Ashen Key Masters gone from islands

  • Hey guys, the last 20 or so ashen skeletons I have encountered on islands have been Ashen Guardians. No Ashen Key Masters. Are they no longer spawning on islands?

  • 6
  • Could be a bug, could just be bad luck. Submit a support ticket to Rare and they might investigate further.

  • @scotty-t07 same thing happen to me, havent find a single key holder.

  • I've found exactly the same. In the last 3 weeks i've only ever found ashen guardians. The only key i've seen has been one a crew member randomly fished up

  • Incase anyone is still looking this Thread up. There are definitely far less key guardians now then theare use to be. I haven’t even seen a guardian since I started up again a month or two ago. Mostly captains; however I have come across one key guardian thus far so they aren’t completely gone.

  • @yanosh Ahoy matey!

    They were recently reintroduced back to islands but in far fewer quantities than they were before after a long hiatus of not spawning at all. So keep the faith - they are out there.

    Ahoy maties!

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