Don't know how to: Merchant Alliance the last 3 achievements

  • Hello fellow pirates,
    i've been sailing for some 100 hours now and try to get all the achievements done in SoT. Since a few days i try do get the last achievements for every Voyager. (translation into english could be a little bit different)
    The achievements means translated something like "represent the Merchant Alliance completely" and as a crew.

    We tried it using: costume, boat skin and flag (level 50 skin) and the merchant flag level 5. But we still dont get it.

    Tried to find a solution, only found XBOX achievement guides. :-(
    Did somebody already got the last achievements of the Voyagers? they last achievements are literally the same for every group.

    Would be a pleasure if someone could help me and my guys out.

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  • @neskit32 you talk about the commendation, right? Because there is no achievement for have to be lvl 75, because you get the figurehead there and the whole ship set has to be used and the outfit, while you are merchant emissary

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