How to play as a family of 4?

  • Hi, we have an Xbox and 3 PCs. We are already playing with my elder son in the Xbox and 1 PC simultaneously with a Game Pass Ultimate account.
    I managed to download the game in a second PC by logging with my user (I have the Game Pass account). When I logg with my wife's account on her PC she connot play even though we are all on the same Microsoft family group.
    Do I have to buy the game in the second and third PC so we can all play together?

  • 4
  • Yeah, it sounds like a licensing issue. I have multiple copies for this reason

  • @chokolhaa I can share with my Son who plays on our main Xbox while I get demoted to the small tv. We had to purchase a second copy for my Daughter as the licence to the retail copy as well as gamepass is under my name. I don't know how it works via pc's, but you will need at least a second copy.

  • I'm currently sharing between 2 active accounts at one time. This was done by signing in as game owner on the 2nd system and then back in as system owner.

    Here's what I've found when I quick searched it out:

    There seems to be a lot of confusion on this. It probably doesn't help that MS has multiple programs for sharing games, Game Share and Family Share.
    Game Share (between Xboxes) -

    Family Share -

    Location for Family Share -

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