• I had a great time the other day with this update. a lot of times its been a struggle with reapers on my sloop but the other day i noticed a merchant galleon and sailed right at them as i was being chased by a reaper brig. i yelled out for aid and heard nothing. then the moment of truth came. i sailed right by and they didnt fire on me haha, and they let loose on the brig. MY HEROES!

    I doubled back and we all dumpstered the brig. was awesome. we split loot and all was good.

    later that session another reaper galleon came after us. luckily wind was in our favor and we caught up to our galleon bros. the enemy galleon turned off for a bit but then got the courage to come in at us. the galleon was a man down but we came at the reaper on both sides. i landed a mast chainshot and went to turn around...

    MY ALLY WAS GONE lol. i think they had some bombs on board and i guess they got hit or something cause they were gone in literally ten seconds haha. also my partner on the sloop disconnected. so i pointed my ship into the wind to escape. then i saw a guy with a bomb in the water coming to board me. i shot him and we both died and on the ferry he said he was from the ally galleon coming to help me haha.

    VERY BAD COMMUNICATION.. but a very fun experience haha. especially the first encounter... haha.

    im hopeful this update will make alliances much more common among regular emissaries vs reapers.

  • 2
  • Mate that was good play

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