Blunder and sword changes that I think should be implemented.

  • I have been playing this game for about 2 years now and it’s become one of my favorite games. I have 1100 chests turned in and get all of my rep from stealing and pvp. I’m on Xbox btw. Blunderbuss has never really felt right in a game like sea of thieves where strategy is everything and sword just feels buggy and doesn’t work correctly half the time. When your on Xbox where good aim is a lot trickier than you might think, you tend to see players using the blundy and sword most of the time because they require little to no aim. It gets very frustrating and repetitive because if you board a ship like a Galleon, you’ll have like 4 people chasing you around with sword and blunder. When you get sliced once, it usually ends with all of the enemy crew trying to slice you and you die because you can’t get away from sword stun. If I’m boarding a ship and they hear me, a decent crew will know how to guard ladders effectively. When I’m trying to bait ladders by hopping off and getting back on the ladder or sliding down the ladder, good crews will see right through that and just wait until I actually climb up just to get one blundered. Blunderbuss in my opinion, outranks pistol and sniper because 95% of all combat in sea of thieves is on a ship with closed corners and tight turns making the blunderbuss shine. Just run around and chase the person while weaving to avoid the incoming shots with blunderbuss or sword and you’ll probably kill them. Blunder also has huge knock back making it easy to board a ship like a brig or sloop and blast the enemy off the side. It’s like a miniature cannon because of how easily it can knock people off a ship.

    Here’s what I think should change with blunder.

    -reduce the knock back so you can’t knocked off a ship so easily
    -reduce the damage from 100 to 99 to remove it’s one shot capability from full health

    This would still make the blunder a hard hitter up close but remove the one shot that makes it so easy to get kills with compared to pistol or sniper

    Here’s what I think should change with the sword.

    -25 to 20 damage
    -reduce the penalty for missing a sword lunge
    -reduce the sword lunge damage by 10

    This would make sword combat a lot more interesting and thought out instead of just running around a ship spamming RT with a controller. It would also increase the amount of skill it would take to use the sword


    These changes would make the weapons in sea of thieves a lot more balanced and skill based
    because in the current state of sea of thieves blunder and sword are the weapons I see 75% of time on Xbox because of the lack of skill they require

  • 24
    xbox one
  • The sword got its 25 damage to solve the double gun meta

    The sword didn't do enough damage double gunners could tank sword hits with little worry

    This change will render the sword obsolete in comparison to the guns something i do not wish to see again

    With this change guns would be something you will see 90% of the time

    Right now the sword is balanced no need to change it

    If there is something i hate it is game metas

    Metas renders every pickable option useless due to the fact that the meta in question is so much more useful than every other option

    Guns are not suppose to be used in close range combat its time to use weapons to their inteded purpose (blunder being the only exception because it is a close range weapon)

    Before the sword buff guns was used in long range AND in close range

    Guns even did a better job at close range combat than swords due to the low damage output per swing

  • Sounds to me like someone is trying to board before a ship has any pressure on them (damage) to take their attention off their ladders.

  • @stuffidontknow said in Blunder and sword changes that I think should be implemented.:

    I have been playing this game for about 2 years now and it’s become one of my favorite games.

    Great to hear!

    I have 1100 chests turned in and get all of my rep from stealing and pvp.

    Don't gloat. Be humble instead.

    I’m on Xbox btw.

    Me too!

    Blunderbuss has never really felt right in a game like sea of thieves where strategy is everything and sword just feels buggy and doesn’t work correctly half the time.

    I personally disagree, and as a Master sword user that knows more than most, outside of the occasional hit-reg, the sword is not buggy at all.

    When your on Xbox where good aim is a lot trickier than you might think,

    This is true for some (like me), but not all.

    you tend to see players using the blundy and sword most of the time because they require little to no aim.

    No, you see it most of the time because boarding is a popular tactic, and it's the best loadout for that particular situation. It has little to nothing to do with weapon accuracy.

    It gets very frustrating and repetitive because if you board a ship like a Galleon, you’ll have like 4 people chasing you around with sword and blunder.

    A fact of life. Try your best to split them up or distract them long enough for the rest of your crew to 🤬 up their ship. Remember, if all 4 are chasing you, then none of them are sailing their ship - communicate that to your crew!

    When you get sliced once, it usually ends with all of the enemy crew trying to slice you and you die because you can’t get away from sword stun.

    Actually, it doesn't because there is a way out. First, though, you have to use your block. Why? Because it protects you and opens up a new avenue - the sword dodge. Simply block, move and jump all at the same time.

    With this simple sword mechanic, you should never be cornered, trapped, stuck, or outnumbered (at least when sword vs. Sword). You can actually use it to dodge THROUGH your enemies in order to stab them in the back. And the best part? It still works even when stunned! Yep, that's right! It's your get out of Ferry free card. Use it!

    If I’m boarding a ship and they hear me, a decent crew will know how to guard ladders effectively.

    Did you know that if you block or aim with your weapon as you start climbing the ladder, the sound of the water splash as you grab on will be much quieter?? Use this to stealthily board if they haven't already spotted you. If they have spotted you, try to bait their attack for an opening by sliding down the ladder. Also, hold your block/aim as you crest the top because it will allow you to instantly block (for defense) or aim (for offense) as you board.

    When I’m trying to bait ladders by hopping off and getting back on the ladder or sliding down the ladder, good crews will see right through that and just wait until I actually climb up just to get one blundered.

    Yeah, it's their best defense. Use the above-mentioned strategy to try and not get spotted in the 1st place.

    Blunderbuss in my opinion, outranks pistol and sniper because 95% of all combat in sea of thieves is on a ship with closed corners and tight turns making the blunderbuss shine.


    Just run around and chase the person while weaving to avoid the incoming shots with blunderbuss or sword and you’ll probably kill them.

    Did you know there are over 30 ways to avoid being 1-shot by a blunderbuss?

    Blunder also has huge knock back making it easy to board a ship like a brig or sloop and blast the enemy off the side. It’s like a miniature cannon because of how easily it can knock people off a ship.

    So, maybe don't stand near the edge of the ship?

    Here’s what I think should change with blunder.

    -reduce the knock back so you can’t knocked off a ship so easily

    That's a key factor of what makes it great, right now!

    -reduce the damage from 100 to 99 to remove it’s one shot capability from full health

    If you make this change, it would make the blunderbuss the worst weapon in the game. Its knockback will be the only good reason to use it - and if you nerf that too... Well...

    This would still make the blunder a hard hitter up close but remove the one shot that makes it so easy to get kills with compared to pistol or sniper

    That 2-shot is exactly what makes it a viable weapon. Without it, as I already said, it becomes the worst weapon in the game.

    Here’s what I think should change with the sword.

    -25 to 20 damage
    -reduce the penalty for missing a sword lunge
    -reduce the sword lunge damage by 10

    This breaks combat altogether by ensuring double-guns becomes the meta all over again.
    With this change, pirates can sit there and shoot you twice in the time it takes you to hit them 5x ensuring that you die and that they don't when they're using the long-range weapon and you're using the short-range weapon. Doesn't exactly make sense does it?

    With it as it is now, it only takes 4 hits, they can't do tank hits anymore, and you have the added bonus of having an easier time against skeletons and can even solo ruby mermaid statues (provided you have plenty of good food with you).

    As for the sword lunge cooldown, simply don't miss. Personally, I don't use it because I think the sword is good enough without it.

    This would make sword combat a lot more interesting and thought out instead of just running around a ship spamming RT with a controller.

    Sword combat is interesting and does require a lot of thinking - if you're simply running at the enemy and spamming your sword slash, then you're doing it wrong, and aren't a very good sword fighter.

    It would also increase the amount of skill it would take to use the sword.

    99% of pirates I have encountered underutilize the sword due to their own ignorance of its capabilities. Sorry to say this, but you appear to be no exception.


    These changes would make the weapons in sea of thieves a lot more balanced and skill based

    No, they would break the balance, and as such would reduce that skill base, actually giving you the opposite of what you want.

    because in the current state of sea of thieves blunder and sword are the weapons I see 75% of time on Xbox because of the lack of skill they require

    They're easy to use and popular, because as I said earlier, boarding is popular. Ease of use also doesn't equate skill - it just lowers the bar in how it's used. More skilled pirates will still succeed with those, or other, weapons if they use the right strategies.

    In conclusion

    You, and others like you, aren't as skilled or as knowledgeable as you think you are, still have a lot to learn, and would rather have the game change before you do.

  • @galactic-geek First off, thanks for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it. I thought about where you said double gun would bring itself back in the meta of the damage changed so your argument was logical. However I still stand by the fact that blunder should have its knock back reduced because you don’t have to be standing at the edge of the ship to be knocked off the side. I see it all the time in arena where could board a ship and knock someone off with the blunder very easily and they were standing in the middle. As for the one shot change, I think your right it shouldn’t be removed just altered. I think the pellet spread should be increased. Blunder I think has too much of a tight spread of pellets for being able drain someone’s health from a distance. I could be on the front of a sloop and someone could be standing at the wheel and remove half of my health. Their has been multiple instances where I have been at full health and half of my health was gone when they were standing at a distance where at the most, a quarter should have been removed. Increasing the spread would keep the one blunder for ladder guarding and it wouldn’t make the sword blunder combo bad because your supposed to get up close anyway.
    Also, I use the silent board strat and use the sword lunge cancel by grabbing onto cannons, map, wheel, harpoon etc just before I get into the immobilized state if I miss. I also use the sword lunge a lot especially if there is a lot of players chasing me, it’s really effective. The sword lunge however loves to bug out sometimes and lock you even though you hit the lunge. You could reduce the punishment from the penalty, even though you hit the lunge with the changes listed or just fix the bugs with the sword lunge. The biggest advantage with the sword lunge is the knock back. The knock back on the lunge feels more earned and less cheap because you have to outplay your opponents into following you and hitting them with the lunge. You can shoot the blunder without ADS after running up to someone and knock them back with the same knock back as the lunge. The lunge also immobilizes you almost completely for like 2.5 seconds making it easy for someone to cancel it by hitting you with any of the guns.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply!

  • An addition to this. I think they should also make it so you can actually escape a sword stun. It sucks so much because you just have to spam eating when someone is swording you and you can't escape it even if you are sprinting. You should only be able to escape it after like 2 swings and sprinting away from the sword.

  • After seeing some POVs I’ll retract when I talked about getting rid one shot blunder, instead replace it with a wider spread of pellets. I also take back about the damage change to the sword but everything else I stand by

  • Sounds like this person has 0 range so beat them at that and don't let them close distance.

  • @stuffidontknow said:

    I could be on the front of a sloop and someone could be standing at the wheel and remove half of my health.

    This cannot be true. I have tested the spread of the gun's blast from various distances with a crewmate against a large rock wall while using both hipfire and while aiming (with the latter easily proving to have a much tighter spread - you can see this yourself by simply shooting at the ground). The gun fires exactly 10 pellets, and all of them have to hit to get a kill against a full-health target, so if you count 9 or less holes in the wall behind your crewmate, your target just survived a 1-shot attempt.

    It's also worth noting that the spread isn't random. It alternates between a few very specific clusters.

    If you were killed at long-range in 1 shot, it's likely due to lag on your end, theirs, or the server. In other words, they're not actually where you think they are. You may not think this is the case, but I have had lag that teleported me from the bottom deck of a galleon to the top, so I really wouldn't put it past it.

    Alternatively, you could have been shot twice simultaneously from 2 separate sources. 😅

  • 4 people chasing a person with any weapon SHOULD probably win. Logically.

    I think the blundy is fine. I don’t use it, but it seems like a well balanced deterrent. With a good risk/reward for both a sword combatant daring to come in for a strike. And the wielder.

    My big gripe right now is the fact that when I connect with a sword lunge. Like a quarter of the time, I am still getting the stun effect as if I missed. And can’t move. Or I can still move but the camera won’t turn.
    One this is fixed, the sword combat will feel pretty perfect to me.

  • @galactic-geek I absolutely agree with everything you’ve said here and it can’t really be argued against but telling someone not to gloat and be humble followed by “I’m a master sword user who knows more than most” is pretty funny. Good points though!

  • @mustardpie14 said:

    but telling someone not to gloat and be humble followed by “I’m a master sword user who knows more than most” is pretty funny.


  • @mostexpendable said:

    My big gripe right now is the fact that when I connect with a sword lunge. Like a quarter of the time, I am still getting the stun effect as if I missed. And can’t move. Or I can still move but the camera won’t turn.

    And this is precisely why I don't rely on this particular mechanic - I'd prefer using other mechanics that are far more reliable.

  • @stuffidontknow said:

    You can shoot the blunder without ADS after running up to someone and knock them back with the same knock back as the lunge.

    Here's an idea: what if the knockback only worked while aiming with the blunderbuss? Since aiming focuses the pellet spread, I think this could actually make some sense. Thoughts?

  • Rare just need to fix the sword so you can't get hit mid-combo by a button spammer. And the possibility to turn around faster when you are blocking.

    Also I think the penalty of the missed lunge is too much. It required more skills before. At least you should be able to block or walk, like it was before, but without the possibility to cancel the animation and insta-hop around.

  • This would make sword combat a lot more interesting and thought out instead of just running around a ship spamming RT with a controller. It would also increase the amount of skill it would take to use the sword

    Um, reducing damage and cooldown of the lunge doesn't change how much people are spamming light attacks, because they're 2 different attacks. That just makes people want to use a under used attack even less.

    Howver I'm down for the 25 to 20 damage.

    1 blunder is fine, it makes it very good for defense on ships, and I don't think I've ever had a problem with being knocked off the ship with blunder.

  • @galactic-geek
    All your saying here is that to avoid all of his problem he needs to use sword, what if he's a double gunner, maybe without blunderbombs at his presence?

  • @coolguy56562 said in Blunder and sword changes that I think should be implemented.:

    All your saying here is that to avoid all of his problem he needs to use sword, what if he's a double gunner, maybe without blunderbombs at his presence?

    Well, if you're a double-gunner knowingly going into a fight without blunderbombs, then you're just asking for it.

    In any case, the only good pirate is a pirate who uses all of the weapons in scenarios that best fit their respective roles - a pirate willfully handicapping themselves to just 1 set of weapons all of the time can't be good all of the time. It's simply common sense! Then again, we're talking about pirates here... 😅

  • @galactic-geek
    But having to use sword to counter all your problems would mean that it is meta.

  • @coolguy56562 said in Blunder and sword changes that I think should be implemented.:

    But having to use sword to counter all your problems would mean that it is meta.

    Not necessarily - it's simply the versatile choice; you can do more with it than any other weapon.

  • @galactic-geek
    Sword takes up only one of your weapon slots to be good whereas double gunning takes both meaning it can't be versatile

  • @stuffidontknow said in Blunder and sword changes that I think should be implemented.:

    I have been playing this game for about 2 years now and it’s become one of my favorite games.

    Us too.

    I have 1100 chests turned in and get all of my rep from stealing and pvp. I’m on Xbox btw.

    This makes you sound like a huge noob to me.

    Blunderbuss has never really felt right in a game like sea of thieves where strategy is everything and sword just feels buggy and doesn’t work correctly half the time. When your on Xbox where good aim is a lot trickier than you might think, you tend to see players using the blundy and sword most of the time because they require little to no aim. It gets very frustrating and repetitive because if you board a ship like a Galleon, you’ll have like 4 people chasing you around with sword and blunder. When you get sliced once, it usually ends with all of the enemy crew trying to slice you and you die because you can’t get away from sword stun.

    Yes, if you attempt to 1v4 a galleon you will likely die to them, no matter the weapons. Whatever your point is here, the mechanic should remain unchanged. Four blundy's versus you should generally result in your death.

    If I’m boarding a ship and they hear me, a decent crew will know how to guard ladders effectively. When I’m trying to bait ladders by hopping off and getting back on the ladder or sliding down the ladder, good crews will see right through that and just wait until I actually climb up just to get one blundered.

    Again, you are alone on a ladder with a team of players watching you. What change would you request? If you are dumb enough to climb a ladder with bad guys waiting for you at the top, you are dumb enough to die to their guns.

    Personally, I don't one blundy you if I find you on my ladder. I throw a bomb, knock you off, and force you to swim to a mermaid and eat food.

    Blunderbuss in my opinion, outranks pistol and sniper because 95% of all combat in sea of thieves is on a ship with closed corners and tight turns making the blunderbuss shine. Just run around and chase the person while weaving to avoid the incoming shots with blunderbuss or sword and you’ll probably kill them.

    If opinions could be wrong, this one would be. pistol with eye of reach is better than blundy anything 95% of the time in pvp, imho.

    Blunder also has huge knock back making it easy to board a ship like a brig or sloop and blast the enemy off the side. It’s like a miniature cannon because of how easily it can knock people off a ship.

    This is in direct contradiction with your previous statement saying you couldn't get up ladders. If it was so easy, why are you getting stopped in the ladder?

    Here’s what I think should change with blunder.

    -reduce the knock back so you can’t knocked off a ship so easily
    -reduce the damage from 100 to 99 to remove it’s one shot capability from full health

    This would still make the blunder a hard hitter up close but remove the one shot that makes it so easy to get kills with compared to pistol or sniper

    This would effectively reduce the blundy to defensive use for ladders only.

    If the blundy was a guaranteed two shot (Which you are requesting by reducing the possible damage to 99) there is no reason not to double gun or sword w/ pistol instead. as the pistol reloads faster than the blundy.

    Here’s what I think should change with the sword.

    -25 to 20 damage
    -reduce the penalty for missing a sword lunge
    -reduce the sword lunge damage by 10

    This would make sword combat a lot more interesting and thought out instead of just running around a ship spamming RT with a controller. It would also increase the amount of skill it would take to use the sword

    I don't think you understand the game well enough to suggest these changes. These two suggested changes would ensure the entire pvp community would use eye of reach with pistol 100% of the time for PvP. You would see sword, gun during PvE, and that's about it.


    These changes would make the weapons in sea of thieves a lot more balanced and skill based
    because in the current state of sea of thieves blunder and sword are the weapons I see 75% of time on Xbox because of the lack of skill they require

    I'll just conclude with a quote from Geek.

    You, and others like you, aren't as skilled or as knowledgeable as you think you are, still have a lot to learn, and would rather have the game change before you do.

  • I think Blunderbuss shouldn't be a 1 hit kill, I agree.
    The devs said that they fixed double gunning, because there shouldn't be any weapon that kills from 1 hit..
    ..but they haven't touched Blunderbuss.

    It should do the same damage from close range as EyeOfReach.
    The knockback is fine, it makes it unique.

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