An unconventional way to give players the opportunity to get previous Plunder Pass content - Plunder Pass Exchange/Swap

  • While Rare said they plan on making previous Plunder Pass content available again but they're not sure the best way to do it, i thought about a possible solution that may work for everyone.

    -Plunder Pass Exchange/Swap-

    With this option you purchase the active plunder pass and swap the Plunder Pass and it's content with a previous one you missed.
    While other players unlock the current content, you unlock the content from the swapped Plunder Pass.
    However, it is a one time offer. If you missed more than one you need to consider carefully which one to choose.
    Also you basically give up the chance to get the content from the Plunder Pass you swapped. A soul for a soul if you will (huehuehue...)
    You may regret giving up on certain content but perhaps you will be happy with the choice you made.

    This is just an idea. It gives players the option to get cosmetics they missed but keep a form of exclusivity since players that used the offer miss content that they swapped. Perfectly balanced...okay i'll stop.

    It's unconventional but perhaps an option to consider. Perhaps. Perhaps not.


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  • Honestly, I think the how of it was just them trying to decide how long things remained exclusive. We are coming up on one year for the Season 1 stuff so my guess is pretty soon stuff starts rolling out as that seems a reasonable timeframe for a Timed Exclusive (which is what these were marketed as).

    The Emporium stuff will no doubt just come to the Emporium. So probably no how needed on this one.

    The regular stuff, there was probably an additional how to consider, that being what to tie them to (just make them expensive, tie them to Commendations, etc). This all has to be a case by case basis kind of thing, so that probably took at least a little time to sort out as well.

    The point being, I don't think they were looking for some new and unique way to roll this out, just sorting out what to tie what to and how long to let them be exclusive.

  • While Rare said they plan on making previous Plunder Pass content available again but they're not sure the best way to do it,

    They said by emporium. They are never unsure they have an idea and plan. The issue is will it work.

  • I don't get you's like you HAVE to have stuff just cause you can't get it!

    Let the guys who have stuff have it. We all got something not everyone has.

    How would you like it if the one thing you had that was quasi rare was just made available to everyone tomorrow?

    Well, you wouldn't like it! So stop asking for everything other people have that you don't!

  • Haven’t they been adding old plunder pass items to the emporium?

  • @glannigan sagte in An unconventional way to give players the opportunity to get previous Plunder Pass content - Plunder Pass Exchange/Swap:

    I don't get you's like you HAVE to have stuff just cause you can't get it!

    Let the guys who have stuff have it. We all got something not everyone has.

    How would you like it if the one thing you had that was quasi rare was just made available to everyone tomorrow?

    Well, you wouldn't like it! So stop asking for everything other people have that you don't!

    Sounds alot like gatekeeping to me. I was just offering an idea.

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