Double gun exploit fix or ban time?

  • Hey team,

    So I've noticed a lot lately that people are doing the double gun switch for the firing... Which is technically glitching because it's an exploit.

    An awful lot of low class players are using this exploit to gain an unfair advantage... I know it will be fixed with a short delay when swapping or something, like most games fix these like drop shotters in games and ban people for doing it.

    It's starting to plague the game!

    When are rare planning to fix and ban this exploit!

    Thank you!

  • 32
  • @menphuess It is already fixed, even if you sprint to pull your gun and cancel the animation there is a 1-2 second pause now between if your dying to it now, you just need more practice in the game. People say it is not fixed because a 1-2 second pause is not long enough I guess..but I remember when I could fire both my guns at the same so yes it is fixed..there is a short pause which is how it is suppose to be. Why do people feel like there needs to be a 30 seconds between each shot? Maybe we should do that to the sword also? If you miss your swing you have to wait 2 seconds to swing again..sound good? lol...

  • @jebluscrhist - 100% it's not fixed AT ALL!

    You can still swap and shoot at the same type, even swap, sprint shoot... It's not fixed at all

    We also have video proof of players doing it recorded 10mins ago!

  • @menphuess No you can't, I did it all the time, it does not work no more because I am im the habit of doing it I still try to do it and it does not don't tell me it works when I sit here and try to do it everyday of my life..there is around a 2 second pause between shots..

  • @jebluscrhist said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @menphuess No you can't, I did it all the time, it does not work no more because I am im the habit of doing it I still try to do it and it does not don't tell me it works when I sit here and try to do it everyday of my life..there is around a 2 second pause between shots..

    Then there is a new one or you are saying it's not because you know it's not and want to keep it that way... We have video proof!

  • @menphuess can i see the video because i have no idea what u guys are talking about

  • @menphuess Link me the video..and it must be after the patch..I 100% bet if it is a vid past patch there is a it now please

  • @minegamer-1016 said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @menphuess can i see the video because i have no idea what u guys are talking about

    My friend recorded it on his Xbox as we reported the players doing it. I'll get him to post on Xbox and share the link

    Basically you shoot one gun and then sprint swap to he next gun and shoot again within pretty much one bullet and is instant death...

  • Wow would you look at that..he logged off and didn't link me the vid..LOL
    @Menphuess oh so now you don't have the vid? LOL and dude the glich you are talking about is that is an old vid or there is a pause and you just don't think it is long enough..if you don't think the pause between shots is long enough then that is fine..say something..but stop complaining about a glitch that is no longer in the game.

  • @jebluscrhist said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    Wow would you look at that..he logged off and didn't link me the vid..LOL
    @Menphuess oh so now you don't have the vid? LOL and dude the glich you are talking about is that is an old vid or there is a pause and you just don't think it is long enough..

    I did not log off, I am still here thanks but based on your negativity I can clearly tell something...

    I said, if you read the post, I will get my friend to post and share the link... Learn manners and patience!

  • @menphuess Ok I will be here waiting..last guy that told me this was still a thing and I asked for a vid never responded to lets see how this goes ;)

  • @jebluscrhist - Yeah and now because of your attitude and snidy remarks, I will see how I feel about posting here and will be sending to rare in a ticket because the less people are aware how to do it, the better!

    Low class players ruin this game on a huge scale!

    I am waiting for my friend to upload on xbox and OneDrive it to me so I can send to Rare

  • @menphuess Ok so you don't have vid prof..ok bye bye! :D

  • @jebluscrhist said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @menphuess Ok so you don't have vid prof..ok bye bye! :D

    People like you are the problem 100%

  • @menphuess So now that you don't have vid prof, I am the problem..? I asked to see prof of the so called not fixed bug..and you say because I am mean you now, no longer have prof..LOL stop trolling..goodbye!

  • Wait so your mad that a player shoots, switches weapon, and hits you for a second shot? Weapon swapping is in every game as an option faster than reloading. The penalty is pretty harsh if you miss. Taking a long pause for just 1 reload. Much less both guns. Take a line from piccolo "DODGE"

  • I completely agreem, it's not been fixed and noticed it today which made me turn the game off.

    They are quick swapping and shooting with some sort of glitch and causing you to instant die.

    Players using this should be banned and who ever does use this are pure human trash!

  • @naynayso19 said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    Wait so your mad that a player shoots, switches weapon, and hits you for a second shot? Weapon swapping is in every game as an option faster than reloading. The penalty is pretty harsh if you miss. Taking a long pause for just 1 reload. Much less both guns. Take a line from piccolo "DODGE"

    He is just trolling dude..he has no prof...he is on here to complain about something that has been fixed just because he lost to double gunning..lame attempt.

  • @hammzilla1988 The bug is 100% fixed because I use to do it all the unless someone is cheating, it is not possible..I have tried and tried to get it to work does not I am not saying I cant shoot fast..because I can..but there is still around 2 seconds between my shots..which is how it is suppose to be.

  • @jebluscrhist said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @hammzilla1988 The bug is 100% fixed because I use to do it all the unless someone is cheating, it is not possible..I have tried and tried to get it to work does not I am not saying I cant shoot fast..because I can..but there is still around 2 seconds between my shots..which is how it is suppose to be.

    Well based on you saying that you used to do it, then requesting over and over in a very obsessive and negative way.. It seems you WANT to see so you know how to do it and try to replicate to do in games, like you used too.. that is not good is it...

  • @hammzilla1988 said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @jebluscrhist said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @hammzilla1988 The bug is 100% fixed because I use to do it all the unless someone is cheating, it is not possible..I have tried and tried to get it to work does not I am not saying I cant shoot fast..because I can..but there is still around 2 seconds between my shots..which is how it is suppose to be.

    Well based on you saying that you used to do it, then requesting over and over in a very obsessive and negative way.. It seems you WANT to see so you know how to do it and try to replicate to do in games, like you used too.. that is not good is it...

    Yeah I noticed the same thing, very forward and negative.. I did not think obsessive until he sent me a message ON Xbox asking for my friends name etc.. Very strange behaviour but I've ignored him as people like this are not worth the time.

  • @hammzilla1988 So your the same as the other guy..? Because I use to do it and am testing to see if I can do it again I am a bad person? No...if I could manage to find a way to do it again I would submit a ticket to rare and let them know..I am just saying I was very experianced in doing it..and now I am telling you that you can't do it no more..but people like you don't want to accept that it is fixed and maybe you are just bad at the game? I know it hurts to hear that..but think about what I am is FIXED..if you are still dying to double gunning and have not figured out how to counter it..maybe sims is more your speed?

  • @menphuess People like you that lie about having video prof are not worth anyone's time..the forums are for real feedback..not lies..and the only reason I wanted your friends tag was to see this vid you are talking about..but now I know it is fake because you are full of produce no real results..

  • @jebluscrhist said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @hammzilla1988 So your the same as the other guy..? Because I use to do it and am testing to see if I can do it again I am a bad person? No...if I could manage to find a way to do it again I would submit a ticket to rare and let them know..I am just saying I was very experianced in doing it..and now I am telling you that you can't do it no more..but people like you don't want to accept that it is fixed and maybe you are just bad at the game? I know it hurts to hear that..but think about what I am is FIXED..if you are still dying to double gunning and have not figured out how to counter it..maybe sims is more your speed?

    So "you used to do it so much you where VERY experienced" and yet never raised a ticket so used it over and over on players to ruin their fun? Yet NOW you want to find out to submit a ticket? Like anyone believes that!

    Also yes, I believe the other guy because I've seen it and had it done to me. Maybe the way YOU used to do it does not work but glitches, bugs, exploits are always popping up and players find it, we gamers are experienced in finding things.

    Everything about what you've wrote and said is just not right and hopefully no video is posted to show how it's done to stop players doing it.

    I also did not know you had to see something to believe it.. Have you ever seen a million dollars? Or something super rare like a Ruby apart from TV... No! So must not be real!


  • @hammzilla1988 said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @jebluscrhist said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    @hammzilla1988 So your the same as the other guy..? Because I use to do it and am testing to see if I can do it again I am a bad person? No...if I could manage to find a way to do it again I would submit a ticket to rare and let them know..I am just saying I was very experianced in doing it..and now I am telling you that you can't do it no more..but people like you don't want to accept that it is fixed and maybe you are just bad at the game? I know it hurts to hear that..but think about what I am is FIXED..if you are still dying to double gunning and have not figured out how to counter it..maybe sims is more your speed?

    So "you used to do it so much you where VERY experienced" and yet never raised a ticket so used it over and over on players to ruin their fun? Yet NOW you want to find out to submit a ticket? Like anyone believes that!

    Also yes, I believe the other guy because I've seen it and had it done to me. Maybe the way YOU used to do it does not work but glitches, bugs, exploits are always popping up and players find it, we gamers are experienced in finding things.

    Everything about what you've wrote and said is just not right and hopefully no video is posted to show how it's done to stop players doing it.


    Just ignore him, you can clearly see his attitude and negative remarks in his comments. I've just turned off notifications to this thread so I will not be coming back.

    We've sent it to Rare and I 100% agree with you on his actions and your comment is priceless. Had to thumbs up for that :)

    Happy sailing and stay safe!

  • @hammzilla1988 No video was posted because he has no vid prof..LOL You don't understand trolling huh? He is on here lying about having video prof of a bug that has been fixed? He didn't post the vid because he didn't want people seeing it..he didn't post it because I called him out on his lie and now he and you are getting I am going to leave it at this..goodbye.

  • @jebluscrhist It's less then a second with the exploit. I can pull it off easy but never uses it. And there are easy scripts to find where you can pull it of even faster with a push of a button. 1-2 seconds it's like a normal gun switch with no exploit.

  • If I ask politely, will you post a link to the video please? Or at least your friends xbox user name so I can go to his profile and see the video. Thank you in advance.

  • @hammzilla1988 said in Double gun exploit fix or ban time?:

    I also did not know you had to see something to believe it.. Have you ever seen a million dollars? Or something super rare like a Ruby apart from TV... No! So must not be real!


    Logic?! Lol okay. Rubies aren't something that is super rare you only see on TV! People walk around wearing them all the time. They aren't even very expensive.


  • OP is fake news. Bug fixed long time ago.

  • It does seem like the OP is just trying to start something by making this post, so dont act like youre the good guy here. You said you had video evidence but then you never posted it. By the way it was patched a while ago, just saying.

  • As this thread has devolved into a personal argument, it will now be locked. Please refrain from engaging in argument on the forums, and posting to stir unrest in the community.

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