Respawn Delay massive for me

  • I play on xbox one and have wired internet. When I die the delay is way too long, have zero chance to respawn and save my ship if solo slooping. Any way to fix this besides switching to PC haha

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  • I'm on Xbox, wired connection.
    But not much a delay, worse time: 15 seconds. Best: 3 seconds.

    It mainly the machine your running or connection.

  • Buy an external ssd drive.

    I run an older xbox 1, digital copy, internal hdd which is 99% full lol.

    It takes damn near a minute to load, especially if another pirate is attacking me.

    My kid has a disc an a much less full hdd, his loads faster than mine.

    The disc helps a little bit on mine.

    So, either buy an ssd drive or clear out your existing hard drive and get a physical copy of the game

    (Which is a load of malarkey)

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