Game chat is really useful

  • I see a lot of times people complaining about their Tall Tales items being stolen and possible ways to tell other crews your loot is useless for them.
    I speak for myself and cannot tell if other crews might do the same, but you can always try to speak to the other crew and tell them you are doing a Tale.

    I know this can sound weird but it might work. There has been two times that when I was attacking a ship and someone told they were doing a tale. In those two occasions my crew and I decided to let them sail but stole all the other stuff they had on board.

    With this I want to encourage you to speak because you will never know how useful this is until you try it. Of course, not all the pirates are like me and will let you keep your Tale items or even give them back to you, but you can always try and ask them.

    I hope this little tip may help you. This community has really great people playing and many of them may understand the struggle of doing Tall Tales and could let you sail to finish it.

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  • @capt-pilotes I don't always use the mic when playing solo or when playing with my gf, mostly use my chatpad to write my works like you said, with voice or written, doesn't matter...sometimes you find even friends with that...

    Wish I could upvote this twice

  • doing this all the time. 9/10 cases the hostile crew left us untouched.

  • @avecrux sagte in Game chat is really useful:

    doing this all the time. 9/10 cases the hostile crew left us untouched.

    Wow, you must be either extremely lucky or a good pursuader...

  • @schwammlgott

    Ha Ha I agree

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