New idea for missions/quests/voyages in Adventure mode.

  • Since i was going off on a rant about Arena, how its trying to give people a more condensed version of Adventure but failing at it.

    In Adventure mode, they need to just give us the ability to find/choose/pick quests/voyages that are shorter, if we dont have 2 hours to spend on Adventure mode. for example, the Merchant alliance gives you 3 voyages to choose from, usually they have different objectives. give us a 4th option that will be quick, on a timer(if you want) and gives less gold then the others because it would be faster.

    Same thing with GH, even if im level 35, give me the option for a quick run to an island, dig something up, get it back quick, get some gold and I can get out.

    Make a couple new world events that are on purpose quicker and give less payouts, you can keep all the normal ones because if all the normal players dont want to play the "easier" quicker events, then they dont have to but if ya did, you could get one done within 30 minutes on your own or faster with a group but it would be no where close to the same payout.

    All of this would still be on the same server, people would not be seperated, you would still have to contend with others(PVP possibly) it wouldnt break people up and would give you quick PVE options if you wanted to try it.

    I dont do the world events currently cuz they take too long and I dont want to take the time to find a group of people that will help me do it. This does not mean I want easier world events that are the same as we have now.

    They can add in smaller skele forts, smaller ghost fleets, like captains of Flameheart that are easier to get through on your own or in a group but smaller payouts and make more then one of them on the server, you so have Flameheart, then you have 2 captains in other spots. Nobody really does the big world events on my server anyways but you still have them if you want the big reward.

    Either way Arena mode is not working as intended by the devs and everybody who was excited about Arena was excited for the wrong reasons(TDM/PVP) and doesnt really play it anymore, they only play for the commendations. so we need something different, no one plays Arena mode how it should be and no one likes Arena mode for how the devs intended, even the people who want quicker things.

    People can commendation farm in Adventure mode with everyone else, give people faster things to do in Adventure mode, its not hard to give a 4th option just to go get one chest from here to there, quick things to do for less gold.

    If people want it, then give it, on the same server as everyone else. the early voyages on Adventure get done in less then 30 minutes, the GH or even Merchant alliance would send you to the next island over and then your back real fast, just give those same options again even when your a PL.

    No need to split the player bases up anymore, just add more things to do that are quicker, it wont matter to people if there are more then one world event, people usually avoid it anyways knowing everyone could show up, so more then one world event might be needed anyways since everyone wants to hide from each other.

    Sorry for the wall, to sum up, I dont want easier world events giving the same rewards, they can be the same payouts as Arena mode gives or less. I just in general want quicker events and everyone to be on the same servers, doesnt matter if they plan on hopping off in 30 minutes or not, they can server merge more people together as that happens.

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  • @elderterdkin said in New idea for missions/quests/voyages in Adventure mode.:

    Since i was going off on a rant about Arena, how its trying to give people a more condensed version of Adventure but failing at it.

    In Adventure mode, they need to just give us the ability to find/choose/pick quests/voyages that are shorter, if we dont have 2 hours to spend on Adventure mode. for example, the Merchant alliance gives you 3 voyages to choose from, usually they have different objectives. give us a 4th option that will be quick, on a timer(if you want) and gives less gold then the others because it would be faster.

    Same thing with GH, even if im level 35, give me the option for a quick run to an island, dig something up, get it back quick, get some gold and I can get out.

    Make a couple new world events that are on purpose quicker and give less payouts, you can keep all the normal ones because if all the normal players dont want to play the "easier" quicker events, then they dont have to but if ya did, you could get one done within 30 minutes on your own or faster with a group but it would be no where close to the same payout.

    All of this would still be on the same server, people would not be seperated, you would still have to contend with others(PVP possibly) it wouldnt break people up and would give you quick PVE options if you wanted to try it.

    I dont do the world events currently cuz they take too long and I dont want to take the time to find a group of people that will help me do it. This does not mean I want easier world events that are the same as we have now.

    They can add in smaller skele forts, smaller ghost fleets, like captains of Flameheart that are easier to get through on your own or in a group but smaller payouts and make more then one of them on the server, you so have Flameheart, then you have 2 captains in other spots. Nobody really does the big world events on my server anyways but you still have them if you want the big reward.

    Either way Arena mode is not working as intended by the devs and everybody who was excited about Arena was excited for the wrong reasons(TDM/PVP) and doesnt really play it anymore, they only play for the commendations. so we need something different, no one plays Arena mode how it should be and no one likes Arena mode for how the devs intended, even the people who want quicker things.

    People can commendation farm in Adventure mode with everyone else, give people faster things to do in Adventure mode, its not hard to give a 4th option just to go get one chest from here to there, quick things to do for less gold.

    If people want it, then give it, on the same server as everyone else. the early voyages on Adventure get done in less then 30 minutes, the GH or even Merchant alliance would send you to the next island over and then your back real fast, just give those same options again even when your a PL.

    No need to split the player bases up anymore, just add more things to do that are quicker, it wont matter to people if there are more then one world event, people usually avoid it anyways knowing everyone could show up, so more then one world event might be needed anyways since everyone wants to hide from each other.

    Sorry for the wall, to sum up, I dont want easier world events giving the same rewards, they can be the same payouts as Arena mode gives or less. I just in general want quicker events and everyone to be on the same servers, doesnt matter if they plan on hopping off in 30 minutes or not, they can server merge more people together as that happens.

    nope a nope from me because that's the beauty of the game to take it slow and don't rush at it you don't have to be a speed runner take it down a notch world events and voyages are meant to take time so this idea gets a nope from me (btw I know you don't care but I've played since day one)

  • Maybe I just dont understand you right but there are quick things to do. You can do a single cargo run for MA, a bottle quest for GH that you can find everywhere, a random captain that you can find by just sailing around and have a look at the beaches for OOS. Or the ghost fleet Mission from OOS for the "mini" flameheart...

  • I am proposing something like this to do away with the Arena mode, since they made Arena for "quick matches" or things to do, most of the player base seems to not like Arena and once everyone has farmed all their commendations from it, then I guess the players hopping on for it will die off as well, outside of Noobs trying it out.

    They should just give you quick things to do in Adventure mode, so you can hop on with everyone else and get things done. doesnt have to be good payouts like 10k without any extra loot or flags flown but whatever the payouts happen to be in Arena.

    The whole point is if adventure mode is how the game is meant to be played, give more things to do, quick or not and do away with Arena since that is dying anyways.

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