Matchmaking filters/ Skill-based Matching

  • I want Rare to know that this game has wasted an average of an hour everyday that I play on Adventure. I hop on adventure on "Open Crew" as soon as I join the game "player left". A couple of minutes in "player left". I initially thought this was because I was a new player and I get that. However, now I am much more experienced now, and it STILL happens.

    BOTTOM LINE: Players want to do different things. I want to level up reaper, but god permits I raise that reaper emissary flag.... "player left" because the other player doesn't want to do that, they want to do Hunter's Call.

    There are so many variables when joining a game that this is the reason why every time I hop on this game, I am already expecting a full hour MINIMUM to be wasted in settling down to actually play a game.

    Factions: Why could the servers or matching be more organized, for example. Queueing up players that want to do Gold Hoarders stuff, have them queue together. Want to do Reapers? Well, we will put you guys together.

    Events/Voyages: Oh you're doing voyages? "player left" I want to do a fort. visa-versa. This is the same with other events

    Experience: Why is there no some sort of ranking system? If anything a search based on SOMEHERE in the range of the players experience level or Faction levels. "Oh my god, he's not a Pirate Legend...gross... "Player Left". Which of course I would literally do the same thing, if I join a crew with a player that is very obviously a brand new player. There's a lot of people that will leave if the other players show clear indicator that they are not in your skill range... like having the title "Sailor: or " Maiden Voyager"... you get what I mean.

    The only legitimate reason for players leaving off the start is a dead server, which is understandable. Otherwise, the matchmaking experience could be fine tuned, so you are not wasting player's time, hence further diminishing their experience of the game.

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  • I dont ever do open crew for now but if I were to start, this would be annoying to me, to finally be willing to play with randoms and you constantly have them leave anyways cuz your not legend or want to do a fort. it is a bit too random but they are wasting their own time as well by logging off and going back in.

    I would just LFG on discord and try to find a group of like minded people that way, since the devs probably will not add this type of feature in if they havent thought of it already in the years since release.

  • Preach, LFG just isn't a good enough replacement for the real thing. Some days I quickly find a group within a few mintues, others it takes me upwards of 20 minutes.

    As for skill based matchmaking, I do think there should be a newbie filter for adventure, something to catch low level players and group them together more frequently. I think beyond the first 10-15 levels though, it should throw you into open seas.

    As for arena, that definitely needs a matchmaking overhaul. Too much variability in the quality of games and too much time spent waiting for games to start. If I cared about who was in my crew, I wouldn't have picked open crew arena.

  • @kn0ck3rsh0ck3r Doing filtered/skill base matchmaking will ruin the emerson of this game (what me and so many others find fun) and will make queues longer. Also it will be very difficult to properly determine a players skill. That's all I have to say.

  • What you view as experience, I see as newbie. And vise versa. No such thing as skill in this sorta game, all comes down to random luck and clever timing.

    Why does it bother you if someone leaves, because they don’t wanna do something you want? Balance it out. Ask, equal. What does the crew wanna do?

    I leave a crew if I notice they haven’t even left port when I’ve already been on the ship for 20min. Happens.

    Only time wasted is your own, and nobody wastes it but yourself.

    Sorry mate, but this doesn’t seem as a trouble issue that be solved by filters, or better yet...another divide among gamers.

  • I leave a crew if I notice they haven’t even left port when I’ve already been on the ship for 20min. Happens.

    What? I would have just left with the boat at that point and let them use the mermaid when they are ready lol.

  • @burnbacon There's no hope for dyslexic delusional beings like you, just gonna scroll past and act like you don't even exist.

  • @elderterdkin Right. I agree with LFG, it's just a suggestion for rare. I mean it really has become a hassle to settle down in to a game when my friends aren't on.

  • @awyrlas Exactly! I think, as a comparison, other games you have to be a specific level to play ranked, something like that will be nice, where the new players can learn the IMMENSE ropes of SOT.

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