Are their any universal signs of not wanting to fight?

  • Okay, I know that's a weird topic, but I'm new and I want to quest and learn a bit more before jumping into PvP. I am also aware this is a PvP game, and inevitably you have to fight. I just want some tips on how to look less like a target.

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  • Be aggressive.

    Insanely aggressive.

    You see a ship, no matter what the circumstances are or how far away it is, pin you’re ears back and attack!

    Head straight for it!

    Believe it or not it works. Sure they may be able to kick your arss but no one wants to deal with crazy.

    Even Galleons will avoid Sloops.

    You never know what the other guys are doing, how much time they have put in and what they have on board.

    Charging at everyone like a maniac works.

    If a Gally has an Athena and has been questing all day you think they want to fend off two sweaties with nothing to lose charging at them in a fresh spawn default skin sloop? Hell no they don’t.

    Now sit there like a victim with your anchor and sails down looking like your on an island and even the meekest of players will take that opportunity to attack!

  • @Glannigan is right here, but dont exagerate at it because some dont care for you coming and are prepared well send you to Davy Jones Locker , but in general moving agressive , Not neccesarily looking agressive and see others reaction is a good hint.

  • If you want to show that you don't want to fight, maybe raise the white flag and put your cannons aiming at the sky. Also, playing music to another player, raising your tankard or raising your lantern means you are friendly, though the music is the most used and well - known technique. If you do want to fight, I agree with @Glannigan. Don't be afraid of the four -man - galleon in the distance, and don't be afraid to lose your loot. It's just loot, you can get the same amount of it again if you try, and it is just use to improve a meaningless number in your stats, and you can only use the gold to buy cosmetics. Don't be salty or sad when you lose and don't give up PvP cos you didn't win your first few battles. The most fun thing to do in the Seas is fight, have legendary adventures and have fun with your friends, so don't give up on it. Practice, and you will learn to fight perfectly.

  • You'll get attacked and you'll lose loot and it'll be rough for a while

    but just keep it in your mind that most of us that have millions and millions of gold and most of the commendations done started out in your shoes.

    This game has more good and bad luck in it than anything else. You will have frequent run ins with both

    The best way in my view isn't to waste time trying to figure out how to prevent a pirate from pirating the best way is to be efficient when the gettin' is good. Waste as little time as possible. The more efficient you play the more you will gain and the less you will lose even with hostile pirates out there.

    Sell often. The less you carry the less you have to lose

    Pacifists need to play smart and efficient but they can still thrive in dangerous waters.

    My suggestion is stick to megs and skelly ships and short island visits for a while. You want to keep moving so you don't get tucked on or snuck up on. This allows you to gather plenty of loot without the vulnerability of island wandering

    As you get more experienced you will make a lot of gold so don't worry about some losses now. It'll be frustrating but you more often than not won't be losing much at your current stage compared to what you'll bring in down the road.

  • You could also use the Arena for combat training with no consequence.

    You get paid and can get a fancy hat and jacket.

  • @stonedhippieman

    1. Do not carry around more loot than you are willing to lose. Treasure is not yours till you have sold it. You will be attacked and sunk at times, it simply is part of the game. Everyone loses at times, so decide how much you are willing to risk.
    2. Pay attention to the horizon, if you don't see them coming it is hard to respond. Meaning every so often, stop with what you are doing, head to a high place and look around you.
    3. Raise your sails and anchor, point the ship to open waters before heading to shore. Do not park to far from where you are is advised as well. This allows you to get on board and start moving by simply lowering your sails. Do not be a sitting duck, sitting still is a great way to get killed.
    4. Learn to sail, how the mechanics work and what advantages the different ships have, even those that you do not use. Any ship can out sail and escape any other if played properly.
    5. Try negotiating with the opponent, use your speaking horn. Still, do not let people just board your ship, do not sit still or drop anchor... negotiate from a safe position.

    People will make claims like cannons pointing upwards or white flags, alliance flags etc., these are not going to save you and mean very little. Communication and smart play are the only things you can rely on. Do not trust silent pirates, do not trust pirates completely either. If you want to be friendly, play smart, don't shoot them first, don't man the cannon when you pass each other, it is like pointing a gun at someone... people might take it the wrong way. Keep in mind that pirates are opportunists and if you do not give them the chance and make the alternative of being friendly more appealing... they tend to be nice.

    In the end, also don't fear fighting and being sunk, some people simply don't care what your intentions are and are seeking the thrill of battle. It is how you learn and in the grand scheme of things, the treasure is just a bonus. If you get spawn camped and do not want to continue fighting, you can throw in the towel, scuttle the ship.

    Good luck and happy sailing. Also... finding a crew can help, there are many that take new players onboard.

  • @Glannigan is right : the weaker you seem, the more likely someone will want to attack you.
    The more confident you appear, the less likely you are to be attacked.

    Confident isn't being careless tho, so make sure they know that you saw them but are not afraid.

    It doesn't work with people only aiming to pvp (such as server hopers or some reapers), especially if you run an emissary flag*, but it should works great with regular players.

    *pvp is kind of the point of the emissary system to begin with.

  • universal sign of "i don't want to fight" is dying quickly.
    some (a lot) of people are insanely aggressive in this game and will attack on sight whether you're a threat or not. there could be some sort of emote that made you unable to attack for 3 hours and beamed unmissable light out of the top of your head and you'd still get attacked and killed just for being too close.

    playing music is often a good sign, but basically you can't trust anyone, and no one will really trust you. you're safer in a group, but safer doesn't mean safe.

    also keep an eye on your map. if someone is purposefully looking for trouble they might be flying the reaper's mark or sailing as the reaper's emissary. if they're doing either of these then they will show up as a shadowy ship on your ships map and you can avoid them.

    like others have said: loot's not yours until you've sold it so make sure you pop in to sell things whenever you're passing by an outpost. just be laid back and relaxed about the game. if someone sinks you, you spawn far away from them. if you find you're constantly getting swamped then log out and in and you'll be on another server with different players (who may not be so pvp inclined).

    if you find yourself boarded and spawn camped, then remember you can scuttle your ship while sitting on the ferry of the damned (this is the one that annoys me the most - when they don't just kill, sink, and move on but rather play with you by setting up on your ship covering the spawn spots to shoot you in the back while you're loading in. maybe i'm bad but that's super difficult to get out of especially when you're outnumbered)

    and finally - if you run into the toxic guys that follow you around swearing at you then record a clip of them doing it with the little mic icon above their head (win + alt + R on PC to start a recording or hit the xbox button and choose capture last X seconds on xbox) and report them. we don't want those toxic peeps around.

  • @stonedhippieman said in Are their any universal signs of not wanting to fight?:

    Okay, I know that's a weird topic, but I'm new and I want to quest and learn a bit more before jumping into PvP. I am also aware this is a PvP game, and inevitably you have to fight. I just want some tips on how to look less like a target.

    flag of surender? and don't put on a ship skin that will trigger people and i can't tell you want skin that would be because they all to to somebody and actually say true and don't pirate chat it over the trumpet and not having weapons out is a good universal sign of not wanting to fight

  • @stonedhippieman
    Pro tip: Do not and I really mean DO NOT wear the Ocean Crawler or Kraken Gear! Just trust me on this every streamer and every pirate that has been playing a long time will see that and be like oo newbie I am gonna stomp on them. So ya just save yourself don't wear it

  • Go to the Devils Roar - it's basically a pve server there

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