• @othersean Trust me, if a crew goes on a successful spree, they'll have the server's attention - no bounty required.

  • I'm surprised by the amount of pushback a bounty system always seems to get. I mean, it's a pirate game! Bounties just make sense.

  • @mferr11 Sure, if you have an authority, it makes perfect sense! But upon the SoT, no such authority exists - just us pirates, and a few boneheads. Therefore, it actually doesn't make sense at all. 😉

  • @galactic-geek No authority? The trading companies are all we need authority wise considering there isn’t a functioning society. I can totally see the bilge rats placing a bounty on the head of a pirate who continues to wreak havoc on the world. But even so, if a bounty system were released, do you seriously think, like seriously, even for one second, that players would say “this is a ton of fun and now there’s more content, but I hate it because there isn’t formal authority in Sea of Thieves.” NO, the answer is no. That is a ridiculous notion. How about you build on the idea and make it work, if it still doesn’t work after you build on it and make an attempt, then you can bash the idea. But if your first response it, “it wouldn’t work” then how will you ever know if it would be a good addition to the game. We’re not doing any favors for the game by shooting down ideas that have the potential to make the game better. I’m not saying they’re all good ideas, but if they have even an ounce of potential, then our first choice should be to contribute to the idea, not shoot it down.

  • @tdogcrocky434 It's, to put it bluntly, an idea that we don't need - and for basically 2 reasons:

    1. It's quite redundant, and
    2. We technically already have it.
  • @galactic-geek
    But if we were adding things on the basis that we need them, this game would be extremely dull and lack creativity. We add things because they add more color to the world.

  • @tdogcrocky434 Technically, you're not really adding more of anything if it's redundant.

  • @tdogcrocky434 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @galactic-geek No authority? The trading companies are all we need authority wise considering there isn’t a functioning society. I can totally see the bilge rats placing a bounty on the head of a pirate who continues to wreak havoc on the world. But even so, if a bounty system were released, do you seriously think, like seriously, even for one second, that players would say “this is a ton of fun and now there’s more content, but I hate it because there isn’t formal authority in Sea of Thieves.” NO, the answer is no. That is a ridiculous notion.

    Considering the Bilge Rats are the ones who introduced the Reaper Flags and several other PvP events that wreaked havoc upon the seas, it would be a little weird for them to push back on that now. The other factions are also a sketchy, immoral bunch as well. You are the one advocating for change. Do you really think you will sway minds by dismissing the concerns of people who want to preserve the lore and maintain the cohesion of the world? It may mean nothing to you, but some of us really get into it. This isn’t to say we can’t add new things, but to just jam something in there and create some half-baked rationale for it breaks the illusion of depth and consistency of the world. Why bother trying to understand why these islands have certain symbols, or who is digging the hole on some uncharted island when the answer just might be some poorly thought out justification for a new game mechanic?

    @tdogcrocky434 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    How about you build on the idea and make it work, if it still doesn’t work after you build on it and make an attempt, then you can bash the idea. But if your first response it, “it wouldn’t work” then how will you ever know if it would be a good addition to the game. We’re not doing any favors for the game by shooting down ideas that have the potential to make the game better. I’m not saying they’re all good ideas, but if they have even an ounce of potential, then our first choice should be to contribute to the idea, not shoot it down.

    You say this as if this is the first time the topic was brought up. The world didn’t begin when you showed up. The emissary system IS the compromise. It serves the same function but does not follow the form.

  • @ghostpaw This may be true, but I find it hard to believe that every bounty system idea introduced on this platform has been exactly the same. To say there isn’t a single valuable thing in all of the ideas presented by those in favor of the system is asinine. And if these systems do exist and serve the purpose of a compromise, you can’t completely ignore the discontent of the players. Clearly, because these ideas continue to be brought up by players who understand the ins and outs of current PvP mechanics, there is more to be milked out of the idea of a bounty system.

  • @galactic-geek said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @mferr11 Sure, if you have an authority, it makes perfect sense! But upon the SoT, no such authority exists

    cough cough Grand Maritime Union hurry up and get here already cough cough

  • @tdogcrocky434 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    @ghostpaw This may be true, but I find it hard to believe that every bounty system idea introduced on this platform has been exactly the same.

    No one said the ideas are the same. The ideas also were not implemented as presented. Instead, Rare took what was useful from them and made a system that works well within the game.

    @tdogcrocky434 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    To say there isn’t a single valuable thing in all of the ideas presented by those in favor of the system is asinine.

    Who said there wasn’t a single good idea in all the proposals? Are you interested in a meaningful discussion here or are you just going to keep distorting responses?

    @tdogcrocky434 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    And if these systems do exist and serve the purpose of a compromise, you can’t completely ignore the discontent of the players.

    Who is completely ignoring the discontent of anyone? Where did I do that? Is that the rule here? That we either get behind this particular idea or we just don’t care about discontent? That position seems to rely on an awful lot of assumptions. Your statement seems to come from nowhere so I am asking so I can understand.

    @tdogcrocky434 said in BOUNTY SYSTEM:

    Clearly, because these ideas continue to be brought up by players who understand the ins and outs of current PvP mechanics, there is more to be milked out of the idea of a bounty system.

    Well, keep at it then.

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