For new combative players...

  • Dont ever try looking for a kraken until your experienced and familiar with the sea of thieves map. Krakens will attack ships at random and dont go leisure hunting them as they can deal lots of damage and drop NO RESOURCES WHATSOEVER. Megladons can be found at any part of the deep sea and will drop decent loot that will give you a new weapon or equipment.

  • 9
  • @stripes3071 Liar, Krakens drop epic good loot for every tentacle you kill. Easy to deal with if you know what you are doing.

  • One doesn't look for the Kraken, the Kraken finds you.

  • @ricewynd
    Your the liar or you've been told wrong

  • @stripes3071 said in For new combative players...:

    Your the liar or you've been told wrong

    Oh honey, I could lecture you on just how wrong you are but Captain Falcore already beat you to it over a year ago, so I'll just link his video. Enjoy

  • @stripes3071

    Your the liar or you've been told wrong

    Kraken does infact drop loot, its not high tier or anything, but it does drop loot. It will also drop Kraken meat, which can be cooked and sold to the Hunters Call faction. It can also be eaten if you want some passive health regen.

    You've been playing this game for an extremely short time, it may come as a surprise that there is stuff you're unaware of.

  • @nabberwar

    Ok thanks for letting me know I've been told by lots of people it doesn't drop anything

  • @stripes3071 Can confirm loot does drop but you gotta kill tentacle.

  • @stripes3071

    i wonder how many people miss so many information and knowledge about the game.
    And it seems that a lot of misinformation spreads like...
    Well Fake News were allways prominent, weren't they?

    Kraken and Megalodon scale in difficulty depending on your ship.
    Sloops get an "easy" Kraken while Brigantines and Galleones get a more challenging Kraken. Eeach Tentacle drops loot!!!
    Kraken never appears when a Fort or a Shipraid is active, but between 2 Events you have a great chance of running into one.
    It's not uncommon you finish a Fort, loot, sail away and get a Kraken.

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