Support ticket system is broken

  • @deckhands Not sure if anybody else is having this issue, but I cannot view my support tickets or submit a new one.

    What happens:
    I go to view my requests, it then loads the Microsoft log in to your account window, I log in and as soon as it loads in, it will not load the request page or the submit a new ticket page, it will load the main page with the video.

    If I log in first, then refresh the page, so as to make sure it is logged in properly, then click Submit a new ticket, it loads the log in window again for me to log into Microsoft account, then as soon as I click ok, it kicks me out to the main page again, this time logged out, (white icon)

    At this time there is no way for me to check the status of my tickets or to place new ones.

    And I STILL cannot buy the Athena title in the PL hideout, it keeps saying "Can't find that" as well as 4 weeks now of no Insider rewards, which was supposed to be fixed in this retail patch.

    Please fix my account and check on the submit ticket system

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  • @Deckhands Hey, I still can't post anything new or check out my tickets, what is going on here with this issue?

  • Don't bump your threads its against the rules.

  • @deckhands @Travis354 I can't post support tickets or view my requests, bumping is the only way to get an answer, or I could create multiple post with the same title, just for you guys.

  • just be patient! Dont do something against the rules as Rare has many deckhands that can be rigid to the rules and might ban you.

  • @vorxet-pupil434 Thanks castaway, you just get this game? I have been on here for 2 years now, but thanks for the critic lol

  • @Musicmee Why has nobody gotten back to me , or fixed this issue in almost a month now??

    This is really bad customer service... 20 days and nobody can tell me why I can't place new tickets or see or check my old ones??

    Just logs me out EVERY TIME.

    Not being able to place support tickets or view my open ones should have been fixed in under a week, by support staff.
    If those people even exist.

  • I have almost the same problem. but this has been bugged for quite a long time. not just a couple of months.

  • @Deckhands This still hasn't been fixed or addressed, I cannot place or check on open support tickets.
    Why is it taking so long for an answer or for a fix?

    Not being able to get support is a HUGE problem, and then not getting an answer or any help in over a month is just horrible customer service from Rare.

  • @rotax99 I don't have problems with support what's the deal exactly

  • @rotax99 I just can say how it works for me...when going to see my tickets it brings me first to this "main-page"-kind of...then it let's me log I get to that main-page thing again, I click to my tickets again and I'm there...

  • @rotax99 what i simply do is, go to “my requests” it asks me to logon and when thats all done it bumps me back to support page, i then click on “my requests” again And hey presto i can see all my requests

    Is it perfect, nah could be more user friendly but it works

  • I get my support ticket page in french...and im more North up in the EU....funny sheit

  • @deckhands @schwammlgott I did type what my problem was in steps:

    What happens:
    I go to view my requests, it then loads the Microsoft log in to your account window, I log in and as soon as it loads in, it will not load the request page or the submit a new ticket page, it will load the main page with the Sea of Thieves video, and I am logged out.

    If I log in first, then refresh the page, so as to make sure it is logged in properly, then click Submit a new ticket, it loads the log in window again for me to log into Microsoft account, then as soon as I click ok, it kicks me out to the main page again, this time logged out, (white icon) for my profile.

    So anytime I click check ticket status, or go to the known issues page, and go to submit new ticket, it asks me to log into the Microsoft account Again, which it already is, (red profile pic icon) and then once I log back in it will just load up the main page and my account will be a white icon (logged out of profile)

    As I have said there is no way of viewing my open tickets or to submit new ones, as it always asks me to log back in before it takes me to the right page, then it defaults logs me out and back to main page or to the known issues page, but with a white profile icon, not my logged in profile picture.

    These is no issue posting to the forums or to check out my profile, it is only centered around the "Ticket Support System."

    Again not getting any reply from Rare staff is making me think they did this on purpose and will not respond with any help.

  • @callmebackdraft Yes that is great that is works for you, but did you even read my post?

    I listed exactly what steps I was taking and how it is still broken, and what the webpage is doing.

    My tickets and requests were fine (just like you) until it stopped working and I couldn't check my tickets, or place new ones.

    I mean over a month now and not one email or help from anybody at the Rare team, seems like they are either inept or just doing it on purpose at this point.

  • @Deckhands @Quartermasters @Rare-Community-Managers

    Still waiting for some customer service here....

  • @rotax99 Ahoy matey!

    As I can't discuss moderation actions here, I am going to drop anchor on this post.

    But, for now, if you require support you will have to use the forums and hope that a user or one of the team spots it and can help you.

    See you on the seas!

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