How can two ships join the same server?

  • Ahoy you scurvy pirates! So me and 5 more of my friends all purchased sea of thieves. We want to play all together, but since it's not possible to 6 man a galleon we thought that we could find a way to get two ships in the same server. With that we could do fights between us, alliances and other fun stuff. Do you guys know any way we could archive this?
    Captain Yolo

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  • Launch at the same time again and again and again.

    Each time you load in kill yourselves with Blunder Bombs immediately.

    If you see each other in the Ferry of the Dead your in the same sever.

    Thats how all the cheaters and sniveling cowards form alliance severs.

  • @glannigan Nice thanks. How much time does it usually take?

  • @captaln-yolo said in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @glannigan Nice thanks. How much time does it usually take?

    Depends. Luck is mostly it. You could also do the much longer route and find another player ship and if by chance they are getting off, have them invite a friend to there ship. Now you have two.

    But the first option is by far the best. I joined a server alliance as they started and it took about 10min. But remember to decide what ship or how many wanna play. Mostly galleon or brig.

  • @glannigan said in How can two ships join the same server?:

    Launch at the same time again and again and again.

    Each time you load in kill yourselves with Blunder Bombs immediately.

    If you see each other in the Ferry of the Dead your in the same sever.

    Thats how all the cheaters and sniveling cowards form alliance severs.

    Is this more or less reliable than one group flying the reaper's emissary and the other group looking for it on the map?

    Trying to get the 'steal 5 chests' award for day 5 of the event, and have spent probably 4 hours trying to get on the same server with no success.

  • @taymargx said in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @glannigan said in How can two ships join the same server?:

    Launch at the same time again and again and again.

    Each time you load in kill yourselves with Blunder Bombs immediately.

    If you see each other in the Ferry of the Dead your in the same sever.

    Thats how all the cheaters and sniveling cowards form alliance severs.

    Is this more or less reliable than one group flying the reaper's emissary and the other group looking for it on the map?

    Trying to get the 'steal 5 chests' award for day 5 of the event, and have spent probably 4 hours trying to get on the same server with no success.

    It’s all the same. Both ways are just verifying your on the same sever.

    If you use the XBOX LFG tool there are already a ton of Active Alliances with complete Servers locked down.

    There always looking for people to join it’s the only way they can maintain them.

  • @glannigan Thank you. Saw a couple of server alliance groups on LFG. Quite a lot of work to get discord and join the list and all that stuff but looks like the only way this is going to work for me. thank you!

  • @captaln-yolo sagte in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @glannigan Nice thanks. How much time does it usually take?

    Tried this once with a friend...after 2 hours of nothing, I never tried it again...

  • @schwammlgott said in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @captaln-yolo sagte in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @glannigan Nice thanks. How much time does it usually take?

    Tried this once with a friend...after 2 hours of nothing, I never tried it again...

    I’m not recommending it. Personally I’m am against Alliance Servers and Server Hopping.

    If it’s just two of you, It would
    Probably be more successful and
    Organic and faster to just meet someone in the Seas and ask them for their Ship via Inviting one of you to join their crew and then they log off.

  • @glannigan said in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @schwammlgott said in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @captaln-yolo sagte in How can two ships join the same server?:

    @glannigan Nice thanks. How much time does it usually take?

    Tried this once with a friend...after 2 hours of nothing, I never tried it again...

    I’m not recommending it. Personally I’m am against Alliance Servers and Server Hopping.

    If it’s just two of you, It would
    Probably be more successful and
    Organic and faster to just meet someone in the Seas and ask them for their Ship via Inviting one of you to join their crew and then they log off.

    We just tried it, to see how it works...I'm totally against server hopping and would support a feature to stop it, even a maybe 30 minutes timeout, if you join 5-6 servers within 15 minutes or so...

    I'm a bit against server alliances too, but if they manage to start one, let them be

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