
  • Hello everyone - Having played plenty of Yohoho!! Puzzle Pirates back in the day, one of the best parts of that experience was playing hold em' poker with fellow pirates. Poker brought together a lot of great people and sparked memorable conversations. I feel as though it would be perfect for this game and would love to see it implemented. Wagering gold against fellow pirates at taverns sounds like a great time in Sea of Thieves! Thanks for your consideration.

  • 21
    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • This needs to happen. Think of the great times to be had gathering crews around a table, drinking and playing cards. You could even have bots to play against if people aren't there. Just one more fun pirate thing to do while sailing around the seas.

  • @mochapete Rare have already said that they are deeply uncomfortable with adding gambling to SOT.
    I would not get your hopes up.

  • @scarecrow1771 Gotcha. Thank you for your insight!

  • The way they could implement it is with dlc. Total war titles usually stay teen friendly without blood, they just add it as dlc and the age rating won't go up.

  • Ive been thinking about stuff like this too for ages. I think card games that you could play at outposts and even on your ship could create some really cool moments between crews. It could add some more variation to the game outside of the normal quests and events.

  • @scarecrow1771 sagte in Poker!:

    @mochapete Rare have already said that they are deeply uncomfortable with adding gambling to SOT.
    I would not get your hopes up.

    whats wrong about when people playing for gold?.its not possible buying gold for real money , not just in sot , but kids can spend money for so much trash dlc(skins, boosters, football players, ).its nothing wrong about gambling for fun

  • @scarecrow1771 said in Poker!:

    @mochapete Rare have already said that they are deeply uncomfortable with adding gambling to SOT.
    I would not get your hopes up.

    One might argue that buying the new commodities to resell at a greater value is a form of gambling too, I do see your, and the dev's point but say if it were to be included, betting doesn't have to be implemented in order to play a few card games, in fact players could just bet physical loot instead. Even if betting was involved, keeping the price of each bet low, say 50 gold might prevent exploits such as a rich player throwing the game to let a new player earn some money quick.

    Personally I just want to see any kind of table game to be available in the tavern upstairs.

  • if we all start wearing the lucky hand set as a message to Rare, then maybe we get lucky enough! (unless the message gets misinterpreted and they add recolors of the set, instead of minigames)

  • Personally, while I don't ever expect this to be added as was pointed out above, I'd rather have Dice and games associated to that than cards. Namely because there are other uses for dice potentially outside of betting games and then the dice could fall into the "tools not rules" mindset of the game. And we've seen dice on some of the menu screens over time already, so they have models for them.

    But, I digress, I doubt this will ever be a thing.

  • @redeyesith Now this would be interesting. I can imagine dice being used to informally wager goods and give pirates more reasons to communicate, potentially leading to conflict (honoring the bet, etc). Sounds like dice would enrich the pirate experience and would be easy enough to implement based on current assets. A Cee-lo scenario would be cool too.

  • @mochapete indeed, and it wouldn't require any mini games (which technically if you do that you are "supporting gambling" in the game even if you do it for fake currency like in game gold, some regions have an issue with this and the game is global). But, players could setup their own games and wagers via the "tools not rules" factor of the world (and facilitate betrayal and all that good stuff to boot by simply not managing it beyond adding the tool in). So you could get gambling without directly supporting it is individual players wanted to.

    I can even see how they would program it. Idles Action would be just holding the Dice in your hand so you can see the values on them. Main Action would be to close your fist and shake to randomize the numbers on the Dice. Secondary Action would be extending your hand so others can see the values on the Dice.

    Simple and opens a lot of options. Indecisive crews could have a tool to decide what to do in a session, people could "Odds/Evens" things, people could make all manner of different bets with others and stale Loot on it (which can involve attempts at bluffing and backstabbing).

    With Cards you would likely need to programmatically make them viable by establishing the games themselves (hard to get many games to work with cards with limited Actions we can perform with items). And, realistically (which is always the lowest concern in a fantasy adventure game), it makes more sense to carry Do e compared to Cards when operating often in the water (which would destroy most kinds of Cards, but not be a problem at all for Dice really).

    Still, the gambling potential might be the nail in the coffin on this one. While I assume most regions would be ok if the game itself didn't have mechanics in place to directly support gambling games, it is possible some regions might be so staunch about it that a tool giving players the potential to try and gamble might be a deal breaker (as silly as I personally think that would be, cause the game existing at all with any mechanics means creative players can come up with ways to gamble or bet - we could race, duel, etc already and wager our loot on it if we wanted - but just because I see at as silly doesn't mean the regulatory body of some other country sees it differently).

    So we probably shouldn't be too excited about that fact that it seems like it would be super easy to do, but it also means I still think overall it merits suggestion and I'm happy to discuss and debate ways it could be done.

  • Surely Rare could get past the "gambling bad" stuff by simply adding a set of cards as an object players can use? Then players are free to do whatever they want with them. The player choses to create a card game where treasure is at stake, Rare simply added cards to their game.

  • sounds like a great idea thou unless its across servers idk being in every tavern would be ideal, maybe a centralized area on the map maybe its own instance that can house a lot of players... that tavern next to reapers seems like a good place.

    lol i just had a funny thought... what if the rumored mermaid update was just an underwater casino run by the mermaids XD

  • This would result in less ships sailing around with loot. It would have to be something accessed from the main menu, not in game.

  • I fully support this idea and I hope that this topic will listen.

  • The only problem is that the gameplay will suffer if people sit on outposts.
    It probably would have to be a different island, perhaps the Arena Island at the middle of the map?

    If they were to add a mini game, I would love to see Liar's Dice!

  • @jumli7 then people would sit on the Arena Island.

  • @uzugijin True, I almost added that part xd
    But atleast everyone knows where the island is, so wouldn't be difficult to find people ;)

  • @jumli7 ah i got you! well... you could play with your crewmates in case there are no people willing to participate in a match of chess for example. Optionally, you could play against your pet if you're a solo player. Pay to win, hah!

  • @cornelius-ix imagine next developer update video joe neate says "only 3 percent of our playerbase spends time in adventure, everybody else plays the dice game so as a result we stopped updating adventure and focus our attention where our players are" xD

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