New player and somwhat disappointed

  • I have been wondering around for a long time about getting the game but held back because of the toxic players. Welp, I got the game yesterday and have played three times and two of those times I got people in my crew who burned down my ship and killed me a couple of times. Why allow teammates to do such things to other crew members. I understand immersion but this is just toxic. New players shouldn't have to deal with this garbage. Now I'm thinking twice about joining in since that ruined my experience. I can accept that from opposit players cuz its what the game is about, but teammates? that's bullcrap and worst is that they didn't help me vote him out "TWICE".

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  • Random crews is a bag of licorice all sorts. Eventually you'll pluck out a good one.
    Best to play alone or with a friend, or even join a group where like minded players haunt.
    But random.. Troubled waters ahead!

  • @needsmokes Thanks. How do I play alone? for now ofcourse.

  • How..did you teammates kill you? There is no team killing :/ Unless you burned to death which...hardly happens/or even keg which again..happens less.

    Try Joining a crew, not letting them join you. Look for a group/crew using the game finder.

    You allow such a little thing that happen what 2/3? That still very little if you take more time to play a little more.
    Myself, I joined random solo sloops and just follow what they wanna do, because Im bored.

  • @cpttickles3513 First off, welcome to SoT. Sorry that you have experienced what you have. I know first hand it doesn't feel great when you get into a game and right away teammates are a pain. I have had that with other games and it's quite frustrating. I've learned from that and hardly ever sail with other crew who I don't know. It's either solo or known crew. I would suggest try doing some solo runs and start doing some missions. They will get you more involved in the game and hopefully some enjoyment on your end. Wish you all the best and hope moving forward your mind of SoT will change.

  • @cpttickles3513 Open crew is a world of its own, most people who play open crew are either new players or trolls. If you want to find good people who won't troll your ship and want to help you, I would recommend using the official Sea of Thieves discord. It has nearly 160,000 players and there are constantly people looking for someone to join their crew, or for a crew to join. This would definitely help you when trying to find good teammates.


    Right now open crew is not very good, and while this does need to be addressed and fixed, until that happens your best choice is to use the Sea of Thieves discord to find people to play with.

  • I really appreciate all the replies guys. I really like the game and will take all your suggestions and apply them. I always did open crew thinking this was the best option but it really wasn't, noob move but live and learn lol. I played for a while with no crew and had far more fun and far fewer headaches than before. This game is truly awesome. Again thanks for the tips.

  • It’s a very unfortunate start leading to a first bad impression but a handful of nasty team mates don’t represent the rest of the SOT community, I assure you! :) Kai made a good suggestion, discord is the best way to go atm & the people on there will make you feel more welcome!

  • @cpttickles3513 said in New player and somwhat disappointed:

    I have been wondering around for a long time about getting the game but held back because of the toxic players. Welp, I got the game yesterday and have played three times and two of those times I got people in my crew who burned down my ship and killed me a couple of times. Why allow teammates to do such things to other crew members. I understand immersion but this is just toxic. New players shouldn't have to deal with this garbage. Now I'm thinking twice about joining in since that ruined my experience. I can accept that from opposit players cuz its what the game is about, but teammates? that's bullcrap and worst is that they didn't help me vote him out "TWICE".

    I'm happy to say I've never had an open crews experience quite that bad. Toxic, indeed. Ugh. But sometimes open crews can actually work out pretty well. I've had a few really great experiences with open crews. Mind you, I haven't picked open crew very often. But if you really want to do open crew, the best way is to keep trying until you get a group that seems cool. Don't waste time on the others. Log out and try again.

    If you want to try sailing solo, bear in mind that it's considered "hard mode." You'll be out there all on your own. Everything you do will come down to your own skill. It's a difficult path to follow, but can be quite rewarding. There's nothing quite like the sense of freedom you get from sailing your own way, nothing holding you back. If that sounds good to you, just select Adventure -- Sloop -- Closed Crew and Set Sail!

    You have other options available as well. If you want a better chance of finding a decent crew that shares your sense of duty and adventure, you can use the LFG (Looking For Group) function of the Xbox Companion App. You can also try third-party services like Discord to find like-minded pirates. It will help if you have a microphone.

    Whatever you choose, don't let anybody discourage you. The Sea of Thieves is a rich, engaging world waiting for you to explore...and plunder!

    (Man, I should get paid to write this stuff...)

  • @cpttickles3513 Idon't know what time zone you're in, or when you play, but feel free to hit me up if you want to play a bit with another new player. I've only been playing for about a week now and often I just solo sloop. I'd be down to sail with other new players though :)

  • @burnbacon sagte in New player and somwhat disappointed:

    How..did you teammates kill you? There is no team killing :/ Unless you burned to death which...hardly happens/or even keg which again..happens less.

    Try Joining a crew, not letting them join you. Look for a group/crew using the game finder.

    You allow such a little thing that happen what 2/3? That still very little if you take more time to play a little more.
    Myself, I joined random solo sloops and just follow what they wanna do, because Im bored.

    Blunderbombs are probably the answer...2 direct hits and he's dead

  • I'll be your teammate! I like to go on adventures. Not sure what the advantage is for people trying to burn down their own ship other than to be trolls... No fun. I'm @MegEldred

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