Guess for Gold Competition - How Many Forts Raided? [RESULTS]

  • Ahoy there fellow pirates!

    The latest Guess for Gold Competition where we asked you to guess how many Forts were raided has now ended.

    While we didn't have any direct hits, there were two pirates that guessed the closest to the actual number which was:

    The two forum members who were the closest to the correct answer and winners of our Grand Prize this week were:

    @insaiity - 5677
    @BadZombie013 - 5677

    Congratulations! You'll be receiving your prizes soon! Keep an eye out for a direct message on the forum for the details.

    Thanks to everyone who took part! The competition was fierce this time around. We'll be back on Thursday with another Guess for Gold stat and most importantly, more loot!

    IOnEI Falcon

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