My opinions to Improve Sea of Thieves for 2.0.16 Or later (Long Post!) - Reaper's Voyage, Mercant Vendor, Pets, Respawn, Cutlass Combat depth, and Blunderbuss balance and "The Murky Depths/Sunken Treasures DLC"

  • Ahoy, all!
    It's my third Post so sorry if the Post will look kinda Messy.

    Note it is a Long post!
    I have been gathering Things That I think could use a change and trying to find solutions for them.

    Those are the things I thought and found a some kind of a solutions so far!

    I would be happy to know what you think about those Ideas!

    Reaper's Bones:
    Reaper's Voyage - (Ship/Crew/Pirate Bounty)

    The Bounty Collector (Reaper's Side) will read:

    1. "The Reaper/Flame Wants you to send __ (Name/s) Soul/s to the Ferry Of the Dammed and Bring Their Souls Essence as A proof of your doing."


    2)"The Reaper/Flame Wants you to Sink the Ship of ___ (crew Names/Ship's Name) and Bring "Ship's frame" proof of your doing."

    "Located at The ___

    ( 1) Regions, The Wilds, The Ancient Isles, The Shores of Plenty, The Devil's Roar.


    1. Compass or Arrow Direction.)

    Do so Until The ___ of ___ Th
    (Time and Date, similar to the Merchant Voyages)"

    Survivor Side:
    "It has come to the attention of The Order of souls That A Bounty on your Soul/Ship By the Reaper's Bones!

    You must survive until the __ of the ___th (Time and Date)"


    1. Soul Essence Will be visible only To those who have The Voyage/ The Killed Pirates.

    2. The Targeted Pirate/s will Receive a Clear Warning about the Bounty on their Souls and Ship.

    3. Scuttle ships / Quitting Player with Bounty will award the Reapers with Half of the Total amount Immediately.

    4. Surviving Ships or Pirate/s with Reaper Bounty will Receive half of the total reward of the Reaper.

    5. Killed Pirates Can See and reclaim Their Soul Essence Which Makes them eligible For the Surviving Rewards again. But also Place them Back on The Reaper Bounty.

    6. Pirate/s Souls Essence can be placed into a Chests.

    7. The Hunted Pirates/Ships Will have a Glow/Beacons Lightning them, which can be seen Only by The Reapers with the Voyage.]

    Merchant Vendor:
    A new offers by the Merchant alliance:
    right next to the Senior Trader will be standing the Merchant Vendor,
    this Npc will sell you Full stocked up Resource crates of any type you need!
    from Fruit, wood, and Cannon Crates to Ammo and storage crates!
    [notes: each will cost from around 3300 to 5000 Gold per supply crate, depends on the supply crate]
    [fruit crate will be with random fruits)


    1. Call Pet: A option to call your Pet to your arm/s,
      without the need to look for it or going to the Pet Chest to pick it up again.

    2. Hide Emote, give the pets a Hide emote as well!
      when the Pirate is using this emote the pet will go to the Pirate and Hide with the Pirate.

    The pets won't make any sounds And their names will be hidden during this emote.

    Respawn Immunity- after returning from The Ferry of the Dammed the Pirate will have a "Ghostly Immunity" which gives the Pirate Total Damage Immunity for 5-10 seconds.

    Upon moving (walk/run/look) and doing any action this drawing any weapon, equipment or supply, will remove the "Ghostly Immunity" Immediately.


    Cutlass- more depth to the cutlass combat:

    1. Well-timed Block will cause a "stun effect" on the attacking target similar to attacking A "Golden Skeleton"

    2. after a successful block allowing a faster Counter-Strike.

    3. faster charge from Block Position.
      (Only from Block Position.)
      Upon taking damage charge will be canceled and stop the animation Immediately.

    4. starting a blocking from Normal Charge will cancel the Cutlass Charge

    5. if both targets attack each other at the same time their weapons will collide and none will take damage, but both will

    [Notes: those changes will be like a "Rock, Paper, scissors" mechanics to the Cutlass Combat.
    Which will cause and encourage players to plan more strategically how to approach and fight their opponents.

    Attacking > Chargeing
    Charging > Blocking
    Blocking > Attacking]

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Reduce the Number of pellets to 8/ 9 (deals up to a total of 80%/90%

    Notes: This will give more balance to the game,
    And encourage and cause players to use more than a Single Blunderbuss Shot to take down a pirate.

    [the Nerf will still allow the Blunderbuss to deal High Damage up close and still could allow users to take down Targets with one hit from all the other Weapons,
    similar to the other Weapon Combos.

    And still take one-shot damaged and Low health targets from Close up to a medium Range (1 step up to 6/8 steps away)

    The Murky Depths/Sunken Treasures
    (Disclaimer, this is something I made up, this isn't official/leaked in any way, if it happens to be true it's Purely Coincidental!)

    The DLC will introduce New enemy to the Game, and a whole new Underwater Area to explore and Plunder.

    New Enemy and its Subtypes:

    Feral Merfolk - A single Feral Merfolk will act similarly to the Skeletons we know already.

    Mainly a Danger to Pirates in swimming in the water.

    Killing one Will award pirates with a gold bag of gold to Pick up.

    Feral Merfolk Swarm - those Will Contain Feral Merfolk in Large numbers, in waves and will jump on and attack your crew and ship.

    Driving/Defeating them will award the Pirates with Stolen Treasures by the Feral Merfolk.
    Similar to Megalodon and Kraken

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


    A Pirate Stole my Chest of Legends among with some Crates of Precious Gemstones,

    I managed to kill the Pirate but the crate started sinking, suddenly I saw something Snatching the Chest and Crates and Heading to the South,
    once I returned to the surface I ordered my Crew to follow it, and we did.

    We followed it until we reached the Southern Shroud.
    we Immediately turned my Ship to the "Ancient Spire" and telling my story to the Pirate Lord and getting my hands on the shroudbreaker from him once more."

    As we arrive at this "Forsaken Bay" we learn that Southen Shroud Held The Feral Merfolk for hundred of Years from the times of the Ancients,
    Feral Merfolk has been cursed by Cursed Gold and treasures.

    We learned as well that every sunken treasure ends up over here.

    "As we dived into those Murky Depths we saw the legends go be true, and there must Billions of those Creatures down there...

    And they all will be spreading Into the Sea of Thieves...
    we must warn everyone and have them prepare before it's too late.

    that's all that I got so far,
    Please do let me know what you think about those ideas/changes/additions to the game!

    thanks for reading!

  • 4
    feedbackstory & loregeneral
  • @ilwolf96 said in My opinions to Improve Sea of Thieves for 2.0.16 Or later (Long Post!) - Reaper's Voyage, Mercant Vendor, Pets, Respawn, Cutlass Combat depth, and Blunderbuss balance and "The Murky Depths/Sunken Treasures DLC":

    Merchant Vendor:
    A new offers by the Merchant alliance:
    right next to the Senior Trader will be standing the Merchant Vendor,
    this Npc will sell you Full stocked up Resource crates of any type you need!
    from Fruit, wood, and Cannon Crates to Ammo and storage crates!
    [notes: each will cost from around 3300 to 5000 Gold per supply crate, depends on the supply crate]
    [fruit crate will be with random fruits)

    Taking one down of the list :D

  • why did you necro and bump your own post?

  • Ahoy maties!

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