Improved Character Creation

  • Keep the random pirate generation system, but give us the alternative to pick and choose each character feature for ourselves if we want. Perhaps you start by choosing one of the randomly-generated pirates as a base and then customise them farther from there if you want to.

    Additionally, it would be nice to be able to preview certain animations and clothes while you're at it, so you can see what the pirate would look like in your dream outfit and while performing certain animations. And who wouldn't want to be able to preview clothes before doubling down and creating the character and/or purchasing the clothes?

    Why? Spending huge amounts of time re-rolling the pirate is not fun, and then later finding out that the pirate apparently doesn't look good in your dream outfit, or while performing most animations, is even less fun. And while the potion that lets you recreate your character is cheap, you can still feel like you've wasted your money when you purchase it and this happens.

    What do you guys think of these suggestions?

    Note: This topic was created in response to a discussion between me and my crewmates and the appearance of another recent topic on the subject of character creation -

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  • I think they should improve the character creation at this point. Like you said : keep the random aspect of the characters, but let us narrow down what we are looking for. I mean ultimately that is what I did when I rerolled my pirate ... it took me a lot of rerolls before I could get what I wanted.

  • No. Being able to choose features will actually limit the variety of pirates you see upon the Sea - and as I always say, "the last thing we need is Pirate Barbie."

  • Omg thank you for linking my thread in yours!
    I love your idea, so I really hope they will give us what we're asking for, to make this game even more beautiful and special.

    Have a good day and a happy new year to everyone ♥

  • @hotklou9848 the only acceptable filter is gender. Pirates need to remain random, the goal is have not quite perfect pirates.

  • @captain-coel said in Improved Character Creation:

    @hotklou9848 the only acceptable filter is gender. Pirates need to remain random, the goal is have not quite perfect pirates.

    Then why have the option to reroll at all? Wouldn't you want to customize your pirate to YOUR likings (within the bounds of the customization options provided of course)?

  • @hotklou9848 no your pirate is not meant to be perfect. that was a design choice.

  • @captain-coel said in Improved Character Creation:

    @hotklou9848 no your pirate is not meant to be perfect. that was a design choice.

    Still, why have the option to influence the look of your character at all then if you were not intended to be able to make your pirate look like you want them to? There WILL be people who keep rerolling to get the perfect pirate, especially if those people have purchased a potion (because then they'll want to make the purchase worthwhile). And again, wouldn't YOU want to customize your pirate?

  • @hotklou9848 No I dont want to customize my pirate, ive had him since launch day and I love him. His unique look and quirks are what makes him my pirate.

  • @captain-coel said in Improved Character Creation:

    @hotklou9848 No I dont want to customize my pirate, ive had him since launch day and I love him. His unique look and quirks are what makes him my pirate.

    Ah, I see. Each to his own, I suppose. Then this should have no effect on you though, whereas some other people (like myself) actually do want to customize our pirates more to our likings. That is the purpose of this topic, to draw attention to the fact that some players want to be able to customize their pirates a bit more, and to give some ideas on how to accomplish that. :)

  • @hotklou9848 said in Improved Character Creation:

    @captain-coel said in Improved Character Creation:

    @hotklou9848 No I dont want to customize my pirate, ive had him since launch day and I love him. His unique look and quirks are what makes him my pirate.

    Each to his own, I suppose. Then this should have no effect on you though, whereas some other people (like myself) actually do want to customize our pirates more to our likings. That is the purpose of this topic, to draw attention to the fact that some players want to be able to customize their pirates a bit more, and to give some ideas on how to accomplish that. :)

    Right, I get that. This discussion has been going on for a long time. It was a design choice by the developers to NOT allow you to directly customize your pirate. The goal was to remove you and everyone else just a little from your comfort zone. I am inclined to agree with them, I get alot of laughs at the randomness of the other pirates that are out there.

  • @galactic-geek said in Improved Character Creation:

    No. Being able to choose features will actually limit the variety of pirates you see upon the Sea - and as I always say, "the last thing we need is Pirate Barbie."

    Do you mean that more freedom during character creation will just mean that more players will avoid picking "ugly" pirates? I must admit that does sound like a valid concern and I don't really have any response to that other than that I personally think it would ultimately turn out for the better if players had more freedom.

  • I agree to a point. I feel like we should be given a character model, then we can desire how fat or thin, how muscular or swole, how scared (natural scaring) or “baby faced” there character is. So chick can have there dream pirate without them looking ugly as hell, no offense ladies, and men can have there “manly pirate”. This is we’re they need to make limitations and I already saw someone say this. The need to have limits so people don’t make monstrosity’s like people can make in “ARK: Survival Evolved”. A good reason why the devs haven’t added this yet is because they believe that people would make themselves look like that and characters like Captain Jack Sparrow or over POTC character with over pirate franchises and over franchise entirely. But that’s the point of limitations isn’t it. It is a great idea, but it needs serious planning out for it to work so veteran players (like myself) can be happy and new players can create a character that is them to experience the Sea of Thieves in the best way.

  • I think it works fine for its intended purpose. You're barely in the generator compared to the amount of time you'll spend sailing around. I can't see Rare devoting dev time to a feature that is used less than the Arena, which they've already killed future development on.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Improved Character Creation:

    I think it works fine for its intended purpose. You're barely in the generator compared to the amount of time you'll spend sailing around. I can't see Rare devoting dev time to a feature that is used less than the Arena, which they've already killed future development on.

    My big issue with it being the way it is right now is the fact that you need to pay premium currency or delete all your progress if you ever want to change it. So if it's going to be that way I want it to be much easier to get your pirate to look the way you'd like them to. If it were free to do what that potion does, I'd have much less of an issue with it.

  • @theurgicfox47th said in Improved Character Creation:

    I agree to a point. I feel like we should be given a character model, then we can desire how fat or thin, how muscular or swole, how scared (natural scaring) or “baby faced” there character is. So chick can have there dream pirate without them looking ugly as hell, no offense ladies, and men can have there “manly pirate”. This is we’re they need to make limitations and I already saw someone say this. The need to have limits so people don’t make monstrosity’s like people can make in “ARK: Survival Evolved”. A good reason why the devs haven’t added this yet is because they believe that people would make themselves look like that and characters like Captain Jack Sparrow or over POTC character with over pirate franchises and over franchise entirely. But that’s the point of limitations isn’t it. It is a great idea, but it needs serious planning out for it to work so veteran players (like myself) can be happy and new players can create a character that is them to experience the Sea of Thieves in the best way.

    Good points. Either that or they could give set options such as "long arms", "medium arms" and "short arms"... "Face 1", "Face 2" and "Face 3"... you get the point.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Improved Character Creation:

    @d3adst1ck said in Improved Character Creation:

    I think it works fine for its intended purpose. You're barely in the generator compared to the amount of time you'll spend sailing around. I can't see Rare devoting dev time to a feature that is used less than the Arena, which they've already killed future development on.

    My big issue with it being the way it is right now is the fact that you need to pay premium currency or delete all your progress if you ever want to change it. So if it's going to be that way I want it to be much easier to get your pirate to look the way you'd like them to. If it were free to do what that potion does, I'd have much less of an issue with it.

    The Season gives you enough ancient coins to get a potion for free.

  • I wish they would improve it too.

    I love the ideas that the random generator gives us, but the body type I want always comes with muscley arms, or an older ladies head.

    I think the emote idea is a very good idea! I once thought I'd rolled a great pirate, only to find out she had no teeth.
    Being able to view the pirates doing different emotes would definitely help!

  • @galactic-geek said in Improved Character Creation:

    No. Being able to choose features will actually limit the variety of pirates you see upon the Sea - and as I always say, "the last thing we need is Pirate Barbie."

    No it wont. This is simply a false statement.

    Anyone who ever played a MMO knows that people make all types characters and none of them ever look exactly the same.

  • @alienmagi said in Improved Character Creation:

    @galactic-geek said in Improved Character Creation:

    No. Being able to choose features will actually limit the variety of pirates you see upon the Sea - and as I always say, "the last thing we need is Pirate Barbie."

    No it wont. This is simply a false statement.

    Anyone who ever played a MMO knows that people make all types characters and none of them ever look exactly the same.


    Yeah, how about no. Have you never walked around an open MMO lobby? Anime fantasy Barbies and Kens abound!

  • @galactic-geek said in Improved Character Creation:

    @alienmagi said in Improved Character Creation:

    @galactic-geek said in Improved Character Creation:

    No. Being able to choose features will actually limit the variety of pirates you see upon the Sea - and as I always say, "the last thing we need is Pirate Barbie."

    No it wont. This is simply a false statement.

    Anyone who ever played a MMO knows that people make all types characters and none of them ever look exactly the same.


    Yeah, how about no. Have you never walked around an open MMO lobby? Anime fantasy Barbies and Kens abound!

    Just because they look good doesnt mean that they all look the same.

    And yet still if you look close you can clearly see that not everyone uses a pretty looking character in those games.

    Lets also not forget that looks are pretty subjective and not everyone goes for the so called "barbie-ken" style.

  • will say this in every post i see about this we need only 3 to 4 filters nothing else gender bodytype villain-hero skin and maaaaaybe age

  • @muarembossi what do you mean by hero and villain looks?
    Im pretty sure that this is not a thing in Sea of Thieves.

  • Idk i guess it depends on how in depth they'd go. I'm happy with the current system, but I'd agree to a "filter" depending on like body size (small - med - large), age, and skin tone. This would narrow it down enough that it would increase the odds of you finding your "perfect" pirate, without taking away from the unique system/vision Rare has implemented.

  • @alienmagi well it is exactly a sea of thieves thing without scara and a boind eye or black lips more normal pirate handsome sometimes maybe ur a hero villain is the other thing u can see it in google on ipg pics

  • @muarembossi That limits your pirate though. What if your villainesque looking pirate wants to do a few good deeds?

  • I just want 3 filters. After that I could live with everything else being randomised.

    Skin Tone

  • @galactic-geek lol ur right well those others then not the hero-villain one

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