Servers Privates (Only friends) / Servidores privado solo con amigos

  • @clintzcarta said in Servers Privates (Only friends) / Servidores privado solo con amigos:

    I don’t understand why it matters how I play the game and why it has to be the same way you played the game.

    It matters how you play because the devs had a vision for their game. There is a certain way it is meant to be played. You're trying to change one of the core ideas of the game, shared world with PvE and PvP. It completely baffles me why it seems that his game alone has so many people demanding that the game change for them. I don't complain that BotW isn't an fps. I don't complain that Mario Odyssey isn't a survival game. And people shouldn't complain that SoT isn't a sailing simulator. Is a shared world online pirate adventure game. If people did not want a shared world online pirate adventure game, they should not have bought it.

  • @mferr11

    Again, this is a suggestion thread. I am very sure what I am suggesting won’t occur, but that doesn’t make it any less valid. It certainly isn’t as drastic of a request as making Zelda a first person shooter.

    In my mind, I think it be fun to engage with Rare about what tweaks would be necessary to make it a reality, but ultimately it’s a thought experiment. You are right that they have a vision. I’m just throwing it out there that the vision can change and evolve. Arena wasn’t always an option, but now is. A chill server could exist one day too. I’d be first inline to jump on to that server, crack open a beer, and sail with my friends.

    Thanks for talking to me, guys! I feel your passion for the game. I have the same passion. It is a great game. I hope to see the game evolve and stay fresh, as I am sure you guys hope as well!

  • @captain-coel Exactly.

    If that were 100% the case, they would just have mods say what the commenters do: "It's a pirate game. If you don't like it here, you can move (to Assassin's Creed)!"

    But since they don't, it leads me to believe that there must still be some wiggle room..

  • Bahaha, because moderators have better things to do with their time than stop discussions that don't involve insults or name calling. They also aren't Rare employees and have about as much sway on game direction as we all do. Many times have Rare employees (key ones at that) said PvE only servers are not coming. They MAY introduce them at the end of game life cycle to try and get a couple more years out of it or so players can still play once official servers go dark. You are talking 5-7 years from now though as they have a 10 year vision (2018-2028) for this game. Hope you PvE only types are patient!

    link text

  • @kommodoreyenser

    There will be some long grey beards on some of these people before they get their wish granted I reckon..

  • @kommodoreyenser So why don't Rare employees do it then?

    Also timing is a huge part of success. So lets say Rare waits 5-7 years to go after the casual-gamer market—not even the progression-less custom servers, full on PVE servers—it wouldn't even be worth their effort. By that time something new will have come along and players would have already thrown money at those microtransactions.

    Throw in Game Pass, how Microsoft keeps buying up more and more studios, and advances in graphics—in 5-7 years I assume the only ones who will still be playing this are the hardcore PVP players. And at that point why release a mode when none of the players will buy it?

  • @kommodoreyenser

    You bring up a good point and a concern I often worry about and that is the games End of Life plan. I am curious how they plan to let players keep playing long after it’s life for the sake of game preservation. Would the developers re-code the game so instead of connecting to a server, my pc or Xbox would just create and join a private session with world events on a clocked rotation? That would be an interesting thought experiment as well.

    As for the PvE stuff, how would you guys do it? I think kommodoreyenser had some good ideas about slowing the grind and removing commendation you couldn’t get. I still like leaving world events in as they have a story element and charm that would engage players. You guys are right that they are designed to be contested, but in a PvE setting nothing really needs to be changed there. The Ashen Winds boss is still going to take a long time to beat. Haha. If players want to go seek out those other locked away commendations they would then select the PvEvP servers if/when they ever feel the desire. You could even lock certain cosmetics to entice crossing over similar to how Arena works.

    The flameheart event gave me an idea for how player ships would be perceived in a PvE setting. They be ethereal to other players and the player characters would also have that ethereal look too. You would pass right through them. Lore wise it kinda fits the setting as it’s all about pirate characters existing eternally. Always seeking treasure and glory for eternity. It’s kind of cool!

  • @thagoochiestman said in Servers Privates (Only friends) / Servidores privado solo con amigos:

    @kommodoreyenser So why don't Rare employees do it then?

    Also timing is a huge part of success. So lets say Rare waits 5-7 years to go after the casual-gamer market—not even the progression-less custom servers, full on PVE servers—it wouldn't even be worth their effort. By that time something new will have come along and players would have already thrown money at those microtransactions.

    Throw in Game Pass, how Microsoft keeps buying up more and more studios, and advances in graphics—in 5-7 years I assume the only ones who will still be playing this are the hardcore PVP players. And at that point why release a mode when none of the players will buy it?

    This usually gets posted in EVERY PvE mode request thread and I am sure you have seen it before. How about Joe Neate, Executive Producer of the game? How about lead game designer Mike Chapman and his opinion on PvE only mode? Those two high enough on the Rare employee chain to satisfy a response about PvE only servers and the Dev's take on it?

    @callmebackdraft said in Griefing peaceful players needs Gameplay Punishment:

    @markedseven52 you purchased a pvevp game,

    What you are requesting is never going to happen, if you would have used the search function you would have already known this:

    Joe Neate: "The whole core premise of SOT is that it’s a shared world. To get to Pirate Legend, there will be danger and there will be other players, the risk and the reward is all part of it …that’s what SOT has always been, it’s a shared world adventure game, there is a purpose to that…it’s all about a shared world and we have no intention to deviate from that."

    We don't want to split players, we don't want to split player types, the whole identity of sea of thieves is a shared world and the different kind of motivations within it.

    We want players to experience the thrill of a player ship versus another player ship in battle. Turning the chance of these encounters off completely has never felt like Sea of Thieves.

    • Player interactions are working as intended and the way they are by design.
    • There is no intentions of changing and unbalancing them.

    You are stating that people attacking are going against the pirate code, they arent.

    As an extension to the pirate code Rare released the community code of conduct and low and behold the following:

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and the battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.


  • Join creators crew and sail in peace without progression or sail with progression and in peace in Adventure mode by using your spyglass

  • @kommodoreyenser I get all that, I more meant why don't Rare employees tell mods to lock these posts (or do it themselves)? If they've been this clear about their intentions why even keep these posts up?

    I mean these type of posts are undeniably the most toxic on the forums, and if there's absolutely no intention of ever listening to feedback of this nature from players, there isn't really any great reason to keep them open when they usually just devolve into bickering.

  • @thagoochiestman said in Servers Privates (Only friends) / Servidores privado solo con amigos:

    @kommodoreyenser I get all that, I more meant why don't Rare employees tell mods to lock these posts (or do it themselves)? If they've been this clear about their intentions why even keep these posts up?

    I mean these type of posts are undeniably the most toxic on the forums, and if there's absolutely no intention of ever listening to feedback of this nature from players, there isn't really any great reason to keep them open when they usually just devolve into bickering.

    Well if you notice, most of them do get locked. The ones that don't most likely are slipping through. There are only a handful of mods and this is only a small area of the forum. They do like to give freedom of ideas though and people having opinions is fine but they shouldn't expect their opinions to make it into reality into a game that has already had its core mechanics well established (what are we on, year 3 now right?)

  • @kommodoreyenser Most definitely and that makes complete sense.

    But with regards to the mods: these types of posts (or ones that are perceived to be PVE posts) also get the most engagement, meaning they're theoretically the priority for moderators.

    I've seen several really cool suggestion posts that have received 0 replies or engagement; meanwhile posts like these are being commented on at a near-constant pace (as I'm doing right now!).

    If these posts were locked earlier, not only could it reduce some of the bickering in the forum, it might also drive more traffic to some of these other (cool, non-PVE) suggestions and increase their chances of being added.

  • @thagoochiestman I can agree with you. I think personally people need to be adults and just avoid replying to these threads because honestly all talking points have been done to death from both sides.

  • @kommodoreyenser

    Sir, I don't think everyone replying to these threads are children. Some people are trying to have a thoughtful conversation. At this point the argument of the probability and the validity of a PvE mode is tired, to that I agree with you, but to not discuss it at all assumes people no longer want or would suggest a PvE mode and that is simply not the case. It is a very popular idea and one I think is worth discussing even if it will never come to pass.

  • @clintzcarta said in Servers Privates (Only friends) / Servidores privado solo con amigos:


    Sir, I don't think everyone replying to these threads are children. Some people are trying to have a thoughtful conversation. At this point the argument of the probability and the validity of a PvE mode is tired, to that I agree with you, but to not discuss it at all assumes people no longer want or would suggest a PvE mode and that is simply not the case. It is a very popular idea and one I think is worth discussing even if it will never come to pass.

    I never said people shouldn't make threads suggesting and voicing their opinion on it. What I am saying is that 98% of the rest of every single one of these threads just repeats the same 4-5 points from one side as well as the same from the other. It would be easier on everyone if THAT stopped.

  • @kommodoreyenser you arnt wrong. I have to say I do feel like it's a waste of time at this point even discussing this because the devs can not be any more clear that PvE servers are not in the game plan. Of course that won't stop people demanding them to change their game for them but this kinda stuff goes on in all games, no game will ever make everyone happy.

    I don't think people shouldn't be allowed to post their opinion though which is why I wouldn't say these threads should be closed but sometimes when I see a fresh created account and a fresh created xbox account I do kinda wonder.

  • @combatxkitty They definitely could be clearer, at least around here.

    At the very least, they could close any posts asking for PVE-only servers before they get into multiple pages of comments.

    That would also make the most sense, since allowing PVE-only posts makes it seem as if they're open to the suggestion.

  • @thagoochiestman said in Servers Privates (Only friends) / Servidores privado solo con amigos:

    @combatxkitty They definitely could be clearer, at least around here.

    I think they have spoke out enough they dont really need to post here about it aswell. My guess is Rare devs really do not see people posting requests for PVE servers here as that big of a deal that they need to bother to address it, they are busy after all. Just my opinion.

    At the very least, they could close any posts asking for PVE-only servers before they get into multiple pages of comments.

    Im sure you notice many PVE request threads here do get closed for being duplicates. As far as closing all, I dont know about that I mean it is a open public forum so people should be able to post their suggestions no matter how poor or pointless it is.

    I always thought just making pve requests a megathread would help with forum clutter from many of the one and done or alt accounts however since devs have been so clear on their stance that would just be a pointless megathread.

    That would also make the most sense, since allowing PVE-only posts makes it seem as if they're open to the suggestion.

    I dont think that at all. I have seen plenty threads about getting rid of the ROAR, do those post being allowed to be here mean RARE is open to removing the ROAR? Of course not but this is a public feedback forum and all feedback is allowed even if it doesnt have a chance.

  • That is already a thing private servers YouTubers and streamers are testing it

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