• Could be an interesting idea to implement a player bounty system similar to the Order of Souls voyages that have you hunting skeleton captains.

    Could work something like this: once a player within the server gets X number of kills of other human players within a certain time period (maybe 3 or 5 kills) that their last known position is broadcast (e.g last seen near Crescent Isle) periodically.

    Other players could go about hunting these pirates down if they so choose, and are rewarded with a gold payout if they are successful.

    Could be abused theoretically, but I am sure systems could be put in place to reduce that.


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  • This sounds really cool to me. I think it would be an awesome addition.

  • We already have 2 bounty systems in place:

    1. Reapers and Emmisaries, as well as
    2. The honor system.

    Personally, I prefer the latter.

  • This sounds like a fantastic idea. The entire idea of pirates goes hand in hand with the idea of there being certain pirates who have garnered a reputation as being particularly strong or dangerous. I think that if a system to increase the bounty at the same rate that the player gets more kills was implemented it would be an amazing addition to the game. Not only would it provide people with more ways to earn gold, but it would also give people something to strive for. Pirate legend isn’t all that appealing but amassing a massive bounty so that you can be feared by your fellow pirates on a server is something that would surely spike the interest of many players (It could also be achieved in one session for people who don’t get to play a lot). Along with this, it would introduce the idea of making a name for yourself, this is CRUCIAL for having a realistic pirate experience. The bounty system would also provide players with an accurate idea of whether or not they are up to the challenge of bounty hunting. If someone has a particularly high bounty, maybe 15,000 gold, many players would know that they don’t have what it takes to take on someone of that caliber. What this does is give the highest tier of players the opportunity to fight against people of their skill level. All in all I think with a careful creation of this system it could be another great addition to the game.

  • Its been asked before.

    It be weird. Last known location, so the player leaves location. Game just gonna say they are "near this island" That be tricky to keep having your bounty switch locations.

    • One solution is simply place a "Reaper mark" or Black Spot marker on a pirates Ship. Shows location of the ship....But again, you can have a bounty and just leave your ship in middle of nowhere, watch people sink it and no player. Or even just remain on the ferry.
      (If your feeling it, just use a rowboat for remainder of the game)
      Also, as you said, abusive. Force a player to kill your crew, just so they get a bounty on there head. (It can be done.) now who ever wants free gold can just kill the solo sloop.

    Problem would be, Players leave a server. It be horrible to have a bounty, leave and come back to still have it.

    Newbie players will just flat out hate this.

  • @burnbacon In that case, they could implement a system in which you can opt out of having a bounty in your head.

  • @burnbacon I was thinking more that the last known location could update every 5-10 mins, with the information presented on a wanted poster similar to the skeleton captain wanted posters.

    Savvy players could use this information to avoid PVPrs and those with a hero complex could track and triangulate those players using their last known positions.

    But yes, potential to farm gold is an obvious problem... Have to implement some systems to prevent this

  • @tdogcrocky434 exactly! Other players could see YOUR name and rough location and the reward being offered on a wanted poster, and that goes a long way to increasing your reputation to other players!

    Some pirates were famous (or infamous), and with this system your name could become part of a memorable story for someone to experience

  • Want to be infamous and have others hunt you down, or you them? Become a level 5 Reaper's Bones Emmisary! What you're asking for is already in the game! 🙄

  • @galactic-geek what is the honour system you mentioned earlier?

  • This could be intergrated into the reapers bones faction by gaining rep from killing and/or sinking notorious pirates. Perhaps information on pirate location could be exclusively available to reapers bones emissaries(lvl 2 or above, so you are invested) to provide further incentive to equip that flag if you are seeking PvP.

  • Ship location could update on the map every 5mins.

  • @othersean said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @galactic-geek what is the honour system you mentioned earlier?

    I'm glad you asked!

    If a nefarious crew wrongs you in some way, simply seek out every other ship on the server and offer to pay them loot if they hunt down and sink the ship that you describe. If they bring back proof, pay them! Easy!

  • @galactic-geek I foresee a flaw in this as if I ship is good enough to take out the ones that sank you, then they should be able to sink you relatively easily, so it would be less you paying a reward and more of a serender on your part, that is if they even choose to hear you out in the first place. That and they have to trust that you'll stay on the server so they might collect their reward.

  • Adding further ways for PvP crews to be tracked, especially COMPLETELY out of their hands in the decision, should come with the removal of Reaper emissary from map tables. Just my opinion but it’s gonna get to a point that people will want beams coming up from aggressive boats like arena/reaper chests.

  • @one-eyed-curly I never said that it would be easy. 😅

  • Id prefer it be a wanted poster no reward no tracker just a warning to other crews watch out for said crew and make that poster change according to who is making the most waves in said server. Put a small picture and name of said crew members so when you see some guy pulling up yelling WERE FRIENDLY LETS FORM AN ALLIANCE.. you know theyre full of it. Id make it at least 3 crews sunk and i mean 3 different crews not 1 crew 3 different times. Make it just a badge of honor so to speak.

  • @othersean said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    Could be an interesting idea to implement a player bounty system similar to the Order of Souls voyages that have you hunting skeleton captains.

    Could work something like this: once a player within the server gets X number of kills of other human players within a certain time period (maybe 3 or 5 kills) that their last known position is broadcast (e.g last seen near Crescent Isle) periodically.

    Other players could go about hunting these pirates down if they so choose, and are rewarded with a gold payout if they are successful.

    Could be abused theoretically, but I am sure systems could be put in place to reduce that.


    how about when you spawn into the tavern there would be a wanted poster for them and the amount of gold they have on there ship

  • It is as if some of you are completely ignoring that there is already a system like this in place. Emissaries are not just some little bonus you get for flying a flag. If you fly an emissary flag then you are opting into a system designed to promote PvP. If you think I am on some kind of tangent, stick with me here. Crews who are bent on sinking other ships on a server have an added incentive to fly the reapers bones flag. They increase their income and reputation for doing so. Why wouldn’t they want the bonus that comes from turning in stolen loot? Here’s the other fun part. From the moment they vote to join the reaper’s bones they are marked on the map for all to see, and any crew that sinks them gets a bonus (bounty) for turning in their reaper’s flag. I think some of you completely missed the point of emissaries.

  • @ghostpaw said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    It is as if some of you are completely ignoring that there is already a system like this in place. Emissaries are not just some little bonus you get for flying a flag. If you fly an emissary flag then you are opting into a system designed to promote PvP. If you think I am on some kind of tangent, stick with me here. Crews who are bent on sinking other ships on a server have an added incentive to fly the reapers bones flag. They increase their income and reputation for doing so. Why wouldn’t they want the bonus that comes from turning in stolen loot? Here’s the other fun part. From the moment they vote to join the reaper’s bones they are marked on the map for all to see, and any crew that sinks them gets a bonus (bounty) for turning in their reaper’s flag.

    yes but the op said he wants a wanted poster type of thing

  • @closinghare208 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @ghostpaw said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    It is as if some of you are completely ignoring that there is already a system like this in place. Emissaries are not just some little bonus you get for flying a flag. If you fly an emissary flag then you are opting into a system designed to promote PvP. If you think I am on some kind of tangent, stick with me here. Crews who are bent on sinking other ships on a server have an added incentive to fly the reapers bones flag. They increase their income and reputation for doing so. Why wouldn’t they want the bonus that comes from turning in stolen loot? Here’s the other fun part. From the moment they vote to join the reaper’s bones they are marked on the map for all to see, and any crew that sinks them gets a bonus (bounty) for turning in their reaper’s flag.

    yes but the op said he wants a wanted poster type of thing

    Of who? Which player on a galleon is the poster of? If it’s me, I can just drop out of the game and rejoin my buddies to reset it. Is it the crew? The ship? Who is the bounty and poster directed at? This whole thing sounds like someone who got sunk by another player a couple of times so they want some kind of built in revenge system.

  • @othersean said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @burnbacon I was thinking more that the last known location could update every 5-10 mins, with the information presented on a wanted poster similar to the skeleton captain wanted posters.

    Savvy players could use this information to avoid PVPrs and those with a hero complex could track and triangulate those players using their last known positions.

    But yes, potential to farm gold is an obvious problem... Have to implement some systems to prevent this

    I really like the idea of wanted posters. This would spice the game up a bit!

  • I PVP or attempt to but i dont join the reaper faction to do so, i dont need the extra gold from normal voyages or PVP as there is nothing worthwhile to spend the gold on and im not grinding for clothes.

    So in my case, if i got good at PVP you would constantly get sunk by me and never see me on the map, since im never gonna join the reaper faction, as there is no need to do so. i got to level 12(with the reapers) so far without sinking a single person, by grabbing the chests and random loot i see from other sunken ships. so i can grind out all the cool ship items without needing to fly any flag lol.

    This suggested bounty system would help spot people like me randomly trolling or PVPing for fun and no need for the grind, maybe if i get bored and want people to come to me, then i will fly the reaper flag, otherwise i find people well enough on my own currently.

  • @ghostpaw said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @closinghare208 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @ghostpaw said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    It is as if some of you are completely ignoring that there is already a system like this in place. Emissaries are not just some little bonus you get for flying a flag. If you fly an emissary flag then you are opting into a system designed to promote PvP. If you think I am on some kind of tangent, stick with me here. Crews who are bent on sinking other ships on a server have an added incentive to fly the reapers bones flag. They increase their income and reputation for doing so. Why wouldn’t they want the bonus that comes from turning in stolen loot? Here’s the other fun part. From the moment they vote to join the reaper’s bones they are marked on the map for all to see, and any crew that sinks them gets a bonus (bounty) for turning in their reaper’s flag.

    yes but the op said he wants a wanted poster type of thing

    Of who? Which player on a galleon is the poster of? If it’s me, I can just drop out of the game and rejoin my buddies to reset it. Is it the crew? The ship? Who is the bounty and poster directed at? This whole thing sounds like someone who got sunk by another player a couple of times so they want some kind of built in revenge system.

    I guess It would have to be thought out more

  • @elderterdkin exactly! Some people just roll around sinking any and everyone without being aligned with the reapers faction.

    Spawn camping someone without sinking them? You might just get a bounty put on your head

    Repeatedly trolling new players and griefing them? A bounty pops and experienced players might now come looking for you.

    There are a lot of ideas that could be tweaked with this. Even giving some values to the flags. Sink a player with a white flag, bounty may pop.

    Maybe even give players the option at the ferryman to place a one off 2000 gold reward on another players head. If that pirates gains enough kills from different players, he could soon have a 10,000 price on his head.

    But yes, I'd love the system to mirror the skelly captains, with a periodically updating bounty poster mentioning last known location, not an icon on the map

  • @closinghare208 definitely, it's similar to the Reapers idea. But the end game isn't about sinking another ship and stealing their flag, you theoretically could, as a solo sloop, take down 1 member of a 4 man galleon, maybe isolate and ambush him on an island or outpost, and it would be a win for you and a payout.

    Just an idea, and one that has undoubtedly been suggested before

  • "This whole thing sounds like someone who got sunk by another player a couple of times so they want some kind of built in revenge system"

    Nah on the contrary. This game IMO shines when you have unique and exciting interactions with other players in the world, that's includes fighting and been sunk. This is just another way to foster and increase those interactions.

  • We're all pirates - doesn't that mean we should all have wanted posters? When you really think about it, it just doesn't make sense. Besides, with the emmisary tables, you can see just how many are currently out to Sea. It's the next best thing to wanted posters - potential victims! It also makes a whole lot more sense with the current setup.

  • @galactic-geek I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that what we’ve proposed is in the game already. A complete stretch for that matter. What we’re suggesting isn’t solely for the purpose of more PvP. It’s the core concept of having YOUR name be broadcast throughout the seas so that other players know how dangerous you are. It’s obvious that player revealing mechanics already exist in the game. We’re suggesting something completely separate from what exists in the game. With this would come an option to not have a bounty placed in your head. Too many times have I seen GREAT concepts be shot down with the response of “it’s already in the game.” And in a situation like this, it’s simply not true. Yes, there are mechanics that reveal players and enable PvP, but no, there isn’t already a system to bounties or one that spreads your name throughout the seas.

  • @galactic-geek No, this is not easy. A rather complicated alternative to what was suggested. As someone who plays as much as the average person in school, I can tell you that a task like this is simply for too time consuming, but not even that. In the time that you could find ships and pay them to get revenge, it would have been hours since you last encountered the ship that wronged you, it’s likely they wouldn’t even be playing anymore. The entire process is convoluted in every sense.

  • Game needs Gold Sinks, let it cost 200-250k to post a Bounty.

    After you are sunk you get the option to post one at a Port but only after you have been sunk.

    As an Adventure Mode PVP’er I don’t need any other details. Just seeing a bounty would be good enough.

    “A Ship recently sunk off Cannon Cove has posted a Bounty” that’s it.

    Timer would be nice I.e 38 minutes ago...but I don’t even need that.

    Ship type wether it’s a Brig, Sloop or Galleon would be nice but again, as a PVP’er I don’t need that.

    But it would be nice knowing I’m on a server with an adversary now and again and not just chasing Chicken Transporters and Fisherman.

    If I’m a PVE’er this system also lets me know right from the start there is a PVP’er in these waters!

  • You shouldn't be punished for killing others on the SoT. Plain and simple!

    Furthermore, the only way others know you even exist is by sight or if you choose to let them know where you are. With the latter, they still don't know WHO you are, or even your crew compliment, or ship size.

  • @galactic-geek
    We’re not punishing players for killing, we’re punishing them for being pirates! (aka criminals) and also, a key part of the bounty system is that you can opt out of having a bounty. Another thing, in pirate shows or movies, you don’t know what ship they’re sailing on or who their crew is. All you get is a name and bounty and in this case a last seen location. You go to where they were last seen in hopes that you’ll spot a ship, maybe it’s theirs, maybe it’s not.

  • This is duplicate functionality. The Reaper's Bones is supposed to do this exact thing by providing incentive to go after them, it broadcasts their location and it's also optional.

  • @galactic-geek said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    You shouldn't be punished for killing others on the SoT. Plain and simple!

    Furthermore, the only way others know you even exist is by sight or if you choose to let them know where you are. With the latter, they still don't know WHO you are, or even your crew compliment, or ship size.

    They don't know WHO you are is exactly right. The bounty system would help pirates who SHOULD be feared gain a reputation with other players!

    And don't think of it as a punishment, having a sizable bounty on your head and surviving many bounty hunters attempts on your life would be a bragging point for many!

    But it is interesting to read people's thoughts for and against the idea, afterall it is just an idea at the end of the day

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