souflame set

  • hello, i completed the soulflame set during the event but i wasnt pirate legend yet and couldnt buy the set, now i have read that the set costs more, and i want to know if the price incresed for me 2 or not. ty

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  • @worthystarfish0 I believe the set is still 1 Million Coins, but it is now locked behind having to complete the Fort of the Damned 25 times.

  • @klutchxking518 I just logged onto game for first time in 3 months so I missed the Soulflame event. I was able to buy all the cosmetics in the Legend hideout since I completed the FOTD 25 times previously in the original release of that event last year. Cost 5 million for the Costume set and like 500k for each of the other items or most of them.

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