrines, but one thing I'd like to see is better shipwrecks and pearl diving.

    30. Melee Combat Overhaul

    Melee combat could definitely be more interesting and engaging. I'd like it to be a bit more fast paced.

    34. Whirlpools, Cyclones, and other Oceanic Hazards

    Would definitely spice up sailing, it can get a little boring.

    35. Legendary Hunts

    Definitely want to fight a large creature, and I think it'd fit quite well into the game. Tie it to the Hunter's Call maybe?

    41. A Real Endgame

    In desperate need.

    43. Bounty System

    Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I'd still love to see a bounty system implemented. Could be as simple as you select a player on the server that you've recently intereacted with from a menu, choose the bounty reward and boom. Once that player's ship is sunk the reward is given automatically.

    49. Encroaching Law and Order

    Gimme the Grand Maritime Union Rare!

  • @greengrimz said in Ideas/Suggestions/Requests by Jez Corden from 2019:

    @hotklou9848 said in Ideas/Suggestions/Requests by Jez Corden from 2019:

    Me and my crew recently found an article by Jez Corden from 2019 outlining 50 things that he wished were in Sea of Thieves at that time, and we thought some of them were really cool (and many of them coincide with popular ideas that have been suggested before here on these forums). Here's the link:

    Yes, most of these ideas are either already implemented, are no longer relevant, are just plain bad, or go against the core of the game. But there are some really good ones in there and he does make some good points. Not many, but some.

    Hey matey, thank you for this feedback!

    I went through all of the 50 suggestions but quite honestly, I didn't really manage to grip onto any of them. Half of them are already implemented, and the other don't really fit in SoT like you mentioned yourself.

    Maybe with 2 exceptions only: the idea with different bioms and Moby Duck.

    Here are the ones I liked:

    2. More ambient life - The world does feel a little empty and devoid of life. More critters and passive creatures (even if they're just for decoration) would be great!

    5. Speaking of crab people, GIANT ENEMY CRAB - It looks cool, so why not? More hostile creatures/monsters would be cool.

    6. More biome styles - More biomes that look and act vastly different from anything that we have now (like the Devil's Roar kinda did with the volcanoes) would be great for spicing up the gameplay.

    8. Throwable weapons - "What about throwing knives, axes? Caltrops?" Okay, maybe not the axes, but the knives and caltrops sound fun. There have also been requests for smoke bombs here on these forums recently, which I think could be a lot of fun to use.

    9. Sea serpents - More huge and dangerous creatures like the kraken and the megalodon would be amazing. A sea serpent sounds awesome.

    10. Gambling - I'm not much into roleplay, but I could see myself playing card/dice games on occasion with my friends.

    11. Spears, axes, maces and beyond - Maybe not the things he suggested in particular, but more melee weapon variety could be good. Knives are a popular suggestion.

    12. Ship quarters customization - He mentions naming the ship, which is another popular suggestion on these forums. Don't know about furnishing the interior of the ship, but this does remind me of that old idea about the paintings that could be hung on the wall that the devs talked about some time ago, and which was in a very early build of the game.

    13. Eyeglasses - "Speaking of accessories... why can't I wear glasses?! NPCs can!" Enough said.

    17. NPCs that do ... something. Anything. - Me and my crew have been thinking for a while now that it would've been awesome if there were just some random NPCs at outposts that just walk around or carry crates around or appear to be fishing on the docks or whatever. Just make the Outposts feel more alive.

    21. Traps - Traps could be interesting. Personally, I'd love it if more islands were like Thieves' Haven with traps that you can use during ground PvP. Being able to place your own traps, which you perhaps looted on islands could be fun. Just limit them to being placed on islands (not on the ship). Perhaps the traps have to be buried or something to activate (to limit them to certain areas on islands with suitable burying spots).

    25. Mops - For roleplay. Not usually my thing, but could be fun sometimes I guess?

    28. More reasons to dive underwater - Shrines and Treasuries are fun but this got me thinking: what if there were more ruins and underwater shipwrecks around the islands as well? Most of them feel kind of empty when you look under the water around them. Or as he suggested, pearls or sea cucumbers or whatever - valuable and/or useful items (the sea cucumber can be eaten, for example) that can only be found during underwater exploration.

    30. Melee combat overhaul - It does IMO feel like it is missing... something. And sometimes the visuals can look a bit bad, like the sword swing trails (or is it just my graphics settings or something?).

    31. Player-made quests - We can bury our own treasure now. But what about messages/maps/quests in a bottle? Don't know what you'd do with the idea, but being able to make our own of those could be a fun extension to the player-made quests/maps system.

    33. Jelly-fish - More creatures to make the world seem more alive. And they could be an interesting hazard for underwater adventures.

    34. Whirlpools, cyclones, and other oceanic hazards - "Speaking of dangers at sea, it feels as though Sea of Thieves is missing many of the typical ocean phenomena that mariners dread. Whirlpools can be large, ship-churning vortexes where opposing currents meet, typified and exaggerated in pirate myths represented as gigantic, ship-swallowing oceanic black holes." Whirlpools have been requested many times in the past, and more "oceanic hazards" in general would be awesome.

    35. Legendary hunts - As I said, more hostile creatures on islands would be fun. Getting sent on "legendary hunts" after creatures that are more dangerous than usual sounds like fun.

    37. Custom flags and sails - I do like the sound of custom flags and sails, even if they only gave us a limited range of symbols, patterns and colours to work with (which have been double-checked to not be able to be abused to make obscene or rude images).

    42. Lighthouses - Lighthouses sound like an interesting idea for use on a few islands. We already have some in Tall Tales, so something based on those could be implemented in Adventure mode somewhere perhaps.

    43. Bounty system - I've seen this being suggested a few times before. A faction based around a bounty system sounds cool.

    47. Dual-wielding - Sounds interesting. Don't know if it would be very balanced for all of the weapons we currently have, but perhaps the idea of dual-wielded weapons could be used for dual-wielded knives?

    49. Encroaching law and order - Not sure about a "law and order" NPC faction, but if you narrow it down to NPC pirates/ships, it could be cool.

  • @greengrimz said in Ideas/Suggestions/Requests by Jez Corden from 2019:

    @hotklou9848 said in Ideas/Suggestions/Requests by Jez Corden from 2019:

    Me and my crew recently found an article by Jez Corden from 2019 outlining 50 things that he wished were in Sea of Thieves at that time, and we thought some of them were really cool (and many of them coincide with popular ideas that have been suggested before here on these forums). Here's the link:

    Yes, most of these ideas are either already implemented, are no longer relevant, are just plain bad, or go against the core of the game. But there are some really good ones in there and he does make some good points. Not many, but some.

    Hey matey, thank you for this feedback!

    I went through all of the 50 suggestions but quite honestly, I didn't really manage to grip onto any of them. Half of them are already implemented, and the other don't really fit in SoT like you mentioned yourself.

    Maybe with 2 exceptions only: the idea with different bioms and Moby Duck.

    I do not really like the idea of hunting a poor whale, but there was a very interesting discussion on that topic recently:

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