Dueling system for crew/s.

  • Can we please get the option to either: vote to duel a fellow crewman in the crew menu or knife each other ala Borderlands. just to settle personal disputes or battle for captaincy lol idk. just seemed interesting to me. maybe allow for two different crews' "captains" to duel it out for loot so there's honor(and bragging rights?)? inb4 honor amongst thieves.

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  • I'm actually completely for this.

    The activation could be similar to the alliance system, with a flag being raised from the mast.

    The crew that then accepts either vote or have a random member sent to the deck of the other ship and a member from the other crew is selected as well.

    The last member standing/still on deck is the winner.

  • @mythrl yesss. i wouldnt mind being able to duel fellow crewmates as well lol.
    but for two different crews, maybe there is an island selected to do battle on or something? or if accepted...both ships have to be side by side and the bigger ship is used for the fight?

    idk just thinking. glad you are for it tho!

  • @nicondrios3212
    Thinking of the idea more, It'd be really difficult to implement this on any ship type smaller than a galleon.

    Overall I think it'd be better to just have a game mode for it. A "Duel" mode, where two people are pitted against each other on a small, circular island.

    You could also do something similar with naval battles, having 1v1 naval battles as a mode would be a good addition too!

  • I and many others have actually wanted this implemented for a while and it has been brought up quite a few times. it would be super fun to be able to fight your own crew and do some duels. It could be fun for streamers and their crews as well as maybe even be good for small events. I wish they would implement this.

  • This actually sounds dope but o think it should only be against crew mates. I feel it would complicate things against other crews

  • @mythrl yeah i agree, it would be kinda hard to make it balanced. i would definitely love to have a 1 v 1 duel mode like arena but on an island.

  • @theeggoplant i hope that they implement it! yeah i agree, itd be fun, and add a small, fun feature to the game. i would think that it wouldnt be too hard

  • Yes this is needed

    Only thing needed is to is flip on duel mode and you can fight your crew aslong as they also have it on

    A much needed feature

  • @jdavid77cr i kind of agree with you on that, that it should be only with crew mates, as it may be difficult to implement it against other teams. i would like them to start with the crew duel system first at least lol

  • I think it would work best with the speaking trumpet, and give it some more actual use since not too many people use in game chat. Have a challenge nearby players wheel and when someone is challenged their wheel has an accept challenge prompt where the challenge player prompt would be.

  • @nicondrios3212

    I've transferred my idea to make dueling a game mode over to another post I made


    If you are interested check it out, otherwise feel free to advocate for a duel game mode. I'd love to be able to challenge my friends to a sword duel!

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