Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Capture a Cannonball' Screenshot!

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Capture a Cannonball' Screenshot!:


    Do you really think you can fool @lizalaroo with fake upvotes? You have 12 upvotes in 3 hours mostly from people who haven’t been on the forums for months and somehow they all upvoted at the same time within minutes of you posting the picture. Upvoting won’t guarantee you win.

    The Brazilian community of Sea of ​​Thieves is not very attuned to the forums. Many of the upvotes received were from friends who helped with the photo montage or knew that I was participating, as I showed the photo to receive feedback before posting. If you check out their profiles on xbox/steam, you'll see that they are legitimate accounts and real people.

    Although this does not matter, as the winner will be chosen by the deckhands, and not on the number of upvotes, so don't worry because the chance of winning is equal for everyone here.

    I apologize for running away from the focus of the post, but I believed that an answer was necessary, as I believe that the competition must be fair for everyone.

  • @mitchellv04

    Why do you need to ask permission to post your own pictures? The pictures you post are supposed to be screenshots of your past sea of thieves adventures. If you post pictures that you find on the internet, they technically aren’t yours and don’t count.

    I’m not accusing you of cheating but all pictures must be your own. I’m not sure if it counts if your crew member took the picture while you were in their session.

  • @coffeelight5545 i'm gonna tell u a secret, it exist a method called divulgacion, sorry targas for tell ur secret

  • To celebrate the release of Dogs to Sea of Thieves, me and my crew have prepared a special new cannonball for the occasion!

  • @lizalaroo

    Beware of flying cannonballs. lol

    This is why

    (My first picture is my entry, the video was for fun)

  • I took this one my phone because I felt as if it was best viewed this way. Enjoy! Cannonball Conundrum

  • I stumbled upon a friendly cannonball that I just had to show respect to.

  • @lizalaroo

  • When you know that's gonna hurt...

  • i might not be the best at this but i mean at least i tired

  • Sea Of Thieves Cannon Ball Competition.

    Capture a cannonball screenshot competition! I hope I done well! :D

    Cannonball is in the top left of the screen ^-^

  • @lizalaroo Cannonball Captured!

  • What a strange skelly sloop


  • This one is also a cannonball. Am I right?

    Title: Phantom of the soap opera

  • I wasn't sure if you wanted a cannonball projectile specifically so I am going to err on the side of caution

  • ow

  • @bigmass101 after looking at the other photos i realized mine is not going to do so good lol.

  • Imugar


    Does this count as capturing a cannon ball?

  • @crulaminpaladin haha! I like your thinking!

  • @lizalaroo

    Captured all of them

  • This cannon ball was left floating after sinking the skeleton sloop!

  • 1 sloop vs 2 galleon
    part 1 :
    part2 :
    part3 :

  • @allanzinho023 it’s a screenshot comp. me matey :)

  • Posting for @Lou-Enderdragon

  • @lizalaroo
    Meg Slaughter!

    The meg caught it for me!

  • @lizalaroo


  • Sea of thieves

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