Are people normally such?

  • @combatxkitty please write me how to play alone, I often play alone and maybe I missed something
    I really want the developers to add an NPC bot when the player is playing alone. The bot would inform me about ships at sea or turn the steering wheel using the player's commands

  • @sonaea said in Are people normally such jerks?:

    I'm pretty new to this game, but so far I love it. It has all the sandbox exploration and adventure that I absolutely love in a game. Thing is, now I'm not sure how much I want to keep playing.

    Welcome to the Sea of Thieves!

    Today while I was playing solo on a couple different occasions other players decided to kill me and take all my stuff.Both times when I saw them I went out of my way to try and project that I just wanted to try and be friendly and do my own thing, but seems like that wasn't an option.

    So really, that's just Sea of Thieves. The intention is that you venture out into this world and meet other players sometimes on your journies. Those players could be hostile as all get out or they could be friendly charitable pirates. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. That's the game.

    Normally I avoid this kind of problem by playing single player or on a private server but that isn't an option in this game.

    So Sea of Thieves is a unique case. It's actually a game whose multiplayer experience variety and social diversity thrives on having no play style divides (such as single player or private servers) you're subject to the shared world with all player types in it. And that's really what makes the game special.

    Is this normally how people play this game, ganging up on a lone player to screw them over? As much as I love the game so far, I'm not sure if I want to keep playing if that's all I have to look forward to.

    You're going to encounter a variety - some players just want your loot, some enjoy the fight, some will be more scared of you than you are of them, some will raise their tankard with you and invite you into an alliance.

    Some tips:

    • Sea of Thieves is a multiplayer experience through and through. Therefore solo play will be inherently harder. It really is worth it to find a crew. The game is much more enjoyable with one. Look out for the official Sea of Thieves Discord to find some friends

    • Don't want a crew? Prepare for a tough time... Hone your skills and do some YouTube research for great tips on playing as a solo pirate. Over time, solo play will feel less difficult and more natural. It's just in this game, playing by yourself is hard mode. That's the way it's meant to be, but there's a lot of great advice on YouTube.

    • Be clear about your intentions if you want to be friendly, raise your alliance flag. Head on up into the crow's nest of your ship, check the flag box and find the Alliance Flag. Raising that will let other crews know that you're looking to form an alliance and having it raised allows them to actually form one with you. Having it raised doesn't mean anyone is obligated to spare you your ship or your treasure... but it does help you communicate with other crews about what you want.

  • @barmaley7580
    My advice would be to avoid all other players when playing solo. you MIGHT find some nice pirates, but i still wouldn't trust them.

    Other than that, always keep a look out for other ships. As stated they are not to be trusted.

  • @solitarydrop202

    solo ≠ emissary
    The Bonus is a big risk.
    Refuse the Bonus and make you less of a target.

    Especially for Athena!!

  • @solitarydrop202 said in Are people normally such jerks?:

    @stundorn I do sell more often, but the problem is the emissary. I get emissary 4 athena and everytime i get sunk because of one damn mistake. I think losing a 4 hours emissary farm is not balance. Maybe if you lose your boat the emissary would be divided by 2 so there would be less frustration... And everyone would be happy.

    The entire emissary system is designed to encourage PvP and to reward players for taking on more risk. Quit joining emissaries if you are going to be upset that others eventually come for you. It is not simply some kind of empty bonus. The higher reward comes with higher risk.

  • @pithyrumble said in Are people normally such?:



    Oh wait you meant in the game lol.....


    You should at least tell them why it is even though practically everyone has already.

  • @shifty189 thats exactly what I mean because reaper is damn easy low risk high reward. I don't mean it is not great, i just mean it is not balanced! Maybe if I lose only the half of my emissary i would not be so damn frustrated of this game.

  • @ghostpaw That's why it is not true for people who just do reaper because you have a low risk for a high reward. It is not BALANCED.

  • On one side you farm an emissary athena 5 for hours ( High risk, high reward) and on the other side, you have a damn reaper going for people who farm for them ( low risk high reward). And where is your damn objectivity guys, you really think it is balanced? I just don't get it.

  • Why wouldn't it be so easy?

    • Arena for pvp players
      -Pve/pvp server for ppl who want some challenge
      -Pve servers for ppl who just want to chill and farm without being harrassed by pvp guys.

    There everyone would be happy. Why just put frustration to a certain part of the community? I really don't understand that. And you gonna tell me again that this is a pirate game. But it doesn't change the fact that there is persons who'd like to chill like in every single game.

  • @solitarydrop202 because then the pve servers would be a place to mindlessly grind money. sorry rare already said no to that one.

  • @barmaley7580 said in Are people normally such?:

    @combatxkitty please write me how to play alone, I often play alone and maybe I missed something
    I really want the developers to add an NPC bot when the player is playing alone. The bot would inform me about ships at sea or turn the steering wheel using the player's commands

    Just messaged you a bunch of tips. Hope it helps.

  • @solitarydrop202 said in Are people normally such?:

    @stundorn I do sell more often, but the problem is the emissary. I get emissary 4 athena and everytime i get sunk because of one damn mistake. I think losing a 4 hours emissary farm is not balance. Maybe if you lose your boat the emissary would be divided by 2 so there would be less frustration... And everyone would be happy.

    simple, it‘s your fault if you sink with emissary up. high risk high reward. there is no easy mode

  • @solitarydrop202 said in Are people normally such?:

    Why wouldn't it be so easy?

    • Arena for pvp players
      -Pve/pvp server for ppl who want some challenge
      -Pve servers for ppl who just want to chill and farm without being harrassed by pvp guys.

    you can‘t categorise the playerbase like that. Arena is fast paced forced naval combat, not Adventure combat. PvE servers won‘t come however you will get private servers without progression where you can chill. No progression because you have no risk of losing it (if you lose it to PvE, you are bad) while we (the majority of the players) take the risk of losing on us. I recommend to gain experience in the game. Instead of telling us we have no objectivity you should ask yourself why you lose your emissary flag. This is not a hardcore game.

    There everyone would be happy. Why just put frustration to a certain part of the community? I really don't understand that. And you gonna tell me again that this is a pirate game. But it doesn't change the fact that there is persons who'd like to chill like in every single game.

  • @solitarydrop202 said in Are people normally such?:

    Why wouldn't it be so easy?

    • Arena for pvp players
      -Pve/pvp server for ppl who want some challenge
      -Pve servers for ppl who just want to chill and farm without being harrassed by pvp guys.

    There everyone would be happy. Why just put frustration to a certain part of the community? I really don't understand that. And you gonna tell me again that this is a pirate game. But it doesn't change the fact that there is persons who'd like to chill like in every single game.

    So explain to me why games can't be unique ? It like asking making the dark souls series in easy mode, it defeats the whole purpose of the vision the game developers have with their game. So I really don't understand why people don't do proper research before buying a game. Its not like you have a wide variety of games these days to choose from.

    By the way this is from someone who does prefer the PvE aspect but I knew that we could be attacked by other players. And you know what I actually find it thrilling and fun. If me and my friend could just easily grind gold and rep etc without any danger, we probably would have stopped after a few months.

    If Rare would go make it so that there will be PvE server then most of the player base would be gone soon because they are getting bored after hitting max rank within a month. Trust me you have more fun if you remove the mind set of you NEED to grind as fast as possible or NEED loot to hand in. See it as an adventure and not a job to hit max rank with every faction or buy every cosmetic as fast as possible. Try to play the game for adventure and dare i say fun instead taking it as a job.

    And if you can't change to that mindset and hate PvP through the bone then this aint a game for you. Which btw especially when you play with a friend you can avoid PvP encounters most of the time.

  • @captain-coel Yes but if that's what I want???

  • @solitarydrop202 You can't always get what you want.

    EDIT: To clarify. Just because you want something doesn't mean it's good for the game. Sea of Thieves is a game of skill, among other things. If you want to chill, relax, and enjoy yourself, nothing's stopping you. You just have to understand the nature of the game. You must accept the fact that you'll be attacked, sunk, robbed, and killed...or put in the time and effort to improve your skills so you can defend yourself. Either way, this is the game you're playing. It's called Sea of Thieves.

  • @sonaea

    1. Cash in your loot often.
    2. Be vigilant.
    3. Have a gunpowder keg & flame balls handy and if they follow your boat board them and delay them. boom
    4. Sail into the wind, they will soon get bored.
  • @solitarydrop202 rare isn't here to give you what you want, they are building the game they want. And as developers that is their prerogative. Yours as the player is whether or not you will play their game.

  • Every time there is pvp included, it will bring out the jerk inside people. I can deal with the pvp, even tho, some people tend to make pvp about being as big of an bleep as possible. That's how pvp is in general. If I can choose between pve and pvp, I choose pve, because I can't stand people who get joy about being major bleep to other players. In this game I don't have problem with pvp itself, but the toxicity of some players in voice chats. Both two times I've experienced other players voice chats, it's been about immature hostility and insults. By sounds, they sounded like grown up people and I expect grown up folks not to act like 9 year old kid on a playground who learned a fancy words from his big brother. Riddiculous moment was, when some reaper player tried to attack us and we killed him he was having death threat tantrum at me on ferryman's boat waiting to respawn. Like, dude, it's just a game and besides, you're the one who attacked us first.

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