The Legend of Glitterbeard...

  • ... and how his spirit may spred his glitter on our dark pirate souls.

    My journey started when I found the first book at the outpost and I dug deeper into the pirate web what this might be all about.
    It was such a lovely story that I had to find them all.

    I raised my new beatiful Glitterbeard sail and found all the books soon.
    But there was this last one left - finding 7 friendly pirates out in the Sea of Thieves who are willing to help me and won't stab me in the back? It seemed impossible, due I encountered really mad pirates out there while searching for the books.

    But I was determined to finish it!
    So I started with my galleon - being the only one on the ship. "Hiring crew members won't take too long" I thought hopefully to myself, when suddenly two brigantines came sailing towards me... To board my ship? To bomb me?
    Well no... They were offering an alliance. Alright I tried to join and kept my hope high - maybe I could find some help for my quest as well. But there were to far away.
    So I followed them with my galleon - hired some sailors on my way, who were willing to fulfill Glitterbeards trip as well.
    And I couldn't believe what happened next.

    They were heading towards the Fort of Fortune. I wasn't sure if they still would accept me and my crew on the island but they did. We formed an alliance, fighted against the skellies.. When two more ships sailed towards us. We were worried at first.
    All ships gathered together and guess what?

    I couldn't believe it, but still after we finished the fort everyone remained calm, we made music together and helped each other with the loot.

    And to make this story complete, I found 7 nice pirates who were happy to complete this wonderful journey with me.

    It felt like Glitterbeard already spred his glitter on all the pirates I met that day.

    Thanks Rare for this absolutely amazing memory.

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    xbox onecommunitystory & loreevents
  • @lu-vinsmoke

    This is a beautiful story and i'm glad you wanted to take the time to write it down ... i was lucky as i could finish the GlitterBeard Journey with seven Friends of mine with whom i regulary play with. But... many others don"t have that luck and may never see this Great ending of the Journey...

    i hope that your story will motivate them to also try to find an Alliance that may help the Pirates who don't have the luck to have 7 Friends play on the same time/Sea Server...

    What i also found Beautiful in thy story was the give and take principle of a Loyal Alliance , if you have the time than every member of the Alliance can get their wish done ... Ain't that Great?

  • @clumsy-george Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    I really hope people who would like to finish the Glitterbeard journey are able to, because it was really worth it.
    The end gave me goosebumps.
    And the fact that I had the luck finding a server with only helpful and friendly people made it even more magical.

  • @lu-vinsmoke

    i hope that many people can try to make a Looking for Group call and keep loyal to the Alliance to see the GlitterBeard Journey because ,in all honesty , i found this one of the most Beautiful things inside a game that is filled with wondrous things ,if you know where to look... It may not have the title or recognition of a Tall Tale , but for me personally , this has everything to be called and experience as any other Tall Tale , it belongs to the lore of the Sea ...

  • @clumsy-george said in The Legend of Glitterbeard...:


    This is a beautiful story and i'm glad you wanted to take the time to write it down ... i was lucky as i could finish the GlitterBeard Journey with seven Friends of mine with whom i regulary play with. But... many others don"t have that luck and may never see this Great ending of the Journey...

    i hope that your story will motivate them to also try to find an Alliance that may help the Pirates who don't have the luck to have 7 Friends play on the same time/Sea Server...

    What i also found Beautiful in thy story was the give and take principle of a Loyal Alliance , if you have the time than every member of the Alliance can get their wish done ... Ain't that Great?

    @clumsy-george How did you get 7 people in the same server? Tried to do this with 5 (1 sloop & 1 brig) but, as the servers are random there's no way for us to do a friend alliance, sadly but, understandably to keep Reaper packs at bay.

  • @rabbitsshadow

    Well Sir , one of my Friends possesses a very Friendly and reasoning Personality and before he invited me , he convinced the crew of a different ship to help fulfill what their goal of that day was but also asked to add him on their Friendlist , and when one left he asked if he could join their galleon, while his wife and family kept the original galleon...

    So we had two galleons and then he just invited others ,like me , to get to 8 Pirates with a common goal , the Journey of the GlitterBeard Legend and boy ... What a journey it was...

  • @clumsy-george fair enough. Most of the folks I have met, be it harbour or open sea, tend to shoot first and open communication never - this with zero provocation and an alliance flag flying the ship.

  • @rabbitsshadow

    Yes , that is true , sadly ... But what happened is that most Pirates have lost the Original Idea of Master Pirate Chapman ,who encouraged a journey where crews would really bound and where crews fought , but also , worked together to get original adventures ,which some can't be experienced in other games...

    Alas, many became infected with the "minehorse virus " that mostly goes to just fight and grind ... So , now it's really hard to get 8 persons together that want to experience the Magic of The Glitterbeard Tale...

  • @clumsy-george ah, well; I am newish to the game. Started playing at the end of Season 1 and have since gotten a few friends added in on the fun of the sandbox. We have some personal goals that do involve grind (legend status and some items that folk want for the look/bragging rights) but, mostly just use it to have fun.

    This is part of the reason it has been slightly confusing when all other crews that we meet either avoid or attempt to sink us. I have yet to find a random crew that didn't either sail away or open fire but, I hope to find those along the way still :)

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