Unable to hear Voice chat.

  • Hey folks, as of a couple of weeks ago I have been having voice chat trouble in SoT. I am unable to hear other people when/if they are speaking in game and according to my discord buddies they can not hear me either.

    When I speak, my chat icon shows up in the corner of my screen so I know SoT is at least detecting the input, but when my friends or other people speak I dont see the little icon appear above their heads.

    For clarification, I am playing on the Windows 10 version of Sot and I have already read through the Windows 10 Audio Issues guide. I have also already contacted support but they only told me to go read the audio guide.

    Any help from you wonderful folks would be appreciated, thank you.

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  • check the audio setting in both the game as well as in the xbox app or xbox console companion app. there may be a mismatch in your settings. otherwise that guide would of covered everything else.

  • So I actually figured out the problem.
    For whatever reason, even though I have had a Strict NAT Type for the past few months, it has only just recently crippled my voice chat.

    Using a VPN to swap my NAT type to open or moderate fixed it completely but now I have to find a decent free VPN that wont make my ping sky rocket.

  • @zillysaur interesting find, sorry i was unable to help. i shall take note of this for others in the future.

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